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Posts posted by Ace

  1. Will all of the smug fuckers just shut up please. You think you would learn nothing is settled till

    it’s settled.


    We choked away a key run early in the season and we can definitely do it again so for the love of god stop. 

  2. 13 hours ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Back to the Liverpool thing last night, they might want to rename the 'Sir Kenny Dalglish Stand' given their opinions of the monarchy. I see Henderson has been getting stick for singing the anthem. Pathetic bunch. 

    Enjoy boot licking you gammon 

  3. 9 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    So how do you give 30000 people 25000 tickets? ?

    Allocation was around 27-29K off top of my head. ST holders are around 33-36k approx.





    You can’t give all of them a ticket obviously, you split the 30000  ST holders based on factors like points/cup attendance and offer tickets to each group and while there are some of the 25000 left you keep going through them till they are gone.


    No ticket should have been offered to a member till ST holders had all been asked and no general sale till members had all been offered. 

  4. 55 minutes ago, Wallsendmag said:


    There should be a set amount of tickets set aside for public sale for every single match in my opinion. Make the game as inclusive as possible. When I say a set amount I'm talking under 5% of the overall allocation but tickets should be available to all. I know supporters who couldn't even buy a membership because they were all sold out. At present there are non members getting tickets for home and away games ahead of members, courtesy of ST holders getting tickets for them so it's not like it's not already happening.


    As I say, your season ticket guarantees 19 home games and nothing else. They also get it at a cheaper cost per game than supporters who are members or public sale.

    I disagree as those with ST’s and membership have made a commitment to the club. My issue with  those going on general sale will likely end up with those who aren’t really fans such as football tourists/bandwagon jumpers etc.


    I know if we get more successful those things are inevitable but we can keep them out for a bit.


    Its a bit shit on those that can’t get memberships but how many people didn’t? 

  5. 1 hour ago, Miggys First Goal said:

    Even if Liverpool win all remaining games, we still only need 2 wins and a draw, if my Steiner maths is correct, to secure top 4. I'm still confident.

    Did you account for Kurt Angle? 

  6. 7 hours ago, Nine said:

    He was, he joined Arsenal when he was 21 I think. I didn’t mean specifically academy players just their younger players in general. Diaby is another good example.

    Fair enough, he was 23 when he moved though not 21 just checked 

  7. 5 hours ago, Wallsendmag said:


    What loads of season ticket holders keep forgetting is that all their ticket guarantees them is 19 home league games. Anything on top of that is an added bonus.

    So you think people who aren’t even members should get in ahead of them? 

  8. 5 hours ago, LFEE said:

    But you don’t seem to be getting it. How could the criteria be STs only? 

    There was less final tickets than ST holders.

    If there’s 25000 tickets and we have 30000 season ticket holders they should go to all that want them and any left should go to members. If ST holders miss out it should only be to other ST holders.


    It’s not that complicated is it? 

  9. 14 hours ago, LFEE said:

    Period 7 which I’m not sure they even reached and if so a minute fraction. Again they could’ve been previous ST holders who held a  ST longer than those who had one currently.


    Also like match day tickets possibly law that a tiny % has to go on general sale.


    The fact we sold out every round would suggest these people would’ve had to be lucky to of got one in the general sale queue out of the 4 home games then have the luck to be picked in a massive queue for a final ticket. Literally a winning lottery ticket!



    Even if it was like winning a raffle for me they shouldn’t have had a ticket. If there’s 10 of them that’s 10 more ST holders who could have went 

  10. 8 hours ago, Nine said:

    Arsenal got so unlucky with that generation of players injury wise, the likes of Wilshere and Welbeck careers ruined before they even got started 

    Wasn’t Welbeck a Man U youth player and went to Arsenal later? 

  11. 17 hours ago, Jinky said:


    ....and one of the few in the squad with a major winner's medal in his locker!

    He wasn’t there when we won the Intertoto was he? 

  12. 1 hour ago, Wallsendmag said:


    All the home League Cup games were flat tbf. Even the Semi Final was apart from the last 5 mins. Different mix of crowd in for them.

    It was the league game with the forced mourning for the old grifter 

  13. 2 hours ago, LFEE said:

    But the ones with the cup tickets that got selected in the ballot probably were long term season ticket holders also.



    The point is there were a few who got tickets through the ballot who werent members and had been to league cup games.


