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Posts posted by Thumbheed

  1. 5 minutes ago, Newcastle Fan said:


    I'm actually wondering the same about you?  it seems to be quite a silly reaction as clearly that Simon fella was using a serious issue to try and score a cheap shot at Newcastle and he suffered the consequences of his own actions, the account that tweeted about this is an actual Newcastle fan from Saudi who supported the club from 2005, and many of his follower are/were also fans and  like many of our other fans was happy to see him get the sack, you can debate wither or not our fans reaction was correct but that's already being done in the Greenwood thread.

    It was a cheap shot at the owners, not Newcastle United. 


    If he'd said he's [Greenwood] a right fit for Newcastle United, then have at it, the reaction from the fans would be justifiable. But for us to set on him like a pack of attack dogs and defend the virtues of the Saudi fucking regime is sportwashing in the strictest sense; something I'm absolutely not comfortable being associated with the club. 


    I'm not interested in whether it was right or wrong he lost his job, or the debate on actions and consequences of a crass comment made on a public forum, I'm interested in the fact that the reaction to the tweet appears to be the very definition of sportwashing. 

  2. 30 minutes ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

    The following line in The Athletic Transfer questions article is worrying


    "Howe is believed to have assessed the final list again, with it appearing to be a straight call between Clark and Federico Fernandez for the last centre-back berth."




    It's fucking tragic. 


    Ritchie over Lewis as well. 

  3. I think people are being overly harsh here. I don't think there's an obvious weakness we haven't addressed and that's surely all we can measure this window by. Hoping to get better in areas we're already prem standard in would be a bonus but not a requirement.  


    We're actually a really well balanced side now with a CM 3 of Willock, Bruno and Joelinton looking like they could be an absolute handful for anyone. 


    Our defence looks 10 fold better and our forward line is good. 


  4. 1 minute ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    No idea why. We need new GK(s) medium term but CB and/or another forward are more important iyam.

    GK's can transform a defence tbf, we've seen that ourselves. 


    Improving in Dubs (who looks short of confidence at the moment) would be a good move imo

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