I could here the gallowgate second half last week like, and leazes east corner seems to have a small singing area, was just crap where i was throughout.
Man City and Man Utd have been the best atmospheres this season i think.
Maybe Man City was the best as i was leazes for that and even the leazes was rocking at times so it must have been unreal in gallowgate/strawb corner.
Aye same, after that i remember thinking how annoyed i'd be if those games stopped us getting a European place come the end of the season, though i was thinking more Europa or conference league at that point.
Still could stop champs league as of right now which is annoying but we should be ok.
Was top back corner of Leazes (east stand side) last week and it was terrible even when we were winning, i felt a bit awkward singing on my own, quite a few empty seats around aswell.
That fucking Liverpool away game man, i'm still not properly over it yet, i will be when we get top 4 though as ultimately it won't have mattered.
I felt so bloody gutted and robbed after that game.
I'd agree, was in level 7 for the semi and it was poor, Leicester was good but was in gallowgate and that's the thing, it can seem a completely different atmosphere depending where you are in the ground.