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  On 02/09/2007 at 18:36, CoachHTT said:






Excellent performance by Young, the sort of attacking performance that Milner will NEVER put in.


Young is in a totally different league to Milner that is beyond debate.


Btw Milner put in that sort of performance at SJP last season against a much better Chelsea full-back in Paulo Ferreira. Short memories.


And you might want to ask Brummie about how well Milner did at Villa for them.


He done well in a shit Villa team in the same way he dome well in a shit Newcastle team last year, mainly because of his 100% attitude which other players don't have.


He will never be a top player though and won't be good enough for our first team if we've got serious ambitions about becoming a top team again, personally I'd have sold him in the summer and tried to bring someone like SWP in.


Hold on, you said he would never put in the kind of performance Young did EVER, yet I just pointed out to you he already has done, err, against the same top team, Chelsea.


I agree he isn't good enough to be playing regular for a top four side but then I don't believe Young would be either or Lennon, and SWP who you advocate us replacing Milner with, hasn't exactly performed for Chelsea, one of the big four, has he.


That said, I believe Milner is better than Pennant who currently plays for the team at the top of the table and I wouldn't be as quick as you are to write his whole career off just yet.


Love how you use almost anything to justify your dislike of Milner though, even ignoring facts and concrete proof such as Milner's performance against Chelsea last season that pretty much flies in the face of your entire argument that a) he can't perform against such sides and b) that he's never going to be good enough for a top 4 side, despite the player you want us to replace him with having proved he actually isn't.




The point regarding Young was not that Milner wouldn't put in a good performance, more that he'll never put in a performance like that using pace and penetration to rip teams apart on the counter attack, that for me is what I want from a winger and it's similar to what N'Zogbia gives us.


He is average though, I can't see one aspect of his game that he excels at and if anything he slows our attacks down by being to slow when running or his need to beat the same man 4 or 5 times.


As for SWP not being good enough for a top 4 team, he'd walk into both Arsenal and Liverpools team where as Milner wouldn't get into the majority of teams in the top 10 last year.

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  On 02/09/2007 at 19:08, CoachHTT said:





BTW N'Zogbia is better than Young, Milner, SWP and Lennon.




Your opinion matters not, tbh.


and your points of view are usually flawed tbh.


I'll play...


Ok I think (this is my opinion here) that N'Zogbia's technique is far better than all the players I've listed, this isn't NUFC bias but an opinion based on watching these players and making a judgment on what I've seen. He also has the pace, strength and power to match while his ball skills, well they are there for anyone to witness, he danced through 4 players yesterday within 15 yards of space on the left touchline where many would have lost out after the first hurdle. What he also has is an imagination which separates him from the others, he seems a brighter player in the head. Now I'm not saying he's streets ahead of these players, because he isn't, just that for me he has something extra in his locker.


Zoggy has it in him to be the best attacking player at the club.

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  On 02/09/2007 at 18:41, Dave said:

Only Newcastle fans could berate their own player for beating a defender too many times.


Perhaps because they can see that it slows games down and makes it near impossible for a striker to time a run when he doesn't know when to expect the cross in.


Perhaps you can list the reasons why it's a good thing that someone would continuously turn and try to beat the same man over and over again?

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Guest Knightrider
  On 02/09/2007 at 19:13, Baggio said:







Excellent performance by Young, the sort of attacking performance that Milner will NEVER put in.


Young is in a totally different league to Milner that is beyond debate.


Btw Milner put in that sort of performance at SJP last season against a much better Chelsea full-back in Paulo Ferreira. Short memories.


And you might want to ask Brummie about how well Milner did at Villa for them.


He done well in a shit Villa team in the same way he dome well in a shit Newcastle team last year, mainly because of his 100% attitude which other players don't have.


He will never be a top player though and won't be good enough for our first team if we've got serious ambitions about becoming a top team again, personally I'd have sold him in the summer and tried to bring someone like SWP in.


Hold on, you said he would never put in the kind of performance Young did EVER, yet I just pointed out to you he already has done, err, against the same top team, Chelsea.


I agree he isn't good enough to be playing regular for a top four side but then I don't believe Young would be either or Lennon, and SWP who you advocate us replacing Milner with, hasn't exactly performed for Chelsea, one of the big four, has he.


That said, I believe Milner is better than Pennant who currently plays for the team at the top of the table and I wouldn't be as quick as you are to write his whole career off just yet.


