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With home support like this, what chance has anyone got of succeeding here?


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In the last few years the atmosphere has died a great deal. All I hear is moaning from first whistle to last with sporadic singing in the middle from the die hards. There are to many ponces going to games these days and just go come on entertain me and dont show the support. I used to love the old corner it was quality everyone singing. And when keegan was here the atmosphere was electric but more boring bastards have been allowed in and its just bombed.


If you go to the match sing a song, support your club and don't moan every foooking minute. I heard people moaning their tits off when we were 3-1 up against spurs. Unbelievable

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Phrases along the lines of "it's always been like this" just aren't true. The phrase of "that familiar circle of pressure, impatience and reaction" doesn't apply until after the departure of Keegan, to be honest.  So I can only imagine that some memories are rather short, unless they don't really mean that "it's always been like this." After saying that, even after the Keegan times, Robson had 5 years because he was clearly doing ok, you simply can't stick with a manager who is obviously not doing a good job. Relegation lies down that road and the club can't afford relegation.


What really hasn't changed is that we've won nowt but the club as a whole has changed massively over the years I've been a supporter.


What we have now are a load of people who appear to be demanding success as though we have some kind of right to success. They may not think they're like this but they do create that impression when they get up and walk out when the 4th goal goes in, or they boo our own players or (according to some) even laugh at our own players. The club doesn't need this type of supporter but that's what they've ended up with.


essentially correct. Some people would reply by saying that the older fan has less expectation when accused by the older fan of "thinking they have a right to success". I don't have less expectation at all. I've always wanted to win the league and bring in the type of players that you need at a club that wants to win the league.


But basically, going back in time, there were less fans, but who were fundamentally more loyal and stuck with the club more, most definitely because the club was not expected to be successful.


The people who bugger off - whenever this happens and just because we are losing - are welcome to bugger off, for me, and the sooner they let someone else in their seat who will stay, or not boo, or not laugh at our own players, the better.




The point is the seat is unlikely to be taken by anyone better.


Going back to the pre Keegan days, when we were shite and not expected to win anything, there was a hardcore of fans who supported the club and would turn up and "sing their hearts out for the lads" irrespective of what was happening on the pitch. That hardcore support is still there, and I'd put their number at about half the ground capacity, the rest are bandwagon merchants just waiting for an excuse to bin their season tickets.


Quite a brilliant post from someone who appears to not appreciate that it is the Halls and Shepherd who attracted these clowns back to the club, unless I'm mistaken of course.


I would HOPE that the younger generation who have been frozen out of football [ a topic way beyond the sole concern of Newcastle United by the way] would fill these seats. It would be in the best interests of the club if these people buggered off and made the space for the kids to get into the ground, even if it meant less income in the short term.



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Yeah but why turn up and just moan through the whole match its ridiculous and just adds to the tension. yes we have not had a team to be excited about but at least we have not had what leeds fans have had.


The ones who turn up and moan for 90 minutes are usually the ones who get bullied by their Mrs at home.  I'm not trying to defend them, I just think it's unrealistic to expect 50,000 people to all get behind the team for the whole game.  When you're dealing with those kind of numbers you're gonna get a lot of people who are quite happy to just sit and watch the match (which it is their right to do) and a fair share of @rseholes who are just there to moan.  It happens at every football ground in the world.

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I fucking hate these modern fans who expect not to be 3-0 down after 11 minutes. Outrageous. In my day, you thought you were lucky if the team hadn't been played off the pitch for 45 minutes and you'd conceded 10 in the first half alone.

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I f****** hate these modern fans who expect not to be 3-0 down after 11 minutes. Outrageous. In my day, you thought you were lucky if the team hadn't been played off the pitch for 45 minutes and you'd conceded 10 in the first half alone.



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The article is basically .com playing the soopafan card. Again.


Even the .com match report says the match was a load of shit, our attempt at a comeback bordered on pathetic, our gameplan was rubbish, that we had no style, that we played long balls to a midget, and we couldn't keep the ball for toffee. I've no idea how they can then go on to start complaining about the atmosphere.

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