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Everything posted by Joe1984

  1. At least they aren't throwing punches yet like Dyer and Bowyer! ?
  2. Pif can just transfer some assets to NUFC ownership, then sell them to themselves fir a few hundred million... Sorted! ?
  3. Got to break someone's ankle to get a red these days...
  4. Looks like it's a matter of time until an Everton red card.
  5. We should have killed them off long before Dummett. We had the chances. Didn't take them...
  6. Well there is no buy back clause. Privately they'll be gutted. Publicly they'll just shrug and bring the next one off the conveyor belt.
  7. Just looked it up. They didn't... might regret that!
  8. Everton have the leagues 4th best defence. I'm shocked by that honestly...
  9. But Everton getting relegated... (Not gonna happen is it?)
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