Love how you use almost anything to justify your dislike of Milner though, even ignoring facts and concrete proof such as Milner's performance against Chelsea last season that pretty much flies in the face of your entire argument that a) he can't perform against such sides and b) that he's never going to be good enough for a top 4 side, despite the player you want us to replace him with having proved he actually isn't.




The point regarding Young was not that Milner wouldn't put in a good performance, more that he'll never put in a performance like that using pace and penetration to rip teams apart on the counter attack, that for me is what I want from a winger and it's similar to what N'Zogbia gives us.


He is average though, I can't see one aspect of his game that he excels at and if anything he slows our attacks down by being to slow when running or his need to beat the same man 4 or 5 times.


As for SWP not being good enough for a top 4 team, he'd walk into both Arsenal and Liverpools team where as Milner wouldn't get into the majority of teams in the top 10 last year.


You can't move the goal posts man :D, you said he would never ever put in that kind of performance. Now you're saying you meant using pace etc. Well he doesn't have any so that's fucking obvious. However beating a man whether it be via pace or skill or both is all the same, which is what Milner did time and time again against Chelsea last season. Dave's right, only a NUFC fan could moan about how a player beats his man :lol:


BTW Young didn't rip them apart, he fumbled his way past his man once or twice and used his pace to exploit the pace while at other times he was played in by flick ons etc.. He didn't take him on and do him again and again though using skill which is what I put way ahead of pace and something in which Milner has the upper hand on him with. As Parky points out Milner's two footedness is a strength and so is his quick feet, which is something Young doesn't possess at current hence he knocks the ball past a player then gets in behind him. Every time he tried the step over or the skills he fumbled it or got eased off by Balletti however.


Don't get me wrong he's a good player with lots still to come but you make out as if he's streets ahead of Milner or then use Young's most obvious strengths to put Down Milner because he doesn't have these strengths, ignoring the strengths he does have over Young and his own plus points.


I know you don't rate him which I can live with after all it's your opinion but when you make ridiculous comments like "Milner will never put in a performance like Young did", it seems you also have an agenda or want to somehow for whatever reason point out how much you don't rate Milner whenever possible, just like Smith's name keeps getting dragged into any Dyer discussion by you.

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  On 02/09/2007 at 19:17, Baggio said:


Only Newcastle fans could berate their own player for beating a defender too many times.


Perhaps because they can see that it slows games down and makes it near impossible for a striker to time a run when he doesn't know when to expect the cross in.


Perhaps you can list the reasons why it's a good thing that someone would continuously turn and try to beat the same man over and over again?


There were a couple of times where Milner should probably have crossed a bit earlier, and he dallied on the ball somewhat, I agree.


However, when one considers he is advancing with the ball into the penalty area I don't see the problem. He's keeping possesion, confusing the defender(s), creating space for himself and moving towards the danger area. I'm sure he doesn't do it for fun.

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  On 02/09/2007 at 19:24, CoachHTT said:








Excellent performance by Young, the sort of attacking performance that Milner will NEVER put in.


Young is in a totally different league to Milner that is beyond debate.


Btw Milner put in that sort of performance at SJP last season against a much better Chelsea full-back in Paulo Ferreira. Short memories.


And you might want to ask Brummie about how well Milner did at Villa for them.


He done well in a shit Villa team in the same way he dome well in a shit Newcastle team last year, mainly because of his 100% attitude which other players don't have.


He will never be a top player though and won't be good enough for our first team if we've got serious ambitions about becoming a top team again, personally I'd have sold him in the summer and tried to bring someone like SWP in.


Hold on, you said he would never put in the kind of performance Young did EVER, yet I just pointed out to you he already has done, err, against the same top team, Chelsea.


I agree he isn't good enough to be playing regular for a top four side but then I don't believe Young would be either or Lennon, and SWP who you advocate us replacing Milner with, hasn't exactly performed for Chelsea, one of the big four, has he.


That said, I believe Milner is better than Pennant who currently plays for the team at the top of the table and I wouldn't be as quick as you are to write his whole career off just yet.


Love how you use almost anything to justify your dislike of Milner though, even ignoring facts and concrete proof such as Milner's performance against Chelsea last season that pretty much flies in the face of your entire argument that a) he can't perform against such sides and b) that he's never going to be good enough for a top 4 side, despite the player you want us to replace him with having proved he actually isn't.




The point regarding Young was not that Milner wouldn't put in a good performance, more that he'll never put in a performance like that using pace and penetration to rip teams apart on the counter attack, that for me is what I want from a winger and it's similar to what N'Zogbia gives us.


