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Posts posted by PeepShow4life

  1. 4 minutes ago, Happinesstan said:

    Got a horrible feeling the manager will be Lampard. I think he's already been told and the consortium are focussing all their efforts on getting the right DoF.

    God I hope you're wrong. It's as if we are never really allowed to be fully happy as Newcastle fans.

  2. 6 minutes ago, LRD said:

    Ajax have one of the best academies and the technical players which came through for Ten Haag to work with.


    Imagine him coming here and inheriting a squad that cannot even pass a ball. :lol:

    It would be like going from screwing Margot Robbie to Susan Boyle.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Mr Raspberry Jam said:


    He seems a million miles away from being alright now. He's tapped.

    Aw ok, I never listen to pundits these days, just read what they say on here. I thought he used to be one of the only ones who stuck up for us.

  4. 1 hour ago, George Bailey said:

    Can't really remember any 'decent' pundits on their tbh.

    Whole thing is a shitshow.

    Thompson was on in early days, along with Best and were fairly competent. But I think most of them from the start have been awful.

    Degrees of awfulness obviously, with the likes of the utter fuckwit Merson way at the bottom. Bloke can barely string a sentence together at times.


    Utter horsehit that they spout.


    I have a complete irrational dislike of Clinton Morrison. I think its his face, that daft sideways, snidey smirk he has. Looks a right doylum. Talks utter shite as well.

    Kamara too. He is not funny, not in the slightest...'unbelievable Jeff'...Fuck off you useless, brainless moronic twat.

    Never used to watch it much but Le Tissier always seemed alright.

  5. 1 hour ago, steve_69 said:

    The abuse on social media is often unacceptable, but the world is full of idiots and they have a platform to voice their opinions in awful, unfiltered ways.

    The chants in the stadium are absolutely acceptable - fans have a right to protest because they pay their money and watch his shite. It doesn't spill into personal insults, it focuses on a very well paid man, ill-suited to his position, doing a terrible job.


    If Bruce didn't want to see the vile abuse on social media and forums, he could've just come off them. Don't CHOOSE to look at the insults and ramblings of morons and then claim it's affecting your mental health FFS. That's like putting your hand in a fire and complaining that you got burnt.




    He's already admitted he doesn't have social media. He just comes up with ways to get sympathy to take the attention off his awful managerial ability.

  6. Will be interesting to see his starting line up and tactics to see how much influence he had on Bruce's selection's.

    Wouldn't surprise me if after Jone's initially did well after first coming and got lots of praise that Bruce ignored him out of spite.

  7. I just want a foreign manager after having to put up with Bruce/Goebbels and his propaganda machine.


    Talk Sport should be in The Hague for crimes against humanity.

  8. Funny reading the comments on any post relating to Bruce on Facebook. Bruce and his mates propaganda machine has all the brain dead moron's thinking he's been hard done by and we are evil.

  9. 8 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    Sounds like they may give Jones Palace and Chelsea, then have something sorted for the international break.

    If that is true, I hope Jones at least steps up training and gets the players in better shape for the new manager. Any results against Palace or Chelsea will be a bonus.

  10. Not that I think he'd come here but I don't understand the Mourinho love personally, the guys an arrogant bully and his team's, even with great players, are boring to watch.

    I know he has links to Sir Bobby and always said nice things about us but he is the total opposite to him.

    Bobby was a gentleman and would never place the blame on individual players. I don't think he would like the way Mourinho treats people tbh.


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