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Everything posted by Renrub

  1. Shows how desperate things have become around here when people are listening to the world's biggest bullshitter in HTT.
  2. Rafa was canny fat as well like.
  3. I was thinking along these lines earlier. I mean if the PL are willing to get this done then why go ahead with arbitration? I absolutely love and appreciate the leaks or itks the people post on here but it's all confidence from the club/buyers side. The crucial info would be from how the PL are seeing things. I mean if they are confident an agreement can be reached then its takeover bath time, but I haven't seen a single leak regarding the PL's stance. That being said, I'm getting excited day by day and it's looking positive, however we need to remember that it was "days not weeks" in the summer and it crashed. They have to go through arbitration before it goes to court. Just because Masters want’s it concluded soon, it doesn’t mean he wants to accept it. Even if piracy is an issue, the top 6 are still going to be an issue and we have already seen how willing to accommodate them he is. I love how matter of fact your posts are. When in reality you know nowt about anything.
  4. Playing 120 minutes against Arsenal is the correct answer.
  5. Did you miss #dryjanuary? His tweets only refer to the takeover and have no relevance to his normal life. You need help.
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