He is average though, I can't see one aspect of his game that he excels at and if anything he slows our attacks down by being to slow when running or his need to beat the same man 4 or 5 times.


As for SWP not being good enough for a top 4 team, he'd walk into both Arsenal and Liverpools team where as Milner wouldn't get into the majority of teams in the top 10 last year.


You can't move the goal posts man :D, you said he would never ever put in that kind of performance. Now you're saying you meant using pace etc. Well he doesn't have any so that's fucking obvious. However beating a man whether it be via pace or skill or both is all the same, which is what Milner did time and time again against Chelsea last season. Dave's right, only a NUFC fan could moan about how a player beats his man :lol:


BTW Young didn't rip them apart, he fumbled his way past his man once or twice and used his pace to exploit the pace while at other times he was played in by flick ons etc.. He didn't take him on and do him again and again though using skill which is what I put way ahead of pace and something in which Milner has the upper hand on him with. As Parky points out Milner's two footedness is a strength and so is his quick feet, which is something Young doesn't possess at current hence he knocks the ball past a player then gets in behind him. Every time he tried the step over or the skills he fumbled it or got eased off by Balletti however.


Don't get me wrong he's a good player with lots still to come but you make out as if he's streets ahead of Milner or then use Young's most obvious strengths to put Down Milner because he doesn't have these strengths, ignoring the strengths he does have over Young and his own plus points.


I know you don't rate him which I can live with after all it's your opinion but when you make ridiculous comments like "Milner will never put in a performance like Young did", it seems you also have an agenda or want to somehow for whatever reason point out how much you don't rate Milner whenever possible, just like Smith's name keeps getting dragged into any Dyer discussion by you.


Great post man. Milner is currently one of the only players in our team who has an end-product to his game. Two years ago you couldn't say this because his crossing was shit and he was too slow to beat his man but now his crosses have improve immeasurably and he's able to beat his man (again and again and again :D).

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  On 02/09/2007 at 19:24, CoachHTT said:








Excellent performance by Young, the sort of attacking performance that Milner will NEVER put in.


Young is in a totally different league to Milner that is beyond debate.


Btw Milner put in that sort of performance at SJP last season against a much better Chelsea full-back in Paulo Ferreira. Short memories.


And you might want to ask Brummie about how well Milner did at Villa for them.


He done well in a shit Villa team in the same way he dome well in a shit Newcastle team last year, mainly because of his 100% attitude which other players don't have.


He will never be a top player though and won't be good enough for our first team if we've got serious ambitions about becoming a top team again, personally I'd have sold him in the summer and tried to bring someone like SWP in.


Hold on, you said he would never put in the kind of performance Young did EVER, yet I just pointed out to you he already has done, err, against the same top team, Chelsea.


I agree he isn't good enough to be playing regular for a top four side but then I don't believe Young would be either or Lennon, and SWP who you advocate us replacing Milner with, hasn't exactly performed for Chelsea, one of the big four, has he.


That said, I believe Milner is better than Pennant who currently plays for the team at the top of the table and I wouldn't be as quick as you are to write his whole career off just yet.


Love how you use almost anything to justify your dislike of Milner though, even ignoring facts and concrete proof such as Milner's performance against Chelsea last season that pretty much flies in the face of your entire argument that a) he can't perform against such sides and b) that he's never going to be good enough for a top 4 side, despite the player you want us to replace him with having proved he actually isn't.




The point regarding Young was not that Milner wouldn't put in a good performance, more that he'll never put in a performance like that using pace and penetration to rip teams apart on the counter attack, that for me is what I want from a winger and it's similar to what N'Zogbia gives us.


He is average though, I can't see one aspect of his game that he excels at and if anything he slows our attacks down by being to slow when running or his need to beat the same man 4 or 5 times.


As for SWP not being good enough for a top 4 team, he'd walk into both Arsenal and Liverpools team where as Milner wouldn't get into the majority of teams in the top 10 last year.


You can't move the goal posts man :D, you said he would never ever put in that kind of performance. Now you're saying you meant using pace etc. Well he doesn't have any so that's fucking obvious. However beating a man whether it be via pace or skill or both is all the same, which is what Milner did time and time again against Chelsea last season. Dave's right, only a NUFC fan could moan about how a player beats his man :lol:


BTW Young didn't rip them apart, he fumbled his way past his man once or twice and used his pace to exploit the pace while at other times he was played in by flick ons etc.. He didn't take him on and do him again and again though using skill which is what I put way ahead of pace and something in which Milner has the upper hand on him with. As Parky points out Milner's two footedness is a strength and so is his quick feet, which is something Young doesn't possess at current hence he knocks the ball past a player then gets in behind him. Every time he tried the step over or the skills he fumbled it or got eased off by Balletti however.


