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Harry 209

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  1. Sela could be blue to liven things up a bit.
  2. Can @Shadow Puppets confirm if the FH mockup above is close?
  3. Absolutely. We've done two shirts in the last three years (the last two Castore ones) to placate the miserable old bastards who demand templates from the 1960s, we should mix it up once in a while like Juventus do.
  4. Thank you for kind offer Ramirez! I'll pass this time: Would be great to see someone wearing that at Wembley though.
  5. I did once find a genuine Umbro 80s shirt in Oxfam on Percy Street about 15 years ago and paid pennies for it.
  6. Just been to SJP and asked if they will print the Carabao/Fender stuff on a pre bought shirt and told NO! That's a bit shit if you ask me.
  7. You're not serious are you?
  8. Yeah 100% fake, it doesn't have the jacquard pattern on it, I just thought the champions patches were amusing.
  9. For sale at Sally Army on Clayton Street this morning:
  10. Yeah most of the responses are sound it just gets a bit derailed towards the end.
  11. Massive difference between the reaction on here with our equality gear in the merchandise thread (zero controversy) and on the RTG equivalent (max controversy): https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/sunderland-hummel-equality-jersey.1649489/page-44
  12. Fender patches. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/146326772318?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=piFRazZRRuK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=SuuOvehlSvu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  13. People's Choice on Northumberland Street is like some kind of extension of that stall in the middle of the street a few yards down.
  14. I reckon that's 'People's Choice' on Northumberland Street.
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