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Coventry City narrowly avoid administration...


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have norwich got many players from the prem days still on their books ?



their wage bill in 2006 was £15m. Their expected turnover in 2008 will be £17m.


In that time they have sold 4 players for transfer fees, which were probably the bigger earners, still not enough really.


They have only survived on Delia loans.

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have norwich got many players from the prem days still on their books ?



their wage bill in 2006 was £15m. Their expected turnover in 2008 will be £17m.


In that time they have sold 4 players for transfer fees, which were probably the bigger earners, still not enough really.


They have only survived on Delia loans.


A lesson that you can't have your cake and eat it I'm afraid






























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I live about 600 metres from the place Kirk,we'll have to have a pint.Where do you live then mate.


In Hawkesbury Village mate, you know where the new(ish) houses are?


Your local must be The Greyhound or the Boat,mate.I'm a Holbrooks kid,and i'm a regular in the Unicorn.

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Rumours here are that Souness was interested in buying the club but only had 25 mill with his consortium against 38 mill of debt and a council who half own the stadium and refuse to sell for less than a tidy profit,Tories by the way,who were in opposition when Ricoh was proposed and built,and voted against it.Something stinks in the whole affair.


god help you if you have souness in charge- in any capacity!! i wouldnt give him a job cleaning the pissers


Not me!!!I just had the misfortune of being born here.


You're not far from me, then, billy, sadly.


Sadly in the sense that I am currently domiciled closer to Coventry than I'd like.


18 miles as the crow flies mate.A dead city if there ever was such a place.


I'm in Warwick.


Far, far too close for comfort. Oddly enough, I never see any Coventry City fans around town. Mainly Villains, plus the usual smattering of repulsive glory hunters.

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Rumours here are that Souness was interested in buying the club but only had 25 mill with his consortium against 38 mill of debt and a council who half own the stadium and refuse to sell for less than a tidy profit,Tories by the way,who were in opposition when Ricoh was proposed and built,and voted against it.Something stinks in the whole affair.


god help you if you have souness in charge- in any capacity!! i wouldnt give him a job cleaning the pissers


Not me!!!I just had the misfortune of being born here.


You're not far from me, then, billy, sadly.


Sadly in the sense that I am currently domiciled closer to Coventry than I'd like.


18 miles as the crow flies mate.A dead city if there ever was such a place.


I'm in Warwick.


Far, far too close for comfort. Oddly enough, I never see any Coventry City fans around town. Mainly Villains, plus the usual smattering of repulsive glory hunters.


Very poshe area.And even closer to Coventry than dear old Brummagem. :cheesy:

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Guest johnson293

He tried for Aston Villa, then Man City, but it looks liek Ray Ranson might have finally bought himself a football club!




Coventry 'close to' Ranson deal 


Coventry City chairman Joe Elliott has told BBC Sport the club is on the brink of sealing a takeover deal with Ray Ranson's Sisu Capital group.


"We are very, very close to completing the Sisu deal," he said.


Elliot also distanced himself from claims that billionaire Alki David was interested in taking over Coventry.


"I had a brief conversation with Mr David explaining what the situation with Sisu was and I haven't heard back from him since."


The board announced its intention to take the club into administration on 3 December in the hope it would bring the Sisu deal to completion before then.


The club, which has debts in the region of £38m, has been given until Thursday to prove its solvency or enter administration or incur a 10-point deduction.


If that were to happen, Coventry would drop into the bottom three of the Championship and possibly lose the services of manager Iain Dowie.


Elliot said the board were looking to have the deal done by the end of the week but would not be drawn into what that would mean for the club.


"We hope things will have come to a head by Friday. I'm not prepared to go any further than that," he added.





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Guest ryanegg

I live in Coventry aswell, this mess is all due to two twats, Brian Richardson and Geoffrey Robinson. Robinson lent the club money to buy Robbie Keane then apparently took the majority amount of money from his sale to Inter, shows how much " support " he has for the club.

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I live in Coventry aswell, this mess is all due to two twats, Brian Richardson and Geoffrey Robinson. Robinson lent the club money to buy Robbie Keane then apparently took the majority amount of money from his sale to Inter, shows how much " support " he has for the club.


Where you live Ryan?


There are a few variations to the Robbie Keane purchase/sale,one which is a wealthy benefactor,an unnamed woman,borrowed Coventry or Bryan Richardson,6 mill on the understanding,she would recieve the full fee of any sale.One season later,Keane is sold for 13 mill.Nice work if you can get it.

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good, dunno if its me like, but I see them as being a club that should be in the premiership/pushing for promotion.


Obviously only being about 4 when the Premier League was started (so I belong to the Sky generation, I presume, despite the fact my parents have always refused to get Sky in the house), I've always been used to Coventry being a team that should be in the Premiership.  I've been twice, it's quite a big place with what appeared to be a large fanbase, along with clubs like Leeds, Sheff Wed, Forest, and perhaps Southampton.  They're the teams I believe should be in the Premiership and so I'm only too glad they're saved.

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I was born here,and although i'm delighted they have been saved,i'm braced for the "this time in 3 years,we'll be in the Champions League" brigade because believe me,they are a misguided lot here.


They absolutely hate us, that makes me laugh. But at the same time, they'll all admit that what really riles them is that the rivalry is all one way.


Although I personally dislike them having had some bad times on the walk through the subways from the station to Highfield Road in the 1980s. Including one memorable time which included uninterrupted fighting pretty much from the ground exit to the station, and then when we got back to New Street, the Zulus waiting for us.


Happy days.

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They were horrible times in the 80's.I remember,virtually every week was a derby with the hooliganism that followed.The walk back to the station must have been pretty hairy too brummie.When Villa played Coventry,once Birmingham had been relegated,you could guarantee a squad of Zulus teaming with Coventry hooligans to take on the Villa boys,whatever they were called.Awful days that although not completely eradicated,are a distant memory.

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They were awful days in many ways, but in other ways they were - I'm struggling for the right word - not great days, but memorable days.


Try explaining to most younger supporters today what it was like going to an away match in the 1980s, it is so different. The concept of walking around someone else's town with colours on, as if it is the most normal thing in the world. How times have changed.


One of the scariest places I ever went was Ayresome Park. Now, that was a shit hole, but back then it was an intimidating shit hole. Look at the Riverside now and it is about as intimidating as the Wednesbury branch of IKEA.

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I know what you mean,it made your heart beat fifty to the dozen,not knowing where you were going and if there were a gang of opposing fans around the corner lying in wait for you.As you rightly say an experience for a teenager which i've never forgot the rush of.But still barbaric and not the kind of thing you want your kids to experience.

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