Don't get me wrong he's a good player with lots still to come but you make out as if he's streets ahead of Milner or then use Young's most obvious strengths to put Down Milner because he doesn't have these strengths, ignoring the strengths he does have over Young and his own plus points.


I know you don't rate him which I can live with after all it's your opinion but when you make ridiculous comments like "Milner will never put in a performance like Young did", it seems you also have an agenda or want to somehow for whatever reason point out how much you don't rate Milner whenever possible, just like Smith's name keeps getting dragged into any Dyer discussion by you.


I'm not moving the goalposts at all, if you choose to interpret it in a different way then that's your problem, Young wasn't even that great today but when it mattered on the counter attack he was deadly.


As for him and Smith, so I point out they're average players, that's because they are, sorry for being able to point out the limitations of players instead of making them out to be World beaters, the way some go on on here Milner should be playing for England which is beyond a joke.



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Guest Knightrider
  On 02/09/2007 at 19:26, Dave said:



Only Newcastle fans could berate their own player for beating a defender too many times.


Perhaps because they can see that it slows games down and makes it near impossible for a striker to time a run when he doesn't know when to expect the cross in.


Perhaps you can list the reasons why it's a good thing that someone would continuously turn and try to beat the same man over and over again?


There were a couple of times where Milner should probably have crossed a bit earlier, and he dallied on the ball somewhat, I agree.


However, when one considers he is advancing with the ball into the penalty area I don't see the problem. He's keeping possesion, confusing the defender(s), creating space for himself and moving towards the danger area. I'm sure he doesn't do it for fun.


Dave, it's actually good wing play and will have been drilled into him since he was a bairn. When you are running with the ball to set up a crossing opportunity, you are taught to try and find yourself the best angle, and you do that by finding a gap between you and the defender, in Milner's case confusing the defender by running him ragged whereby he goes the opposite way to what direction you're going in.


Off the ball if it's played into space you're taught to whip it in first time without stopping to control it.


He does both these things which I don't see any problem with, it's good wing play.


Variation they call it.

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  On 02/09/2007 at 19:26, Dave said:



Only Newcastle fans could berate their own player for beating a defender too many times.


Perhaps because they can see that it slows games down and makes it near impossible for a striker to time a run when he doesn't know when to expect the cross in.


Perhaps you can list the reasons why it's a good thing that someone would continuously turn and try to beat the same man over and over again?


There were a couple of times where Milner should probably have crossed a bit earlier, and he dallied on the ball somewhat, I agree.


However, when one considers he is advancing with the ball into the penalty area I don't see the problem. He's keeping possesion, confusing the defender(s), creating space for himself and moving towards the danger area. I'm sure he doesn't do it for fun.


I don't mean to be rude Dave but that's a load of bollocks.


So Milners out on the wing with the ball while the strikers are waiting to make a move, how are they suppose to time that run while he's turning back again and again on the ball? He's confusing the defender but he's also confusing our strikers as they don't know when he's going to put the ball in.


It's as bad as the spin Scott Parker used to do in midfield that everyone thought was great to start with too, doesn't help the team at all though.

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Guest Knightrider
  On 02/09/2007 at 19:32, Baggio said:

As for him and Smith, so I point out they're average players, that's because they are, sorry for being able to point out the limitations of players instead of making them out to be World beaters, the way some go on on here Milner should be playing for England which is beyond a joke.


Fair enough and I agree, people do overrate players, but you tend to now do the opposite whereby you'll use almost anything to rubbish those you don't rate. Young and this thread had nowt to do with Milner but you used this to have a go at him. Unfairly in my opinion hence me pulling you up saying hold on Milner has put in such a performance against such a top team.


BTW if Milner had pace, he'd piss all over Young and I sincerely mean that.

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  On 02/09/2007 at 19:37, Baggio said:




Only Newcastle fans could berate their own player for beating a defender too many times.


Perhaps because they can see that it slows games down and makes it near impossible for a striker to time a run when he doesn't know when to expect the cross in.


