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Posts posted by Ace

  1. 6 hours ago, sempuki said:

    Purslow from Vile stirring the shit on Sky Sports News. Pathetic. 

    The irony of that Tory cunt saying anything about our ownership.


    He was happy taking American money from the thieves Gillet and Hicks.


    He was happy taking Russian money at Chelsea 


    And now he’s taking Egyptian money at Villa. 

  2. Surprised at some of the comments, I know it’s probably because he was rusty but Iwobi had him on toast until he ran out of energy.


    luckily Iwobi is a bit of a donkey 

  3. 2 hours ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    The bitterness on RAWK. :lol:


    Up until the 74 Final we'd won more than them, league wise in the Premier League era we were pretty well-matched with Liverpool on the whole over the 12 years or so.


    Not a peep from them when we were being mismanaged from top to bottom for 15 years under Ashley. The only way we were ever realistically going to catch or compete with them again long-term and not just the odd season like Everton, West Ham, Pardew-NUFC and Leicester was a takeover like this. The way football was going they were happy with their closed little shop. They were part of the problem. They can fuck off. 

    Them and Man U love us when we are a nice day out and no threat.


    They hate anyone who will get it up them. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Optimistic Nut said:


    I think in terms of competitiveness of the league too. There was only really Man U better than us back then, Liverpool, Arsenal etc weren't the forces those two years. Howe has turned around a club going down and taken them above clubs with far better infrastructures, facilities, squads and is steamrolling teams. +30 goal difference is phenomenal from where we were. We're above clubs who've spent more on a defender than we have on the full back 5 for instance. 



    Arsenal weren’t a force they won the league in the seasons we finished 4th and 5th and were one of the greatest premier league teams of all time over that spell.


    In 2001-2002 Leeds were still stacked, Liverpool had a quality side and Chelsea were pretty good too.

  5. Get the fuck in, love smashing them Scouse Mackem fuckers


    Credit to them though they made it hard for us especially Iwobi mauling Targett at times.


    Midfield really stepped up in the second half led by the the imperious Bruno.


    Willocks assist was class and Isaks non assist was imperious


    3 more wins gets it done


    PS. Neil Maupay is a midget rat 

  6. 4 hours ago, Cronky said:

    Argument by analogy is often a dangerous route. You’d be hard put to find any club that hasn’t at some stage been financially supported by its owners. 

    The fact is that rules have been laid down to prevent clubs from spending unlimited amounts on transfer fees and players wages. If a club is ignoring those rules whilst other clubs are adhering to them then that is cheating, an unfair advantage and it should be stopped. That consideration was not around when the two gentlemen you have named were operating.


    I’m familiar with the line of argument that FFP is anti competitive because it prevents clubs from challenging those who are already wealthy. The inevitable problem is that we now have a club whose objective has been to destroy the competition through almost limitless spending. And gradually and remorselessly they are succeeding. 

    Ffp is not perfect- no system in a commercial world can be. But the alternative looks far worse to me.

    You obviously haven’t educated yourself Gibson literally kept Man U alive and set everything up for them to do well under Busby and Sawyer bought Liverpool out of them Division 2. Not supported, Major investments to take the team forward.


    FFP is the thing destroying it not Man City. It doesn’t care about teams going bust it’s there to stop teams competing on a fair playing field with those at the top


    Real, Barca, Bayern, Juve, Man Utd, Liverpool etc. wanted to be able to dominate the teams around them financially and limit the competition. Also the media like Sky want to promote their ‘big’ clubs round the world so they are happy to promote the myths.


    The alternative where multiple teams can have a go. The teams in the prem struggling only have issues because of FFP they have owners who will write it off (Only Chelsea can do that).


    FFP doesn’t care if you are hundreds of millions in debt like Man U or Barca because you are one of the few the rules benefit. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Cronky said:


    Man U had their period of domination because they had the best manager of all time, and they have a big income stream due to their large support base. It wasn't down to huge outside investment. Likewise Liverpool were well managed over a long period of time, and once success is achieved, it can generate its own momentum.


    In the modern era, with meg-rich owners with bottomless pits of money, there needs to be some form of financial regulation to ensure that we don't end up with one club in a dominant position. What we're seeing now with Man City has no previous parallels. In recent weeks, they haven't just beaten their rivals like Liverpool and Arsenal, they've completely dominated them.


    And really, whatever you might think of FFP, those are the established rules which clubs (including City) have agreed to adhere to. If City have not been doing that, then they are guilty of cheating and there is no game if competitors are allowed to get away with cheating.

    Id suggest you educate yourself towards James W Gibson and Eric Sawyer and what they did for each club. 

