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Posts posted by Ace

  1. 7 minutes ago, Sempiternal said:

    Man shut the fuck up. Done responding to your complete idiocy 



    Dont say you hope people are 15 ?‍♂️

    Complete Idiocy? I’d replied to each of your posts until the last one where you were trying to be a smart ass and countered the points based on information available plus parallels to a situation involving the toon. 

    Sorry you don’t feel you can debate anymore and have a good day. 

  2. 21 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    That’s not true. The club consulted them on the cup final for their opinion which any good club should do. However ultimately the club went ahead and did what it always intended to. Don’t recall them ever being consulted on STs.


    The mistake the NUST made regarding the cup tickets was accepting the invite of consultation then not consulting its own members. This was due to the window of consultation being 24hrs approximately. In my view they should’ve kindly refused the offer if not enough time to consult its members or pulled their fingers out and emailed their members a quick survey and deadline to respond. They did neither which will of damaged their reputation further especially with people like yourself who are already sceptical.


    The point however still remains that what you said is wrong. The club did what it wanted to on the cup tickets and (to my knowledge) didn’t consult anyone on STs and again made their own decisions.

    They were definitely consulted on season tickets as a board member told me the craic the week before when nobody knew about it. Either they were a mint guesser or what they said was true. Priority for purchase history for none season ticket holders, was the way it was worded.


    As you say with regards to not consulting the members doing that just makes you think that the True Faith lot are doing it for themselves. 

    For me it will never have any trust until at least the current chairs and the previous chair are well away from it and are getting their media buzz elsewhere. 


  3. 19 minutes ago, Dr.Spaceman said:


    That's exactly their remit, but they're not the ones pulling the trigger on any decisions, they're merely voicing the collective opinion of their members. Ultimately any issues around ticketing needs to be directed towards the club, surely?


    Would you rather the fans had zero input to anything? Could be quite dangerous further down the line if they sack off any sort of consultation process.


    I do agree with the comments about the True Faith club, however.

    They are a groups who represent a small minority so I disagree. Their members aren’t the whole fanbase especially now. 

    In theory it’s a good thing to have input but I’d rather have no input than the true faith lot sticking their oar personally 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    And Michael Owen scored goals for us against the likes of Portsmouth, Reading, Birmingham City, Wigan, Bolton…. 

    We aren’t comparing if Owen is better than Messi ffs. It’s comparing the parallels between them and their moves here and to PSG 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Sempiternal said:

    May as well rescind all Haaland's goals  outside the top 6, his bundesliga goals, lewandowski's at bayern, if thats the criteria. 

    It’s not about rescinding goals. You and the other Messi fan boy are putting stats without context to defend your position that Messi has consistently put effort in at PSG and hasn’t fucked them about like Owen did to us.


    For the record on Haaland vs the rest of the sky 6 and us/Brighton he’s 9 in 12 that I can find (don’t know if he even played in all the games)


    As for Lewandowski in his last 3 years at Bayern from what I can find he played in 10 games vs super league sides/PSG and scored 9 



  6. 14 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    Messi has played 14 games for PSG in the CL and got 9 goals. 

    PSG played 8 games vs opponents on a similar level (City, Real, Juventus and Bayern) and he got one goal. Knocked out both times in the round of 16 



  7. 5 minutes ago, Chicken Dancer said:

    Agree with @Ace, except for the take on Curry's lot @ NUSC. They're fake hardmen who think they run our away support. Weapons.


    Trust are just an extension of True Faith now who think they run our support as a whole. Will ALWAYS protect their own interests over anything else.


    And no, I won't be standing to be on the board. I spoke to an ex-board member relatively recently who basically just confirms what most people think. 

    Just for the record fuck Curry’s lot to , It was more to show how low I thought of the trust now. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Sempiternal said:

    He’s literally got 15 goals and 15 assists for them. How is that not “putting in effort “ for the team? Michael Owen isn’t even on the same planet as Messi. It’s obvious to anyone with a brain they’ve suspended him out of pettiness as he wants to leave 

    He’s playing in a stacked team against in most cases majorly over matched opponents. Those stats aren’t as great as you think they are.


    We aren’t talking about who was a better player. PSG are far further ahead as a club than we were in 2005 as well, why don’t you point that out as well


    The parallels are obvious to ‘anyone with a brain’ big reputation player, still pretty good if not at their best and doesn’t seem to want to be there. Add to that a clear priority for International football over the club paying his wages ?‍♂️

    Hes fucked off multiple times while he’s been there and gone AWOL now and you are blaming the club.You Messi dick suckers are something else.

  9. 2 hours ago, NE27 said:


    Worst take ever for me that like[emoji38]


    Having the trust is a good thing, it's a channel to voice concerns and improve fan experience.