Perhaps you can list the reasons why it's a good thing that someone would continuously turn and try to beat the same man over and over again?


There were a couple of times where Milner should probably have crossed a bit earlier, and he dallied on the ball somewhat, I agree.


However, when one considers he is advancing with the ball into the penalty area I don't see the problem. He's keeping possesion, confusing the defender(s), creating space for himself and moving towards the danger area. I'm sure he doesn't do it for fun.


I don't mean to be rude Dave but that's a load of bollocks.


So Milners out on the wing with the ball while the strikers are waiting to make a move, how are they suppose to time that run while he's turning back again and again on the ball? He's confusing the defender but he's also confusing our strikers as they don't know when he's going to put the ball in.


It's as bad as the spin Scott Parker used to do in midfield that everyone thought was great to start with too, doesn't help the team at all though.


He wasn't out on the wing when he was doing this, he was inside the penalty area. Possibly trying to make space for a cross-shot, who knows. If he puts it in first time every time, don't you think that gets a bit easy for the defence to predict? He's got to mix things up. Put it this way, if we'd scored from one of those instances I don't think anyone would be moaning about it. Probably marvelling at the skill...


And I don't see the comparison with the Parker thing at all. One is very near the goal and is a major threat, the other is nothing of the sort.

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Guest Knightrider
  On 02/09/2007 at 19:37, Baggio said:




Only Newcastle fans could berate their own player for beating a defender too many times.


Perhaps because they can see that it slows games down and makes it near impossible for a striker to time a run when he doesn't know when to expect the cross in.


Perhaps you can list the reasons why it's a good thing that someone would continuously turn and try to beat the same man over and over again?


There were a couple of times where Milner should probably have crossed a bit earlier, and he dallied on the ball somewhat, I agree.


However, when one considers he is advancing with the ball into the penalty area I don't see the problem. He's keeping possesion, confusing the defender(s), creating space for himself and moving towards the danger area. I'm sure he doesn't do it for fun.


I don't mean to be rude Dave but that's a load of bollocks.


So Milners out on the wing with the ball while the strikers are waiting to make a move, how are they suppose to time that run while he's turning back again and again on the ball? He's confusing the defender but he's also confusing our strikers as they don't know when he's going to put the ball in.


It's as bad as the spin Scott Parker used to do in midfield that everyone thought was great to start with too, doesn't help the team at all though.


The difference is Baggio, he's getting himself into a crossing position, he hasn't been played in. If say the ball was played into rooms of space and all the attackers in the box were awaiting a cross and he then stopped and checked back time and time again before crossing, then you'd be right but he doesn't do that. Of course there will be instances of it but you'll find the same in any winger, even Ronaldo sometimes does that, just like strikers will sometimes stand still in the box, Owen himself has been caught that way before. No one is perfect or does the absolute correct thing every single time.


If Milner is running towards the byline and being held up by a full-back, he has every right to do whatever he feels is best to create an angle for himself to cross, which is exactly what he did in the play you refer to.


This is basic stuff he'll have been coached from a bairn, it's good wing play. It's also good defensive play to stand him up, to not let him pass you or get that cross in, the fact Milner did and a good one it was, is a good thing.


He's no Parker but on the wing man.

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  On 02/09/2007 at 19:40, Dave said:





Only Newcastle fans could berate their own player for beating a defender too many times.


Perhaps because they can see that it slows games down and makes it near impossible for a striker to time a run when he doesn't know when to expect the cross in.


Perhaps you can list the reasons why it's a good thing that someone would continuously turn and try to beat the same man over and over again?


There were a couple of times where Milner should probably have crossed a bit earlier, and he dallied on the ball somewhat, I agree.


However, when one considers he is advancing with the ball into the penalty area I don't see the problem. He's keeping possesion, confusing the defender(s), creating space for himself and moving towards the danger area. I'm sure he doesn't do it for fun.


I don't mean to be rude Dave but that's a load of bollocks.


So Milners out on the wing with the ball while the strikers are waiting to make a move, how are they suppose to time that run while he's turning back again and again on the ball? He's confusing the defender but he's also confusing our strikers as they don't know when he's going to put the ball in.


It's as bad as the spin Scott Parker used to do in midfield that everyone thought was great to start with too, doesn't help the team at all though.


He wasn't out on the wing when he was doing this, he was inside the penalty area. Possibly trying to make space for a cross-shot, who knows. If he puts it in first time every time, don't you think that gets a bit easy for the defence to predict? He's got to mix things up.


