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Posts posted by number37

  1. Looks like he's there against his will. 


    He was just in the region for Sunderland Pride, was the only one around and has been promised his passport back if he cooperates and plays centre midfield for a bit. 

  2. Isn't it mostly why we get that Yorkshire rugby thing every year? The whole original point of it was to have it in a different place each year where they don't naturally care about it (99.999999% of Britain) so they can spread their message but they've now settled on us because you can be straight out on the piss in any number of pubs within a square mile after the Bradford and Bingley game has finished. 


    It's the cross we have to bear for being so mint and friendly, I suppose. 

  3. 1 minute ago, STM said:

    Aye, sounds like rain in the background or summit?

    Yeah, just really badly dubbed like when they pumped in the crowd noises during lockdown but instead using a soundtrack from a Fifa game on the Mega Drive (just on slightly better speakers). 

  4. Is it just my TV being dodgy or does the background crowd noise sound a bit odd for the Liverpool v Bournemouth game on Match of the Day? It's like when you have an ear full of water and the sound comes and goes. Makes it difficult to concentrate on the match. 

  5. Aye, he's not fooling anyone. They shamelessly claim it tracks activity levels and provides bedtime guidance. Couldn't be more brazen, two of their blog articles refer to fertility and contraception research. It's the equivalent of saying you use incognito mode for online shopping. 


    Still though, it's such a positive sign of how far we've come (;)) over the last year when a PIF-funded Prius-based Soup Kitchen is a much more palatable prospect than the Sports Direct equivalent. 


    One day I'll get used to all this professionalism. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, xLiaaamx said:

    Get it done by half twelve Friday 


    Or is that impossible now he needs a work permit? 

    Not sure it can be that quick but a work permit shouldn't be a problem assuming he'll be on more than £25,000 - £30,000 a year or whatever the requirement is! 

  7. What I really love about this forum is not only how my brain is stimulated by the debate of whether it's 1881 or 1892 as to the correct year of the club's formation, whether it's due to the continuation of Newcastle East End under a different guise or the sign of a fresh, united beginning but my special region is very much being stimulated by this incredibly exciting news. 


    Not saying I prefer one over the other, of course, but we're all animals at the end of the day. 


  8. 1 minute ago, Abacus said:

    I remember it like it was yesterday. [emoji38]


    I do get the argument that the East End team were a consistent one from 1881 and just moved locations.


    However, I think that the act of changing the name to bring along the West End fans does in fact mean that is both symbolically and in reality the start of Newcastle United, i.e. a united Newcastle team.


    But I'd like to hear what Gabby Agbonlahor thinks.

    Yeah, I'd say 1881 would be the factual birthday but 1892 to be the symbolic birthday. 


    At least either can be based in fact rather than the weapons grade horseshit Crystal Palace are trying to pull with their foundation date. 

  9. When he was lining up the free kick, before he took it, the commentator said something about how he's scored in a World Cup semi final and I couldn't help but smile in that moment - obviously smiled a hell of a lot more a few seconds later.


    Aye, just one of three Englishmen to have ever scored in a World Cup semi final, casually strolling up to take a free kick after having joined the club in the midst of a relegation battle from the Spanish champions. 


    We've made worse signings, like. 

  10. 30 minutes ago, The Butcher said:

    Have that:lol: such a pointless tackle. 


    Even the commentators were shocked. 'pero, por que?' [emoji38]


    There was an article the other day on the BBC Sport site that had a load of images to represent and portray the 30 years of the Premier League and one of them was this: 




    I'm absolutely, 100% glad that tackles like this are no longer part of the game (as that one in the above video should be) but there's just that small part of me that can almost admire what's happening, which is probably not the phrase I mean, but when it's Eric Cantona coming up against Peter Reid, what is it that we're reasonably expecting to happen? It's almost majestic how Peter Reid leaps like the out of place and out of time salmon he is. It encapsulates the ending of one era and the start of a new one as Cantona glides by (hopefully, I assume). 

  11. 28 minutes ago, HaydnNUFC said:


    Thanks for sharing this - I love this sort of thing. Always blows my mind how we can still watch a football game from that period that for them (those playing and spectating) would be like the equivalent of looking back at footage from the American declaration of independence - roughly a similar time gap, give or take. 


    What really grinds my gears is how the Premier League are falling over themselves to tell anyone who'll listen about how it's been 30 years since its formation, like it's a thing anyone cares about, when they should be throwing all the money and technology in the world (in my opinion) at preserving and publicising footage like this.


    1901, man. It's not often glamorous to think Britain can be quite good at something but nowhere else had the best part of 40 years of top level organised football by that time. 

  12. The only way I could officially condone this would be if there was an option where you could press the red button (or Prime's equivalent) for a dedicated Bruno and/or Matt Targett channel. 


    I assume that's what the sticking point in any negotiations would be, making sure Matt is fully on board and comfortable with everything. A ten minute NUFCTV interview is already borderline for him. Maybe Amazon can sweeten the deal by letting him have a gander through their accounts whilst they're here?

  13. Just now, WarrenBartonCentrePartin said:

    Mad thought: Would there have been owt to stop us having all outfield players wear the green, orange or yellow keeper kit (it's not the 90s, they're basically a standard shirt anyway) and putting Pope in an outfield kit or another keeper kit?

    It's a good option. Last year, the Arsenal goalkeepers wore the yellow outfield shirt a few times. 

  14. Does anyone still add their own name to shirts instead of a player's name? 


    When I was a kid, I had my own surname and number 7 on the 97 and 99 home shirts but if I were to buy a shirt now as an adult, I think I'd feel really odd about it (and this is coming from a guy who has a 2009 top with Ranger 30 on the back). 

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