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Posts posted by Thumbheed

  1. 2 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

    Fwiw, the local Chelsea media/journalists are all still saying Chelsea’s priority is to recall Emerson from Lyon rather than sign a new left back.


    Always rated Emerson whenever I've seen him play. Should just bid for him. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Heron said:

    Yeah, you'd think so. It can work two ways though, perhaps it'll motivate some to prove their worth, it should have already done that with the new ownership tbf. Alternatively, it'll make players lose confidence and faith in their own ability. 

    Yeh exactly. 


    Obviosuly hope it's the former but when you factor in the 2 tier wages we'll inevitably have in the dressing room, you do wonder what the chances are for players to carry on the fight.

  3. 14 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:


    Someone's had a word in his ear and told him to reel it in. 


    Not that I want to put a downer on things but I do worry if this kind of activity unsettles our players, something like this surely will?

  4. 16 minutes ago, reefatoon said:

    This window has been class like, so many names mentioned, great first signing and optimism and excitement all over the place. Saying that though, it’s only the 5th and I don’t think my cock can take it. Pray for the penis as it will be in tatters by the 31st. :fwap:


    Boring isn't it? Just staying in reading transfer rumours with ya life. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, relámpago blanco said:

    We need Vlahovic, he would be our number 9 for the next 10 years.


    Based purely on my extensive 8 minutes of YouTube scouting I'd love him here. 



  6. 6 minutes ago, GeordieDazzler said:


    Panja is one or the most passive aggressive Journos out there like. Aye he's one of those who hates us due to the takeover.

    Aye thoughts so, you can taste the bitterness from his tweets.

  7. 1 hour ago, SUPERTOON said:

    This would be the one I would go all out for :





    Newcastle United.


    Loads of money.


    Helping Barcelona out. 


    Is this real life?

  8. The thing with PEA is he relies on service, and we've not really been crafting the type of chance he'd thrive from. I'd rather go for a striker who can link up well and bring others into the game a bit more. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, buzza said:

    just seen Morelos mentioned on another site, scores them for fun up in sockland. Worth a 20 mil bid?

    Love this kind of player. Nasty prick who backs it with quality.

  10. 3 hours ago, LRD said:

    On Schlotterbeck:


    “I’m not someone who really aspires to play in England or Spain. I have always wanted to play in the Bundesliga, preferably with the best team," Nico Schlotterbeck said in a recent Kicker interview.


    Aiming for Bayern.




    What an utterly rancid quote. 


    'My sporting aspirations is to join a one horse race'

  11. 6 minutes ago, STM said:

    I wouldn't use the media as an accurate source of our priorities.


    I suspect we will see a couple of shrewd loan moves later in the window, for players who might add a spark in the attack.


    Tbf, it's literally my only source so I'm not sure where to go if I can't speculate on speculation.



  12. 30 minutes ago, McCormick said:

    Without trying to sound spoilt, I’d love to see more concrete links to new CMs tbh. 





    Winger too! I don't understand why Murphy and Almiron are deemed good enough as right wingers.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Dokko said:


    Just wait till Trippier comes in then the floodgates will open. He really does signal the start of a new era and put the marker down for ambition and seriousness of the new owners. To happily accept a £30m loss (due to age) as he's the best we can get will turn a few heads in the game. Even now the journos don't seem to get it, they want us linked with lazy options and to blow money on the wrong type of player so they can write more stories of how we fucked this golden chance. Isn't going to happen. Theyll make serious moves every window from now on. Shame for the player that turns down a chance to be part of it. 


    Let's hope so. 


    Can see more signings of the Trippier ilk ie established high quality players, but signing some of the games brightest talents feels like a totally different challenge when they can just wait for 6 months.


    Having said that, I imagine the wages we can offer to a players who's career has been in Holland and France may sway things. 

  14. 38 minutes ago, toontownman said:

    Especially this early in the window. They didnt just hear of our and AC Milans interest yesterday. They will have a plan of how and who to replace him with. The exodus is surely a worry though. Alot of players leaving and David likely going too.


    Yep agree.


    I'm not actually confident of getting him as I think he's still just slightly out our reach (old habits die hard) but nothing I've read so far really validates that concern at this moment in time, certainly nothing written from that bald shitcunt.

  15. We're operating exactly how we did pre Ashley, only now we can actually afford it, and then some. 


    Our only consideration should be whether the player improves our team or not. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, South-Cheshire-Toon said:

    Shouldn't  that be a upshift not a downgrade? But any how you are feeling better about things.


    For what it's  worth I've never been below a 3, and still at that point now.




    It should, you're right. 


    Still think we have some tricky things to navigate like games in hand and bedding in new players - or even getting players in the first place - but yeh the backlash feels like a big win for now. 

  17. Downgrading from a 9 to a 7. 


    All this backlash over a couple of postponed games tells me others teams are legit bricking having to play us with a strengthened side which can only be a good thing for our survival hopes. Already feels like we're going into games 1-0 up. 


    Long may it continue.

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