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Sorry about that. Could you let me know what is an acceptable number of threats to comment on in a 24 hour period? I understand that I'm a new user and I have yet to endear myself into the hearts of the NO clique, but surely you understand that a new poster would be keen to express their opinions on multiple topics? Or do I have to wait until I've posted on here 10000s of times before I'm no longer considered a WUM or a maeckhoum? Sounds like a PL style closed shop.
Sorry. A simple spelling error. It's hard to type after punching the fuck out of a wall in a fit of rage.
You're accusing me of being a macekm cause I want us to bin off the weakest link in our starting line up? God forbid I want us to cash in on a shit player who has nothing to offer except shank crosses, miss sitters and then smile like an out of control 9 year old who has no set bed time and only eats Haribo and wotsits for dinner. You're making me angry just thinking about him, cast the cunt asunder like we should've done in January and start acting like a real club!
RationalVlad doesn't have the same ring to it.
Hopefully he loses his passport and can't return. I would've voted for Reform if they pledged to ban all Paraguayans from entering Tyne & Wear. I can't begin to describe how much this gimpy little worm infuriates me. Get the bastard sold to whichever mob will take him
Well done guys. None of you will make it here.
The racks are full, looks like we've hardly sold a shirt. Worrying.
Mount is a myth of a player. The fact that Southgate saw him as undroppable says more about that wonky nik nak faced spuck than it does Mason Mounts football ability.
Welcome on board Mr.Bunce, here's your list of jobs for the first week. 1. Locate Almirons right foot. 2. Confirm whether Callum Wilsons body contains bone, muscle and ligaments or if its indeed wheetabix, candy floss and cobwebs. 3. Get us some of those mad drugs that made Liverpool run around like demons.
I suppose Trippiers shag pad at the Vermont is free at the moment.
I don't report rumours. I report facts. See my first post as evidence. I'm trying to do y'all a favour.
I lurk on nearly every thread on the forum, I only post on the ones where I can provide value. I've been posting on this forum for less than an hour and have received overwhelmingly positive reviews, at least two of my posts have received 'likes' and I've already been credited as an ITK and likened to Francis Jeffers.