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Absolute Elsewhere

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Posts posted by Absolute Elsewhere

  1. Merson saying we have a great manager  :lol: aye well how is he bottom of all the worst PL stats. Madness how they can trot this rubbish out unchallenged on a platform like that

  2. As if criticism wasn’t flowing when he was in charge of smaller clubs like Wigan, Hull etc.  He’s talking as if he’s just starting out as a manager and doesn’t have a 20 plus year record of failure behind him. My most hated NUFC manager by a mile

  3. Yeah think this is when we played within 36 hours of a European game because Freddy didn’t want to lose out on £500k TV money.


    Sheff Utd at home that was and a mass protest afterwards. I remember it well there must have been thousands under the Milburn stand and a lot of anger. Compared to now we didn’t really even have anything to be that angry about! That was only 14 years or so ago too yet I can’t imagine anything like that happening nowadays or in future

  4. Fancying a free hit this weekend from a position of power at the top of our league. I have already made one transfer this week. If I activate the free hit am I right I’m thinking that will void my transfer and I will have 2 free ones next week? I usually wouldn’t play a free hit this early when I don’t really need it either as it’s mainly for around xmas time when injuries and suspensions etc hit but I’m 50 pts clear at the top in a few of the leagues that I’m in so could give me a nice boost and put more pressure on the chasing pack.



  5. European super league? Don’t we already have that with the champions league! Just a champions league mark 2 basically and how are they going to fit in PL games, CL games, FA cup and then this new super league!? Can’t see it ever happening unless they left the PL which won’t happen

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