And I don't see the comparison with the Parker thing at all. One is very near the goal and is a major threat, the other is nothing of the sort.


If its the incident am thinking of then he really had no option but to do what he did. He lost his man but there was no clear pass or shot, so he moved again to try and find something else instead of just banging it into the box and hitting the 1st man.

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  On 02/09/2007 at 19:38, CoachHTT said:


As for him and Smith, so I point out they're average players, that's because they are, sorry for being able to point out the limitations of players instead of making them out to be World beaters, the way some go on on here Milner should be playing for England which is beyond a joke.


Fair enough and I agree, people do overrate players, but you tend to now do the opposite whereby you'll use almost anything to rubbish those you don't rate. Young and this thread had nowt to do with Milner but you used this to have a go at him. Unfairly in my opinion hence me pulling you up saying hold on Milner has put in such a performance against such a top team.


BTW if Milner had pace, he'd piss all over Young and I sincerely mean that.


I seem to remember people moaning when the likes of myself, HTL and Crumpy pointed out what a negative influence Parker was, HTL got loads of stick for it but not many would disagree with him now, Ashley Young's performance today is exactly what I want from a wide man and if we had the chance to get someone of similar ability down the right I'd bin Milner in a flash.


As for Milner having pace he'd piss all over Young, I agree but it's all hypothetical, I said the other day when someone tried to rubbish Aaron Lennon saying Milner was better and that Lennon is all pace that it is a big part of the Premiership, plenty of players would be better if they had pace, at the same time there are plenty of players out there who wouldn't even be Premiership standard without it.

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  On 02/09/2007 at 19:40, Dave said:





Only Newcastle fans could berate their own player for beating a defender too many times.


Perhaps because they can see that it slows games down and makes it near impossible for a striker to time a run when he doesn't know when to expect the cross in.


Perhaps you can list the reasons why it's a good thing that someone would continuously turn and try to beat the same man over and over again?


There were a couple of times where Milner should probably have crossed a bit earlier, and he dallied on the ball somewhat, I agree.


However, when one considers he is advancing with the ball into the penalty area I don't see the problem. He's keeping possesion, confusing the defender(s), creating space for himself and moving towards the danger area. I'm sure he doesn't do it for fun.


I don't mean to be rude Dave but that's a load of bollocks.


So Milners out on the wing with the ball while the strikers are waiting to make a move, how are they suppose to time that run while he's turning back again and again on the ball? He's confusing the defender but he's also confusing our strikers as they don't know when he's going to put the ball in.


It's as bad as the spin Scott Parker used to do in midfield that everyone thought was great to start with too, doesn't help the team at all though.


He wasn't out on the wing when he was doing this, he was inside the penalty area. Possibly trying to make space for a cross-shot, who knows. If he puts it in first time every time, don't you think that gets a bit easy for the defence to predict? He's got to mix things up. Put it this way, if we'd scored from one of those instances I don't think anyone would be moaning about it. Probably marvelling at the skill...


And I don't see the comparison with the Parker thing at all. One is very near the goal and is a major threat, the other is nothing of the sort.


The comparison with what Parker done is that it's slowing down our attack and is a pointless thing to do.


Milner does this more often than not so lets not make out he doesn't, how many other wingers feel the need to do this the majority of the time? How many wingers even do it now and again? The most important thing when getting the ball in is to play it early, that way it puts the defenders about when picking up men and makes it hard to organise themselves.


Now by Milner doing this he's slowing the pace of our attack down, making it hard for our strikers to time their runs and is giving the defenders time to organise and mark their man, by him taking his time it's giving the opposition chance to flood the penalty box with defenders.

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Guest Knightrider
  On 02/09/2007 at 19:45, Baggio said:



As for him and Smith, so I point out they're average players, that's because they are, sorry for being able to point out the limitations of players instead of making them out to be World beaters, the way some go on on here Milner should be playing for England which is beyond a joke.


Fair enough and I agree, people do overrate players, but you tend to now do the opposite whereby you'll use almost anything to rubbish those you don't rate. Young and this thread had nowt to do with Milner but you used this to have a go at him. Unfairly in my opinion hence me pulling you up saying hold on Milner has put in such a performance against such a top team.


BTW if Milner had pace, he'd piss all over Young and I sincerely mean that.


I seem to remember people moaning when the likes of myself, HTL and Crumpy pointed out what a negative influence Parker was, HTL got loads of stick for it but not many would disagree with him now, Ashley Young's performance today is exactly what I want from a wide man and if we had the chance to get someone of similar ability down the right I'd bin Milner in a flash.


