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Everything posted by pubteam

  1. I'd like us to start the season well, it's so long since we had a good start to the season. Would be really nice to talk the pressure off early. 8/9 would be happy with that, would love Europe, but don't think the squad is ready, but would be a great bonus
  2. A lot players with big reputations and transfer fees have failed to deliver in the premiership. Not much risk on a player with proven pedigree.
  3. Cant take much more of this, announce it already. To be honest I think the years of rubbish we experienced under Ashley have grounded the majorit This, years of failure brings a certain level of humility to a fanbase.
  4. Trade his left leg for Maddison right leg, sorted.
  5. I think I might give this football journalism a go. Copy, paste and repeat. Seems quite straightforward to me.
  6. What an achievement. great time to be developing our women's team.
  7. Seems the referees are no better in the women's game.
  8. I think ASM style of play really suited the low press we relied on in the past, balls over the top like that were his bread and butter. I think it's just taken him a little while longer to adjust as we've edged further up the pitch. I think he's going to have a great season on early evidence and isn't expected to be our only attacking threat.
  9. He's looked impressive pre season, also seems to be passing the ball more. He's been our only really attacking threat in the past leading to teams doubling up on him, he needs space, hopefully this season will be his time to shine again.
  10. I've always found it strange how strikers never seem to do well at Chelsea. Demba Ba's career went down the toilet when he joined them as well.
  11. People are entitled to hold different opinions, it would be a boring place if everyone just agreed. But launching insults at people isn't really on.
  12. I've never really had any great hatred of Sunderland, in fact I'd always rather they did ok. But the absolute bile that their fans spout about us is rather quickly changing that opinion. Nice one Coventry, nothing more depressing than a late equaliser to dampen the spirits.
  13. Schar was one our most consistent players last season, he's an intelligent player, who will compliment Botman perfectly. Gives us a much better foundation to play the ball out from the back. If they don't start together I'd be surprised.
  14. You do make a good point, but I think the coaching team obviously have doubts that he is ready for a more regular position in the first team or they wouldn't be trying to sign a player like Maddison. I think he'd be much better suited to being an impact sub until he develops further. He's obviously very talented, we need to move away from risk taking if we we want to improve. Man city and liverpool always had other players to fall back on if it didn't work, we don't.
  15. That sounds about right tbh. Maybe they just wanted to let all the hysteria about us buying the league die down. We can also justify a higher sponsorship next season if we have a better finish, higher attendances etc.
  16. I think a huge amount of a young players development is about confidence, also learning from players around them. We have a world class defensive midfielder in Bruno, I think we are desperate for a world class attacking midfielder. Look how much Bruno lifted the players around him last season.
  17. Anderson also doesn't need that sort of pressure on him at this stage. He needs be introduced in a gradual manner, similar to how Man city and liverpool introduce their youngsters to the first team.
  18. pubteam

    St James' Park

    Just listened to the Alan price version and it's a million times better, so much more upbeat.
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