    You have a bias towards modern investment I see (or maybe none English). Not all big investment works but in both their cases the juggernauts don’t get going without initially being ‘saved’.

    You use ‘previous parallels’ it does not mean what you think it means. If City win this year that will be 7 titles in 12 years both Liverpool and Man U have won 8 in 12 year periods 


    You may say but City won it by 19pts a few years back as a sign of dominance but don’t forget Man U won it by 18 in 2000 so it’s not like it’s some huge anomaly.


    You make out its all about money but Man U/ Chelsea and Liverpool have all spent an absolute fortune and they are nowhere near. City are having the benefit Man U did with Busby or Liverpool did with Shankly of having the financial backing alongside a great manager.


    Always remember anything written or said on those 2 is amplified and biased due to their large fanbases (particularly online) and preferential media treatment.


    They (along with Spurs) led the charge against our takeover because they want less competition, they let the super league push, they politic behind the scenes to damage other clubs, to paraphrase from the hunger games ‘remember who the real enemy is’

  8. 5 hours ago, Yorkie said:


    It's absolutely rubbish. It's basically Man City's league to lose every single year and only a Herculean effort is enough to result in something otherwise. Yeah I hate Liverpool and ManU but at least they're 'real.' Man City are just nothingness. Just this boring entity that keeps winning basically no matter what. 

    They’re real? Have you been drinking the cool aid from those 2?


    Nobody seems to remember they both got ahead by getting major outside investment and both had long periods of dominating the league where a Herculean effort was required to beat them.


    Liverpool and Man U have comparable amounts of money they just don’t spend it as well.

  9. 5 hours ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    I don’t think that Thiago one was a handball. He just falls down, it looks bad that his arm traps the ball but there’s nothing unnatural or making himself bigger about it. 

    As far as I understand the rules. 




    His arm is well away from his body how is he not making himself bigger ?‍♂️

    Blatant cheating towards Liverpool again and it will get swept under the rug by the cartel media 

  10. 6 hours ago, Likelylad said:

    I think that’s just the modern fan tbf. People were leaving on Sunday and if outside of winning something. If that game isn’t one to stay behind an applaud the lads off. I don’t know what is. 

    Im sure a good portion of our fans think games end at 85 minutes the way they fuck off regardless of what’s happening in the game 

  11. 3 hours ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:


    He has, like. I'd agree I'd rather Gnonto, but both Summerville and Sinisterra are extremely good prospects too, imo. 

    I was quite keen on Sinisterra from Feyenoord and he does flash something but from what I’ve seen In not as sure.

  12. I’ve been a huge Murphy critic (justified on what’s he’s done in the past) but I think the most impressive improvement in his game is his decision making.


    Hes always had ability but I always found the Obertan comparison apt in that in theory they should be good but they just have a knack of doing the wrong thing.


    Since the Forest game Murphy has turned it round in spectacular fashion and just seems to be doing the right thing more often than not. 

    Maybe he will eventually earn the Daryl Murphy song for his own. ?

  13. 12 hours ago, 80 said:

    Of course not, that's why my post specifically said it's going to be a tricky balancing act in terms of morale and tactics. And the scenario I wrote involved two players being rested rather than eleven. Unless you see a 33 year old Trippier making 50-60 starts next season?


    But a quicker way of putting players off us ultimately is not being in the Champion's League/Europe the following season. We're making it in by the skin of our arse this season, and it's fantastic. And the ramifications are clearly massive in terms of new players we can attract and afford, and current players we can hold onto. That's why the next stage for our club is to try and make that a regular, expected occurrence while we build our strength for actually winning the competitions we enter. And it's why, given how rapidly we've risen, it's probably going to force us to make some difficult tradeoffs - our current second eleven couldn't even handle Sheffield Wednesday this season.

    Your post I replied to  was about going to Leverkusen with Shola and Lua Lua. Shearer and Bellamy weren’t rested they were suspended. 

    I would agree Tripps is going to miss games but he should miss the league game over champions league, the same with our other quality players (if we get there)


    Its a fine balancing act, you need better players and more depth to have any chance of getting back in but the risk is if you don’t you then lose those players. It’s just part and parcel of it all really. 

    In reality if we get in we will most likely have (unless we get very lucky in the draw) 2 top quality teams so there is a good chance we only have 6 champions league games and with a slightly higher quality  squad it’s manageable to go for those games IMO without totally ruining our league chances. 


  14. 11 hours ago, andycap said:

    It's only for a season I would think while we bolster elsewhere. Cannot do too much recruiting in one window. 

    Think it is all dependent on who we get elsewhere and how much we spend. In my head I see 6 incomings and a RCB is somewhere between the 4th or 6th priority 

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