    The prioritisation in order of ST holders wasnt the big issue for me. Members shouldn’t have priority over ST holders never mind non members 

  14. 2 hours ago, SteV said:

    There was very, very few people ‘who’d been to one cup game’ that got a ticket for the final (through legitimate means) mind.

    I would argue it should have been zero while there were long term season ticket holder’s personally. 

  15. 7 minutes ago, Wullie said:

    In a way if you like but the two situations are too different as to be incomparable. NUFC didn't have effectively unlimited resources to afford him half-arsing it, nor did we win a league title while Owen was here.

    There’s more the same between the situations than different. They are definitely parallels of each other.


    PSG could afford it in Ligue 1 but in the champions league it wasn’t enough. Both not being at their best was detrimental to their teams 

  16. 54 minutes ago, enthusiast said:

    what's wrong with sucking dick?

    Nothing if you enjoy it and it’s consensual you do it ??

    What I said was more a comment on their idolisation of Messi rather than the actual act. 




  17. 51 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    Yeah but they could’ve been asked by the club how far to go back and they may of suggested the summer Rafa departed and the club listened but decided to only go back as far as when they officially started their attempts to buy the club. Both sound similar proposals without the key details of the dates suggested. Regardless the outcome date range aside was always likely.


    I do feel for you however if you’d been a friend of mine or had ever asked my opinion about Cup Final tickets on the off chance we actually made one I would’ve told you to purchase a ticket for at least one round to improve your chances as out ST numbers are greater than our final allocation numbers so they could never just base it on a ST. Even if you didn’t attend or sold it on you are talking £20 well spent. There would always have to be a sliding scale and that would start with the less glamorous early ties. First one was away and next few at home which the criteria covered at different stages. I say all this with using just basic common sense not hindsight.


    No I’m not. Made it clear I’ve never bought it in my life. Read it once when I found a copy at a pub or airport (can’t recall which as many years ago before online was a thing probably). Only met Alex H once which was at last NUST meeting and after I spoke out against the make up of the NUST board and what signals it sends to others wanting to join I got the impression he’s not a fan of me ?


    I do listen to their podcasts along with other NUFC podcasts. It’s ok. It passes the time when driving.


    I’ll repeat anyone wanting to stand for the NUST you have my vote to help you. As otherwise they can’t be criticised if only ones volunteering constantly. 



    Fair points. I didn’t get a chance to get one as I went coke Turkey after Rafa went and used my dads ST account to buy tickets for 13 games after the takeover.


    It wasn’t me it was my mate, as I said above I got rid of my season ticket so IMO I knew the risks. It was ridiculous for him as he didn’t buy tickets to give others the opportunity to get them when he couldn’t attend. He’s going to buy a ticket for every home game now whether he can go or not as a precedent has been set. 

    Fair play if you are speaking against them, the problem of going against them they have the social media fans backing which would be hard to beat.


    Doing something like that would be interesting but for me personally it’s the wrong time of life. I have a beautiful baby keeping me awake these days ?


    Id never win a popular vote anyway, I have my views and I’ll only change them off the back of new information not populism. Think that puts a lot off 


    Personally find the podcasters and YouTubers to be lacking knowledge but each to their own. 

  18. 2 hours ago, LFEE said:

    I think anyone could’ve predicted they would’ve sold STs with some sort of prior history. Again they may of been consulted like you suggest and again if not put to a vote to it’s members they should’ve declined input.

    However being consulted on both is a long way from having any actual influence. I stand by from what I know that the club ultimately did what it wanted to do. Same with the retention of the loyalty points being ignored when asked.



    They said to me they’d been asked by the club about it and that’s what they said. Like I said pretty accurate if made up and strange to say they’d been asked if they hadn’t.


    From a cynics perspective they’ve seemed to listen.


    For the cup final a mate of mine has had a season ticket for over 30 years but works late during the week so misses the majority of week games and he didn’t get a ticket yet you had people who’d been to one cup game getting them. 

    @LFEEare you one of the true faith lot? If so what do you think of their takeover

  19. 2 hours ago, Sempiternal said:

    Yeah because it would be embarrassing for a fully grown adult to call people “dick suckers”. I hoped you would be younger given the way you talk; as the alternative is sad. Ah well. 

    I called you Messi dick suckers to be fair. Which is not calling you dick suckers in the traditional sense but saying you suck Messis dick because you won’t accept anything said against him.


    A subtle difference but a difference

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