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Interesting Quote from Capello

Guest JamesD

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I thought the quote was interesting because of its relevance to Newcastle and how it seems that in order to play his formation, Allardyce has to resort to quite a few square pegs in round holes when the players we have could be much more productive in a different set-up.


Along with plenty others, I've said exactly the same thing. I am pretty sure we have dropped a lot of points against poor teams by trying to play certain formations instead of just twanking them with far superior players.



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Guest SouthernMagpie

obastar I think you are deluded and a classic example of why we won't win a major tournement, with people like you jumping on the media bandwagon

"look at all our star players we deserve to win the WC"

we can have the best 11 players in the world but if they are 11 jumped up overpaid primadonnas, who show very little passion or pride for the country they play for, have no organisation and can't seem to play as a team then we don't deserve to win shit. ( look at Greece 2004 ) great team spirit great organisation and played for each other as a team.


You said we have some of the best midfielders in the premiership. lampard is not world class by a long shot and gerrard won't be untill he can bring his premiership form to the england team. How can you class these players as world class what have they done to earn it. You say we have some of the best or the best players in the premiership but the premiership is not where england games are played so when none of our so called stars have won anything out of Europe how can people say they are world class.

The england team is a mess at the minute and i for one think cappello is the perfect manager to deflate the egos of these so called stars.

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"You have to find a way to play according to the players you have in the squad - never stick to one system" - Fabio Capello

I thought this was quite relevent to how our teams been playing this year.  Any thoughts?




Read this article yesterday. He seems adept at changing his system to suit the situation. We'll have to see if English players brought up on vanilla 4-4-2 can adapt as easily.


I think, like most continental managers, he wants his players to be adaptable. That may be the reason he fell out with Beckham, who tends to do his own thing regardless of what's going on around him, and the needs of his particular team-mates.

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