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Ferguson getting punched in the nuts


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The guy pleaded guilty and gave him some abuse.


Man Admits Attacking Man Utd Boss


Updated: 14:16, Wednesday September 12, 2007


Sir Alex punched in the groin


A man who was "fighting drunk" has admitted punching Sir Alex Ferguson in the groin leaving him doubled up in agony.


Kevin Reynolds pleaded guilty to assaulting the Manchester United manager outside Euston station in London before attacking the officer and racially abusing him.


Reynolds, who is 43, appeared before City of London Magistrates where he was warned that he could face a jail term.


The attack took place shortly after 4pm on Monday when Sir Alex was waiting for his driver outside the central London station.


Reynolds, originally from Fife but now of no fixed abode, approached Sir Alex and struck him in the groin area, leaving him doubled over.


The court was told that Reynolds then said: "I'm sorry Fergie. I did not know it was you" before chanting "Fergie, Fergie, shut your mouth" - a football shout common in Scotland.


A police community support officer, Peace Toluwa, tried to restrain Reynolds, but was head butted in the face, cutting his upper lip, and subjected to a number of racial slurs.


Reynolds pleaded guilty to two counts of racially-aggravated public order, one of common assault and one count of actual bodily harm.


His defence counsel, Adeola Olowu, told the court her client had said he was joking around and that he struck Sir Alex whilst shadow boxing.


Sitting magistrate Daphne Wickham said: "I do not think Sir Alex Ferguson saw this as a joke."


She said her powers of sentence, which allow for six months' imprisonment, were insufficient.


She committed the case to Southwark Crown Court at a future date and remanded Reynolds in custody.

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Man guilty of assaulting Sir Alex


A man has pleaded guilty to assaulting Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson at a London railway station.

Kevin Reynolds, 43, admitted punching Sir Alex in the groin before head butting a police community support officer at Euston station on Monday.


Reynolds was warned by City of Westminster magistrates that he faces a jail sentence when he appears at Southwark Crown Court at a later date.


Sir Alex, who was born in Glasgow, is not believed to have been badly hurt.


'Fighting drunk'


He had been in London for a function.


Reynolds, of no fixed abode, was charged with actual bodily harm, assault and two public order offences.


His counsel, Adeola Olowu, said her client initially thought he had come across a Sir Alex look-alike.


She said her client was joking around and that he struck Sir Alex while shadow boxing.


Magistrate Daphne Wickham said: "I do not think Sir Alex Ferguson saw this as a joke."


She said Reynolds was "a fighting drunk", adding that her powers of sentence, which allow for six months' imprisonment, were insufficient.


Reynolds was remanded in custody.



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Guest elbee909

Perhaps the guy was a fan of Roy Keane, who'd said "stick it up yer bollocks" to people on various occasions, and so this geezer was trying to carry out this physical impossibility on Sir Alex as revenge for Man Utd beating Sunderland recently.


It's a theory.

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