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Alan Hutton

ross magoo

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I heard from my mate today that Newcastle (amongst others) have been quoted with an interest in Rangers right-back Alan Hutton.


No link or source so it might be a non-story.  Feel free to ignore.


When he broke into the Rangers team I just thought he was a typical Rangers hatchet man, but his forward play for club and country this year has changed my opinion of him.


I reckon he would be good competition for Habib (fatso Carr can go and sign for F.C. Idontgiveafuckjustgetoutofmyfuckingsight tbh).


Rangers would probably want 5-6mil for him though.



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I wouldn't pay that kind of money for somebody in the Scottish league to be honest.




I agree.  5-6mil would have been f****** stupid money for Henrik Larsson.  I'm glad we didn't squander that kind of money on him.


Do you actually use your brain before you post?


How about judging a player based on his ability as a footballer rather than the league he plays in...?


Honestly, never underestimate the sheer f****** stupidity of some football supporters.

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I wouldn't pay that kind of money for somebody in the Scottish league to be honest.




I agree.  5-6mil would have been fucking stupid money for Henrik Larsson.  I'm glad we didn't squander that kind of money on him.


Do you actually use your brain before you post?


How about judging a player based on his ability as a footballer rather than the league he plays in...?


Honestly, never underestimate the sheer fucking stupidity of football supporters.


Fuck off you condescending prick.


That league is absolute dog shit and paying £6m for anyone who hasn't proved themselves out of it would be madness. See Boumsong, See Barry Ferguson, McFadden - the list goes on.



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I wouldn't pay that kind of money for somebody in the Scottish league to be honest.




I agree.  5-6mil would have been f****** stupid money for Henrik Larsson.  I'm glad we didn't squander that kind of money on him.


Do you actually use your brain before you post?


How about judging a player based on his ability as a footballer rather than the league he plays in...?


Honestly, never underestimate the sheer f****** stupidity of football supporters.


f*** off you condescending prick.


That league is absolute dog s*** and paying £6m for anyone who hasn't proved themselves out of it would be madness. See Boumsong, See Barry Ferguson, McFadden - the list goes on.




You're really excelling yourself here mate.


How about Law, Dalglish, Souness, did I mention Larsson? I think I did but you completely ignored that point because it blows your silly little argument out of the water.


I'm not saying that every player who's ever played in the scottish leagues is magic.  I wouldn't be stupid enough to make daft unfounded generalisations.  Feel free to continue making a t!t of yourself though.  It's very entertaining.

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Tell me the last time there was a decent export from that 2 bit league to the Premiership?


Larsson was a good player, granted, but taking anyone from a poor league to a good one for a big fee is a risk.


I don't think you like someone criticising the homeland Magoo. Shame my points are true though.

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How old are you two for fucks sake?


Play nice or use the PM function please.


What do you want me to do Dave?


If people make stupid statements like that in a topic then surely they should expect to have holes shot through it?


Nothing stupid about saying paying big money for a player in that league is dodgy.


We could just as easily spend £6m on an unknown right back from the Romanian first division because thats the standard of football up there.


Magoo's got the hump cos he can't defend the shocking standard of football played in his homeland. Boo hoo hoo.

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I remember when riches said "I'd have a Smith, Butt or Milner over that lazy bastard Robert EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK." so you can tell what sort of bloke you're dealing with.


Thick as pigshit.


I stand by that. HATED Robert.

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How old are you two for fucks sake?


Play nice or use the PM function please.


What do you want me to do Dave?


If people make stupid statements like that in a topic then surely they should expect to have holes shot through it?


Sure, try not to get involved in a slanging match though.


Thread has gone to shit already. Locked.

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