As for Milner having pace he'd piss all over Young, I agree but it's all hypothetical, I said the other day when someone tried to rubbish Aaron Lennon saying Milner was better and that Lennon is all pace that it is a big part of the Premiership, plenty of players would be better if they had pace, at the same time there are plenty of players out there who wouldn't even be Premiership standard without it.


You did point out Parker's flaws but it wasn't as if yous were all lone voices as I think everyone recognised he slowed the game down, even myself, but some were basically blaming our entire woes on Parker and Parker alone. Anyway what he has to do with Milner or this team I don't know.


I agree with your other points, especially the comments about without pace a few players wouldn't even be near the Premiership and this is a bone of contention for me because those players aren't Premiership players but get games over players with more skill but who lack pace. We're in danger of ignoring skill and creativity over power and pace.

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  On 02/09/2007 at 19:53, Baggio said:






Only Newcastle fans could berate their own player for beating a defender too many times.


Perhaps because they can see that it slows games down and makes it near impossible for a striker to time a run when he doesn't know when to expect the cross in.


Perhaps you can list the reasons why it's a good thing that someone would continuously turn and try to beat the same man over and over again?


There were a couple of times where Milner should probably have crossed a bit earlier, and he dallied on the ball somewhat, I agree.


However, when one considers he is advancing with the ball into the penalty area I don't see the problem. He's keeping possesion, confusing the defender(s), creating space for himself and moving towards the danger area. I'm sure he doesn't do it for fun.


I don't mean to be rude Dave but that's a load of bollocks.


So Milners out on the wing with the ball while the strikers are waiting to make a move, how are they suppose to time that run while he's turning back again and again on the ball? He's confusing the defender but he's also confusing our strikers as they don't know when he's going to put the ball in.


It's as bad as the spin Scott Parker used to do in midfield that everyone thought was great to start with too, doesn't help the team at all though.


He wasn't out on the wing when he was doing this, he was inside the penalty area. Possibly trying to make space for a cross-shot, who knows. If he puts it in first time every time, don't you think that gets a bit easy for the defence to predict? He's got to mix things up. Put it this way, if we'd scored from one of those instances I don't think anyone would be moaning about it. Probably marvelling at the skill...


And I don't see the comparison with the Parker thing at all. One is very near the goal and is a major threat, the other is nothing of the sort.


The comparison with what Parker done is that it's slowing down our attack and is a pointless thing to do.


Milner does this more often than not so lets not make out he doesn't, how many other wingers feel the need to do this the majority of the time? How many wingers even do it now and again? The most important thing when getting the ball in is to play it early, that way it puts the defenders about when picking up men and makes it hard to organise themselves.


Now by Milner doing this he's slowing the pace of our attack down, making it hard for our strikers to time their runs and is giving the defenders time to organise and mark their man, by him taking his time it's giving the opposition chance to flood the penalty box with defenders.


I only remember him doing this twice on Saturday? He surely put in more than two crosses otherwise. Correct me if I'm wrong.


How is it pointless if it gives him a chink of space and we profit from a cross or a shot? As has been pointed out, he received the ball in a position where a first time ball would have hit one of the two-plus defenders in his face. So we didn't produce anything directly from Milner against Wigan, fair enough. Hardly something to be worried about though IMO.


Not going to continue arguing about it, I think it's just complaining for complaining's sake.

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  On 02/09/2007 at 20:06, Dave said:







Only Newcastle fans could berate their own player for beating a defender too many times.


Perhaps because they can see that it slows games down and makes it near impossible for a striker to time a run when he doesn't know when to expect the cross in.


Perhaps you can list the reasons why it's a good thing that someone would continuously turn and try to beat the same man over and over again?


There were a couple of times where Milner should probably have crossed a bit earlier, and he dallied on the ball somewhat, I agree.


However, when one considers he is advancing with the ball into the penalty area I don't see the problem. He's keeping possesion, confusing the defender(s), creating space for himself and moving towards the danger area. I'm sure he doesn't do it for fun.


I don't mean to be rude Dave but that's a load of bollocks.


So Milners out on the wing with the ball while the strikers are waiting to make a move, how are they suppose to time that run while he's turning back again and again on the ball? He's confusing the defender but he's also confusing our strikers as they don't know when he's going to put the ball in.


