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Everything posted by McDog

  1. I think the politics of challenging sponsorship rule changes would be far more palatable than trying to toss FFP. The latter would be trumpeted as KSA trying to mess with the structure of English football while the former would be a legit challenge in court to illegal restraint of trade.
  2. Given the desire to grow women's football I would guess that won't change in the short term.
  3. It's too sweet for me these days. IPAs for me.
  4. I did not know that. I had a Black Pomeranian named Hamish and often called him Hamish McDog. Rest his little soul.
  5. Let's not get carried away here.
  6. I heard a Mags podcaster talking about this yesterday, and you are correct I closely followed English football in the late 90's and early 2000's. I only picked Newcastle because I liked Newcastle Brown Ale. Came to really like the club and got some merch. Went 20 years not following in and started watching in August 2021. Had zero idea about the takeover talks and found out during a video conference with the UK team when someone cracked "I see you're wearing Saudi colours". I had on a Northern Rock shirt from 2009 that I picked up in August 2021 from Classic Football Shirts. I will say, it's been great following the team again and I'd never switch my support as the team is something special even if KSA owns it.
  7. Good old Shaggy. He played when I first started following the EPL.
  8. I read that yesterday when researching the Tyne-Wear Derby.
  9. Commentator on ESPN which may be the same feed in England, no idea, said and I am paraphrasing: "I know they like to play from the back which is fine against a Championship side but when the big boys come to town, that won't work".
  10. Nailed the far corner. Nice goal.
  11. Yea, I was watching with no sound as the commentary was kinda dire in previous matches.. I turned it on when you said that and it's much better with two for sure.
  12. Halifax woman doing a Longstaff impression.
  13. From the Athletic: Buckingham: Take Sunderland’s back four: a lad signed for very little from Northern Ireland (Trai Hume), Luke O’Nien, who joined on a free from League Two. Dan Ballard is a good young defender, but it’s a long way from the markets Newcastle shop in. Weatherspoon: I like a lot about our team, but if you look at the gulf… You can romanticise the derby and say anything is possible, but it’s a mismatch. Those six-in-a-row games (over two years from April 2013), Newcastle were often the better side, which is what made it so nice for us. At least there was a semblance of parity. It’s a one-off game (this weekend), but in my lifetime it’s the biggest gap between them.
  14. 10:45 in the video, look at that away section!
  15. Congrats you Newcastle lads! Ran them off the pitch.
  16. I'm running on 4 hours sleep last night. 5 the previous two. I'm shot.
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