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Joey Linton

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Posts posted by Joey Linton

  1. 18 minutes ago, Bishops Finger said:

    At least he's trying to do something to get this takeover done instead of sitting in his bedroom tapping away on his keyboard slagging everyone off that's trying to do something about it.


    Keep up the good work though

    That bit in bold is pretty much exactly what he does do to be fair. [emoji38]

  2. 3 minutes ago, gdm said:

    Obsessed :lol:


    The man is a fool. He hold himself up there as being the saviour of the Newcastle fans. Very little ‘he’s been told’ has been true and his social media is a joke from telling actual lawyers they don’t know what they are talking about to saying people outside of Newcastle aren’t real fans. 

    as long as he talks shite I’ll have digs

    That stuff he made up about Willock being here was just stupid. He was always with the arsenal squad, which was proven when he played the next day. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    He’s a £17-19m player that’s worth a punt like Jahanbakhsh at Brighton, Carrillo at Southampton, etc that could be canny but will likely not. Never ever a £40m centre-forward.

    He's never ever a "number 9" type of centre forward full stop. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, gjohnson said:

    Don't know? Can he? Or is it a case that Chelsea had to rely on their academy and didn't have a choice

    Has to be said, you're making a valiant attempt at shifting your original argument there. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    I’m not saying we should kick his face in, I’m asking what people want NUST to do.

    Look at his last response, he has a paragraph of how NUST are quick to call out our clubs owners on the things to do, then goes on about how other clubs fans were quick to call out their owners over the ESL situation.


    So you want them to call out our clubs owners when they do something bad, but also not use when they do something bad to get people behind them?

    You've been presented with multiple examples of them using something bad to drive membership increases but then not back it up by finding out what the members want.


    I've said all along their decisions should be what their members want them to be. That's what i want them to do. Listen. Or even ask. 


    97% of members want the takeover apparently. And yet their paraphrased reaction far too late in the day to yesterday was "well so long as you only sit on every other seat on the bus down and wear masks, we're happy to wish you luck with it" 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:


    Not disputing what they do with the money is helpful, but they'd not get far driving membership numbers if it was, "Join up to NUST, we'll stop big buildings being built across the road from the stadium." They use negativity to drive numbers (like Benitez leaving, Ashley, etc) then don't seem to act on what drives the numbers. That's my view anyway.


    We saw the last couple of weeks of the season their Chelsea & Man Utd counterparts being very outspoken against their clubs and the ESL idea, why can't NUST do the same here with the Premier League situation?




    No mate, you want them to hunt Masters down and "kick his fucking face in" apparently. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    And if I’m you look at my post you’ll see what they have done on the back of that money. They haven’t disappeared, just everyone has stopped paying them attention for the things they do.


    Woth Masters, what are they supposed to do? Honestly what do you want them to do? Kick his fucking face in?

    My point (as you well know) was that they recruited off the back of the Masters meeting, not that i want them to do something to him. Whole thing was "we've opened a dialogue, join the trust". 


    As always, by suggesting threats of violence, you're misrepresenting what the fans actually want. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    Why do people get worked up by NUST not being a protest group?

    Is it because unlike other fans groups, the NUST is the only one to have 15,000 members?

    Everyone is quick to say the NUST should have backed the protests. 40 fucking people went out of what, 30,000 season ticket holders, and a city centre that has a quarter of a million people, an urban area of about 1 million people. 40 people went, and a lot of them were Wraith’s buddies.


    You want to know why NUST are not quick to protest, because our fans largely aren’t interested in protesting. It’s ok saying the demand is there by looking at Twitter, but in reality it isn’t.

    I was there holding a banner up when the Magpie Group were protesting, instead we got people shouting for Ashley to go as they walked through the turnstile. We had the kid who does Toon Polls grassing us up which resulted in the Keegan flag being confiscated by stewards.

    We asked fans how they wanted to protest, people kept saying they wanted a boycott, and late walk in’s, we did both, people went in fucking early and still went to the games.

    We organised a protest to SD’s HQ which the fans said they wanted, we had to cancel because we didn’t get enough people to even cover the price for 1 bus.


    I helped Toon for change with their scarf idea, because fans said they wanted a symbol to help us protest. We sold nowhere near the amount people said they would buy, and got called for chasing the money despite the fact the manufacturer got all the proceeds, the guy in charge of the group had to put his own hand in his pocket to make a charity donation to placate fans.


    It’s alright saying the club had to give away 10,000 season tickets, but that happened because Rafa left, generally our fans by and large are not fucking interested in protesting.

    It might be because football is the only thing a lot of our fans have and it is too much to give up. It might be because in the past we have had people like Wraith who do it for the attention and make us look like fools in the process. I don’t know, all I know is that despite what you think, protests with our fan base just do not work, which is the reason why we have had half a dozen different fan groups try and become the main protest group in the last few years.




    The reason is because, when for example Rafa left, they are quick to use negative stuff around the club for a membership drive to "have your say" but then back off again once it's done. Same with contacting Masters last year. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    NUST are in difficult position. They are an official fan group. If they go for a protest and say it was against the club, the club could pull their official status away from them. If they did it against official football authorities, the FA and FSA could pull their status from them. Without it they have nothing and no ability or right to go into meetings with these people.

    They automatically then lose their right to speak on behalf of the supporters.

    As I have said, we have had numerous groups in the past who’s only objective is to protest, many of them who had the same people running them as NUST has now and in the past.

    The people behind NUST have backed these groups but cannot do that under the NUST banner.

    The FSA won't pull their status. What a load of rubbish this post is. [emoji38]

  10. 11 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    You literally had a few different protest groups which no one ever took seriously and absolutely slated. You literally had one group make a protest scarf which took a lot of doing because as it happens, Mike Ashley is involved with all the scarf making suppliers which meant they wouldn’t produce one.


    Instead of asking for NUST to be a protest group, ask why all the others failed and why the only protest group being able to do something now is ran by a guy who will take every opportunity to sell you one of his shitty homemade t-shirts, and is seen to be someone who cares more about his own publicity than that of others or the club by the majority of the fan base. 

    NUST should be what their members want them to be.


    To be that they need to ask them though. If the result of that means involving themselves in a protest them that's what they should be doing. Not writing letters or sending tweets that appear to authorising someone else to do it. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, WarrenBartonCentrePartin said:

    Haven’t listened to the interview, but I see Luke Edwards has labelled it a “car crash” which is a lot different to what’s been said on here…

    Car crash is way too strong, but she was poor compared to her normal confident sounding self. 



  12. 37 minutes ago, RS said:

    “Aftter consulting with the organisers to ensure the appropriate safety measures are in place,”

    Even their message of support is limp.  What a bunch of wet fuckers. 

    Every single reply to the tweet so far is critical of it. That's some achievement. 

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