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Joey Linton

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Posts posted by Joey Linton

  1. 7 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:

    I think first a jurisdiction application hearing must happen. That's before anything else continues... all sources (Jacobs, Chronicle etc) insist an update by the end of the month is likely. Kennedy claimed a 6 month expedited process taking us around November, but it's Newcastle and the delays pile up so no can't say for certain

    I think it's fairly clear now that anything coming from Kennedy and the podcast lot needs to be taken with a huge pinch of salt. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, GWN said:

    what are they doing exactly , they speak for no one, take the quids and do………erm, fuck all . Piss and moan writing letters .


    whilst all the time taking their seats at the match 



    They've acknowledged themselves that the Premier League ignore their letters, yet they keep writing them.


    It's like Andy writing his weekly letters for the new library on the Shawshank Redemption. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Wandy said:


    Another strongly worded letter. :lol:


    Go and fuck yourselves NUST. You are an embarrassing joke of an organisation.




    Be hoped this election they are having sees a complete change of the board. It's clear that it's needed. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


    Pretty much. I don't attach a single iota of credibility to anyone at this point. The club, Staveley, Ghodoussi, De Marco, Jacobs, Kennedy, Caulkin, Ryder, Edwards, any other journo, relentless Twitter gobshites - the lot of them, not fucking one of them is worth listening to. All you get is either detail-free updates; 'collateral' soundbites wrapped up in the PR game, clicks-driven speculation, or absolute unmitigated attention-seeking horseshite - the latter of which is frankly beyond the pale at this point. Totally sick of it now and the thought of another six+ months of tedious, tetchy, know-nowt discussion is almost as nauseating as the thought of 'following' the club through another Bruce season. 


    Dunno why I'm surprised, like. Pretty sure I've even said as much, that I reckoned it'll drag on all season. But it's just such a pisser, after all the noise this month followed by another cold and empty door-slam. Big part of me hopes PIF pulls out now tbh; if arbitration was ever likely to bear fruit then it was absolutely worth hanging onto that prospect and the idea of it. But you can't help but feel that we all just need to take our medicine and move on.

    Certainly absolutely none of them appear to have seen this coming. Tells you how much genuine info even the likes of Kennedy get. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Fucking hell for a second I thought Amanda had announced the deal was off or something.


    Look on the bright side you’ve got potentially another 6 months of great craic in here with myself, manor and Jinky.


    Keep calm and carry on lads plenty of more twists and info to come out.






    Every cloud mate. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Has this been confirmed? Seems odd for Staveley’s husband to say it’s one-sided if it is true.

    To be fair they've spent the last fortnight bigging it up in the media without ever mentioning this was clearly on the horizon. It's a bit naive not to believe there's a very good chance it is both parties. 

  7. Just now, et tu brute said:


    He can fuck off also, sick to death of his total shit he's been spouting for a few months now. Everything he has said lately about the cases, Martinez, Willock, have been shown to be just total and utter crap.  

    He says he can't answer any questions, so I'm sure that tweet will be his last word on the matter.... 

  8. Desperately telling everyone they wanted everything played out in public whilst seemingly having problems disclosing stuff themselves. It's ok though, Ashley is definitely on our side now. 



    Assume Keith didn't get a call this time either.

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