It's as bad as the spin Scott Parker used to do in midfield that everyone thought was great to start with too, doesn't help the team at all though.


He wasn't out on the wing when he was doing this, he was inside the penalty area. Possibly trying to make space for a cross-shot, who knows. If he puts it in first time every time, don't you think that gets a bit easy for the defence to predict? He's got to mix things up. Put it this way, if we'd scored from one of those instances I don't think anyone would be moaning about it. Probably marvelling at the skill...


And I don't see the comparison with the Parker thing at all. One is very near the goal and is a major threat, the other is nothing of the sort.


The comparison with what Parker done is that it's slowing down our attack and is a pointless thing to do.


Milner does this more often than not so lets not make out he doesn't, how many other wingers feel the need to do this the majority of the time? How many wingers even do it now and again? The most important thing when getting the ball in is to play it early, that way it puts the defenders about when picking up men and makes it hard to organise themselves.


Now by Milner doing this he's slowing the pace of our attack down, making it hard for our strikers to time their runs and is giving the defenders time to organise and mark their man, by him taking his time it's giving the opposition chance to flood the penalty box with defenders.


I only remember him doing this twice on Saturday? He surely put in more than two crosses otherwise. Correct me if I'm wrong.


How is it pointless if it gives him a chink of space and we profit from a cross or a shot? As has been pointed out, he received the ball in a position where a first time ball would have hit one of the two-plus defenders in his face. So we didn't produce anything directly from Milner against Wigan, fair enough. Hardly something to be worried about though IMO.


Not going to continue arguing about it, I think it's just complaining for complaining's sake.


He does it a few times every week ffs, I can't think of another striker that continues to do this game after game.


The sooner Enrique gets in and N'Zogbia plays up there the better.

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Well that's another obvious point you've touched upon, he's clearly much more likely to hit a first-time ball confidently if he's on the right wing. Agree N'Zogbia should be pushed back to left wing.

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Guest Knightrider
  On 02/09/2007 at 19:53, Baggio said:
The most important thing when getting the ball in is to play it early, that way it puts the defenders about when picking up men and makes it hard to organise themselves.


Wrong. Myth. So so wrong. Not when as was the case with Milner he was carrying the ball himself and being stood up by a defender. You are only best advised to whip in a cross first time if you're running onto the ball; i.e. when the ball has been played into space and the defence are on the back foot, NOT when you yourself are carrying the ball and being stood up by an opponent as was the case (again) with Milner at the weekend.


He did the right thing.


You're criticising Milner for doing what is the correct thing to do, what he will have been trained to do since he was a bairn.


BTW you do realise defenders are trained to deal with early crosses while strikers are trained to deal will all kinds of crosses (as are defenders like), it is called variation and where crossing is concerned there is no real definitive right and wrong thing to do.

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  On 02/09/2007 at 20:14, CoachHTT said:

The most important thing when getting the ball in is to play it early, that way it puts the defenders about when picking up men and makes it hard to organise themselves.


Wrong. Myth. So so wrong. Not when as was the case with Milner he was carrying the ball himself and being stood up by a defender. You are only best advised to whip in a cross first time if you're running onto the ball; i.e. when the ball has been played into space and the defence are on the back foot, NOT when you yourself are carrying the ball and being stood up by an opponent as was the case (again) with Milner at the weekend.


He did the right thing.


You're criticising Milner for doing what is the correct thing to do, what he will have been trained to do since he was a bairn.


BTW you do realise defenders are trained to deal with early crosses while strikers are trained to deal will all kinds of crosses (as are defenders like), it is called variation and where crossing is concerned there is no real definitive right and wrong thing to do.


Can you name me the other wingers that turn on themselves 3 or 4 times in a game before getting a cross in if it's the right thing to do?



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Guest firetotheworks

Whats with the Milner bashing? A few years ago I didnt see anything in his game that was of great benefit to us and wished we had have loaned out ambrose for a season and sold milner. Since then Milner has improved in almost every way. His crossing is very good (I cant see why people think its crap unless theyre only judging it from before he went on loan to villa). Its obvious that he's one of our most dangerous and effective players over last season and this season so far. He's very two footed now meaning defenders are always second guessing him, and his footballing brain has developed a lot. He's not the fastest but he has other qualities that faster players dont. If you have youre own ideas about what a modern winger should be then fair enough, but saying Milner cant do such and such and will never be able to do certain things then youre being naive. There's no way you can tell at this stage. One of our most effective players, easily.

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