    The true faith pile in didn't look good like.

    What the trust was, was a good thing but now it’s a way for the True Faith lot to seek attention.

    It definitely shouldn’t be having a say on tickets when it’s a minority group 



  10. 2 hours ago, Dr.Spaceman said:


    I disagree with the need for any supporters Trust to get involved beyond giving supporters a voice when they're shafted (like the Leeds & Sheff Wed away games for example) but what is it that you think they do that gives them "to much say"?

    They had influence regarding season tickets last year and influence on cup final tickets this year. 

  11. 2 hours ago, The Prophet said:


    I think we'll do our job regardless of anything Liverpool do, but I still think they'll drop points at some stage. I might be wrong, but if we get 72 points who cares?

    I may be a bit sleep deprived and paranoid at the moment but I see major interference (or none interference) from the refs in our games to stop that 

  12. 3 hours ago, Manxst said:

    Messi has 31 goals and 34 assists in 71 games for them, and they won the league last year. If that’s not effort, then fuck knows. 

    Michael Owen had a decent record for us and he wasn’t playing for a team who were infinitely better than 95% of their opponents 

  13. 4 hours ago, Cronky said:


    I'm not a conspiracy theorist, so no, there is no fix. 


    What tends to happen towards the end of the season is that the quirky results and patches of form that take place during the season get evened out, and the bigger clubs tend to rise to the top. They also have the larger squads with strength in depth, and can deal better with fatigue and injuries. Hence Man City are now out in front, and five of the top six are now from the 'big six'.


    Liverpool have a fairly easy run in, but if we maintain some form we should be all right. Two wins should do it.

    Glad you know it all ?‍♂️

    You definitely read the sky propaganda ?‍♂️

    How can you watch the last 3 Livarpool games and say it’s because they are one of the best teams?They have 9pts when they should have 3 (at most) because of reffing/VAR



  14. Really the only bad thing the new owners have done is indulge this lot. 

    Self Serving minority group who act like they are the voice of all fans and have way to much say. 


    Fuck NUST and their attention loving true faith leaders.


    Id rather that plane bellend and that’s saying something. 



  15. 5 hours ago, The Prophet said:


    Consciously or unconsciously there's definetly bias involved, but it's not corruption. 


    Liverpool have looked dodgy for a while now, it'll catch up with them eventually.


    As for the top four, 72 points is still the target.

    Course it’s corruption, deliberately favouring one side over and over again unevens the playing field and puts a stain on the competition.


    The sooner you accept they are getting to 71 pts the better. 

    3 hours ago, Kanji said:

    Villa and Brentford will beat Liverpool 


    Spurs were going to get something off them and so were West Ham. What happened there? 

    Stop saying they will drop points ffs. We need to get past the refs and get 7 points 

  16. Anyone doubting how much of a fix is going on anymore?


    Livarpool should be out of it but aren’t because of awful decision after awful decision and we have Kavanagh and co coming to town on Sunday to do everything in their power to hand it to Arsenal.


    Those of you keep saying ‘Livarpool can’t win out they aren’t playing well’ can you just stop? You’ve said it for 5 games yet they keep winning by crooked means and it just creates more of a karma hit against us. 



  17. 4 hours ago, midds said:

    I'm not keen on Allardyce, think he's a bit of a prick tbh but he sounds genuinely unwell in that clip. No idea wat he thinks it's going to be like since he last managed a few years ago but if that's the bloke Leeds have pinned their hopes and dreams on then it's massively unfortunate for them. That's a bloke out of touch, a second behind mentally and lost in a new and unimaginable world of modern football management. He's nothing more than a relic. A 'this is how it used to be 20 years ago' manager. He'll fail miserably. 

    That’s what I thought watching his interview, like it goes beyond football that genuinely the bloke needs help. 

  18. 5 hours ago, Sempiternal said:

    Their fans are absolute weapons and regularly boo him. Messi >> that shit club 

    Im not a great lover of PSG but what would you think of a player who signed for us on astronomical wages with a huge reputation and was more interested in international football and his outside projects than putting the effort in for the team?


    Also give me your opinion of Michael Owen 

  19. 7 minutes ago, gbandit said:

    It’s probably down to the fact that Messi isn’t an insufferable dickhead. No one really knows what he’s like as a person, other than that he’s introverted and there are unsubstantiated reports that he’s autistic. He doesn’t make big claims, talk himself up, do interviews with Piers Morgan where he shits on his manager etc. 


    I love Messi so I’m biased but I couldn’t give a shit if he fucks PSG over. They’re an example of the worst way to run a football club 


    Im not saying he’s worse than Cristiano but it is a bit hypocritical to not call him out for being a dick when he is being a dick. 

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