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Everything posted by gasman

  1. Just a re dredge of cengiz 'letter' with a few sound bites and a what if scenario. Not worth reading
  2. It does beg the question if the BZG deal was as caulkin put it 'bollocks from the start' then why was it even given the air time?
  3. It's the vaccuum that's killing people and causing them to amplify dozens of little f***-alls into seismically important considerations. None of us are entitled to know anything that's going on, not sure why people think we are or that they have the first idea how long this could be expected to take Erm, maybe because Staveley told Caulkin to tell the fans that it would be complete in the next few days, back towards the end of April ffs No she never and Caulkin has never put a timeline on it. Why are you laughing? You claimed something that was incorrect, I corrected you. He loves this s***. He bought into Mike Ashley's story that Staveley was a tyre kicker (yes...believed Mike Ashely) during the BZG carry on and hasn't let it go, seems to have some issue with her. At least she hasn't been called a bitch yet Well it's not like she's Carole Baskin, or someone trying to get a bit justice for her murdered husband. They're the worst. I find Joe exotic a fair disciplinarian
  4. It's the vaccuum that's killing people and causing them to amplify dozens of little f***-alls into seismically important considerations. None of us are entitled to know anything that's going on, not sure why people think we are or that they have the first idea how long this could be expected to take Erm, maybe because Staveley told Caulkin to tell the fans that it would be complete in the next few days, back towards the end of April ffs No she never and Caulkin has never put a timeline on it. Why are you laughing? You claimed something that was incorrect, I corrected you. He loves this s***. He bought into Mike Ashley's story that Staveley was a tyre kicker (yes...believed Mike Ashely) during the BZG carry on and hasn't let it go, seems to have some issue with her. At least she hasn't been called a bitch yet
  5. On a positive note despite the lack of information from anyone. There really is nothing in it for mike to pull out now and I simply cant see the PIF failing the test. Perhaps we should see something soon?
  6. Who condoned the Murder? I can't find anything other than some dope calling her a bitch which is bad craic. Not sure why the club going the way of Bury is the answer to some bloke spouting bollocks like. https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=104153.msg7221113#msg7221113 The rather explicit implication of this post is that Khashoggi “lived by the sword and thus died by the sword.” And the post was made only after a post containing another letter opposing the takeover from Khashoggi’s widow. You do know that is an article written by a journailst and not the poster? You aren't allowed to question, dig deeper or present information or you'll have words put in your mouth, be told you condone murder and told you don't deserve your football club. As always i think its wise to educate yourself as much as you can, especially when someone is telling you how to act, think and feel about something that has nothing to do with them. Especially when they have an agenda and we're seeing pawns being used by all sides in this international political storm. Ok you made your point. Now you can go back to chopping heads and issuing fatwahs.
  7. Who condoned the Murder? I can't find anything other than some dope calling her a bitch which is bad craic. Not sure why the club going the way of Bury is the answer to some bloke spouting bollocks like. https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=104153.msg7221113#msg7221113 The rather explicit implication of this post is that Khashoggi “lived by the sword and thus died by the sword.” And the post was made only after a post containing another letter opposing the takeover from Khashoggi’s widow. You do know that is an article written by a journailst and not the poster?
  8. Agree totally. No matter what he had done or said he did not deserve to be killed. Anyone who simply wants the deal done should not be openly calling his widow a bitch.
  9. What football discussion did you foresee in a thread about a business transaction? And what does a video of Bin Laden have to do with a football club's 'business transaction'? The saudis financed the mujahedeen
  10. If someone had said 10 years ago we would have bin ladens mates wife sending in an open letter to Newcastle fans I would not have believed them.
  11. I actually chuckled when I read that - somehow Mike Ashley was unable to escape being called out for being a s*** owner by whoever helped her with the letter. Love to see it. I chuckled at that bit too
  12. I'd love to know who is putting this bitch up to this as I firmly believe a few weeks ago she wouldnt have had a clue who or what Newcastle United were Haven't posted on the football forum since 2014 but wanted to say that this is comfortably the worst post I've ever seen on here. Welcome back
  13. Reliable source or you actually know? From the risk team at Barclays. It's second hand info I concede but I 100% trust that I'm not on the end of a wind up myself. Reason they would be informed is in the covenant for the loan/overdraft - change of ownership in the business is a material event. Does nothing for the timing mind, still got to keep glued to SSN for that Im getting excited. I hope your not being misled by some total cunt just because its close to the weekend
  14. Is that the Barclays from Chapel Park ? I went out with one of the daughters once.
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