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Everything posted by gasman

  1. 3pm Press conference? Noon, have to still be a reasonable time in SA
  2. What were the odds? I can’t remember if you go back you’ll find it, I was initially really p*ssed off with him but it ended up working in my favour From memory, I only ever remember Penn posting pre match team information and I think it was always right. Not sure if this new negative persona is a cry for attention or because they are about to lose their job, If he had known the ins and outs about benitez and singnings I should imagine he would have had more than 20 quid on it. I know I would have
  3. The government have said they will not interfere. The money is worth a ridiculously large sum to the PL. The 3 directors seem like good eggs to me. Just a case of confirming it by lunchtime so the press can have a moan over the weekend, then winge about gowns and masks on Monday
  4. I just dont get why the arse hole bought debenhams? Hes had his luck and now the pendulum swang so hard it came off
  5. Id like to see saudio mane
  6. Al narrayan has obviosuly been selected to represent a fit and proper saudi. Reuben seems fit and proper. Amanda is definately proper fit and proper
  7. He's absolutely invented it in his head and is too thick to know better. Exclusivity is something that a seller gives to a potential buyer in the lead up to a deal potentially being agreed. This deal is well past that, and is now legally agreed on both sides. Ashley can now sit an watch events, he really has no legal say other than that unless the buyer doesn't complete the purchase. Keys reminds me of a weather girl, always getting the weather wrong, but somehow someone somewhere fancies him and keeps letting him in to work each morning
  8. Just some bad PR for the Saudis and PL from the Qataris plus the faintest possible hope of scuppering it is my guess. Given that BeIN/Qatar have tried to do this in the past in France where they dominate the sports broadcast industry they have no hope of stopping a deal in the UK worth this amount of money with the potential of it making billions for the PL. Could you explain the maths here - how could the takeover result in billions of pounds more in revenue for the Premier League? Are you fucking stupid?
  9. Hopefully they throw the same vigour into the investigation as they did to the futile attempt by amnesty international
  10. This news is so good though I really couldn't give a fuck about little mike. Look to the future - and it's bright....
  11. So is that essentially, "Thanks for your concern, but jog on"? Not sure why they even felt a reply to be necessary By a company based in Saudi Arabia is telling. I would still have sent the fucker back 'not known at this address'
  12. In any case, if they dont spend the cash on us, what else will they do with it? Are amnesty following the arabians around delivering letters to lamborghini saying please dont sell to them? Pathetic
  13. Looking at the dates im guessing it was hand delivered to the PL by a Julian Assange type
  14. So is that essentially, "Thanks for your concern, but jog on"? Not sure why they even felt a reply to be necessary
  15. Why do people keep asking this? It’s been “done” for at least two weeks now at least. They just have to go though the appropriate channels and announce it officially. I feel like coronavirus has done nothing to halt the tests but has absolutely halted the announcement. Can’t have 50,000+ geordies flood the streets during a quarantine. I’m referring to the ”fit and proper” test. We’ve been told that’s what’s left. Would Charnley call a journalist to say he’s leaving if it weren’t 100% done? Exactly, does anyone know the size of the deposit paid?
  16. A NUFC recreation of this. Or if stuck with Puma something like this
  17. There is a bit which says if they are deemed to have conducted a crime that is considered to be a crime if it was committed in the UK, then they could reject it. For the human rights violations to be considered they have to have an objection by the government, which is not going to happen. Wasn't Thaksin Shinawatra basically in exile and about to go on trial when he passed this test? I think the 'fit and proper' doesn't allude to the personal character of the would-be owner, rather the plan for the next 3-5 years and whether the club is in good hands for the future financial set-up. That's how I understood it, might be completely wrong like, but I wouldn't trust half of the PL owners to pass a DBS check let alone a thorough deep-dive into their morals and attitudes of their past. :lol: Is a DBS test now the ultimate benchmark for whether or not someone is a overall good person. I always thought it was the nosy employers test and glad its now gone for most professions....
  18. There is a bit which says if they are deemed to have conducted a crime that is considered to be a crime if it was committed in the UK, then they could reject it. For the human rights violations to be considered they have to have an objection by the government, which is not going to happen. On top of this, it’s unlikely the prince will be classed as a director or owner. Everything is going to be under the PIF groups name, their CEO is going to be the head above the door. Alongside this, there is no chance the UK government are going to put a block on such a big investment portfolio from investing in UK business, be that NUFC, or shares in ARM. Well then Amen to that...
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