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Posts posted by FCB

  1. 1 minute ago, Shadow Puppets said:

    Any updates on road closures tonight? The Redheugh Bridge rumours true?

    The following roads will be closed for the (PSG) parade between approximately 5.15pm to 6.15pm on Wednesday:


    Bigg Market – between Pudding Chare and Grainger Street;

    Grainger Street – between Bigg Market and Blackett Street;

    Blackett Street – between Grainger Street and Newgate Street;

    Gallowgate - between Newgate Street and St James’ Boulevard;

    Gallowgate southbound – between St James’ Boulevard and Strawberry Place;

    Barrack Road southbound – between Strawberry Place and entrance into St James’ Park.

  2. 3 hours ago, leffe186 said:

    They’re not going to be fussed about the football itself, it’s the experience they need. That’s why I’m put off by the Gateshead stadium. Would rather have an old-school local ground.

    In that case I don't blame you - have you looked into Durham City AFC? They've got a canny old-school ground where there's only metal fences around the pitch.

  3. 27 minutes ago, leffe186 said:

    Just checked - it’s South Shields v Blyth Spartans on Boxing Day. Worth a trip?

    South Shields hammer Blyth any day going off current form. Get yourself down to Gateshead if you can, they're quite literally playing like Brazil 2.0 under Mike Williamson. Some class football at the moment.

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