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Did Derby really play well or....


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i agree that martins doesn't track back enough, but then he's not a midfielder he's a centre-forward! but i'm not sure why you're pinpointing this weakness from today, derby came down our left side far more than down our right. barnes, pearson and howard all had forays down there, whereas lewis tended to be restricted to crosses from deep which suggests that beye and martins did better than n'zogbia and milner.


So that's why I said, drop him.


The reason is because our defense collapses from the right first.

Easy, just think, right midfield exposed, Smith and Barton are going to cover the right, and then left side exposed and Derby start attacking there.


Sam's defense quality is largely depends on pressing. If this fails then our defense simply collapses and that's why I am singling out Martins.

We cannot have anyone on the pitch that isn't fully committed to the pressing.


Just three points and you will understand the importance of pressing

1. The pressing is excellent versus Arsenal, you can see the difference.

2. That's the true value of Sam, the reason why Bolton's defense was so good despit having many shit but committed players.

3. During SBR era we also play this kinda defense, did anyone realize this?


well sure, i'd drop martins from right-wing as that's not his positon. wouldn't boot him out of the team tho, i'd put him up front. i think it's a bit tenuous to say the midfield shuffled from left to right (tho i get your point and im sure some of that did happen), milner seemed to stick out wide and i don't recall derby switching it every time they got the ball, but were pretty direct.


It might be hindsight, but the two lunks in Derby's central defence might have fancied keeping track of Martins a bit less than having a fight with Smith.

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if that was the problem then how come derby didn't do much down our right but had a field day down the left?


it's not an excuse for martins to say he's out of position, it's a fact, you wouldn't expect viduka or owen do do any better would you? smith has played in midfield on and off for almost 3 years and up front all he does is battle anyway so it is no suprise that's all he does in midfield too.


If pressing is a failure, the whole midfield is exposed.


Smith also plays like that during Leeds days, anyway, the rationale for playing Martins instead of Viduka there is Martins SHOULD HAVE the pace to support both offense and defense. Could you imagine Viduka plays like Milner on the left?


The fault is either Sam didn't ask him to defend or he didn't do that. Of course Sam has to bear the blame for the result because he is the one who pick the team, but Martins isn't free from blame either.

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Guest kingdawson

Watched most of your game today (whilst flicking through to wach inter vs AC) and this is what i gathered from a neutrals poin of view:


1) Nicky Butt really is a good player. Looked an attacking threat as well as doing excellent defensivly. One minute the guy was putting in excellent tackles inside your box and the next minute he was spraying 40 to 50 yard balls all over the pitch (didnt realise he was a good passer before)


2) Viduka is the most under-rated striker in the league bar none. Ive gone on record saying he's my favourite non spurs player in the premiership and i stick to that. Only Berbatov is better in terms of close control (honestly couldnt think of amother player to say :lol:)


3) Beye looks a promising signing


4) Obafemi martins reminds me of Jermain defoe in that they both just put their heads down and shoot from anywhere. Martins close control is also beyond pathetic tbh but he's always dangerous(not today though).


5) David Rozenhal has been bloody rubbish everytime ive seen him play tbh. The guy just looks clumsy.


6) Joey barton is an excellent player imo but he was shite today. No doubt he will become a success for you lot though.


7) Alan smith is probably my most hated footballer in the prem. I dont rate him one bit but he was ok today (not his usual shite self)



Now onto the game. You lot were the better team tbh. Smith should have had a pen also BUT be very happy you were playing Derby because you would have for sure got roasted on the counter by any decent football team.

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The thin



....Now onto the game. You lot were the better team tbh. Smith should have had a pen also BUT be very happy you were playing Derby because you would have for sure got roasted on the counter by any decent football team.


The thing is, Derby were so bad you could almost see their shiteness unfolding with every clumsy boot and dogged run. it was like watching a souped up pub team. To think they'd only have 3 pts if it wasn't for us...

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