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Everything posted by gasman

  1. Just been told by who Greg, that’s the important bit? If it’s your mate Gav, it means f*** all. If it’s Amanda Staveley then you’re the man. Name your source! Naming his source put him and his source in a shit position. Its happening thats all.
  2. "at the PL" eh? Sounds important. "mate of a mate" eh? Sounds legit. "verbally agreed" eh? Cans in the bath. I understood the negativity the statement would bring but I thought I would share it because I have no reason to believe it not to be true.
  3. Verbally ? I didnt want to push it too much with him but i could only guess they were agreed on it but just not put in writing yesterday. Maybe it was today?
  4. Right anyone can laugh at this and im sure people will but I have a mate of a mate at the PL who said the checks were verbally agreed fit and proper yesterday
  5. Or Staveley and the Reubens are paying more for their 10% each? :lol:
  6. Anyone would think they are meeting in sainsburys car park with 5 duffle bags
  7. I mean debenhams. Im no businessman but a donkey could have told you that was a dead duck
  8. Thats it. 200 million??? For 80% Well if its 300 mill as quoted then surely its 66 percent?
  9. I really hope it doesn’t take the full ten days like. it wont
  10. A fair point. But id rather then money went to help children in need or summit
  11. https://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=282654.14640 Sanctimonious c***s. I'd love to see how they'd react in the same situation after 13 years of Ashley. "Well if the UK government is happy to sell arms to Saudi Arabia then maybe...... the Saudis can sell arms to Jordan Pickford???" James McClean would be a more likely buyer
  12. Why would he assume its bringing him back to england? Maybe he has bèentold the Pl have ratified it a d he would rather be in miami. Unless he wants his special parker pen to sign something
  13. The implications of the premier league rejecting the takeover will be immense. The PL has much 'case law' for want of a better quote for them to refer to it to being no different to other takeovers. The fit and proper test must pass. With regards a second bid the fat mother fucker will have to pa truck load of fine if he chooses someone else to sell to before the PLs decision. Its the sauids and nobody else. Stop listening to journalists out on the pull
  14. Keys does have a quarter of a point. Not quite even half a point. But it IS about Newcastle
  15. Richard needs some traction over his head. A panzerfaust should be sufficient
  16. What you prattling on about? Again, nobody is doubting their human rights record. Nobody is downplaying it. We are just discussing the likely impact it is likely to have on the takeover. We dont need your virtue signalling in this thread, thanks. It was a joke and it was specifically in reply to someone who flounced off when I disagreed with him, ye div. The level of touchiness over this is getting into projection territory tbh, there's nothing in anything I said in my post that even hints at virtue signalling. There will be touchiness from lots of people, best not to be. Arguing wont change the outcome just as much as amnesty international, bein sports, or richard keys wont change the outcome.
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