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Mark Viduka- Cut above

Guest BooBoo

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Watch the back-tracking there Matthew, you did say we wouldn't play 4-4-2 under Sam, technically. :smug:


I enjoyed that thread actually, Diop's been doing alright for Pompey like, for a grafter at least...


...So I didn't say Smith was better than Butt after all, then? Thought so. Ah, that thread gets better: I forgot it was the one where we discovered that you being proven right is more important than players at our club doing well. Magic.


I'm also not judging Smith after 4 months and less than 20 games in our colours, despite him looking much improved when played in a more advanced role recently.... where were you then? Why have you just reappeared after a bad performance from the team and our new captain, in particular?


You've lost the plot mate.


Much improved isn't exactly hard compared to the shite he served up in midfield.


As for him up front, he had a good game against Arsenal and that's it.


Portsmouth - Awful

Birmingham - poor

Fulham - Poor

Blackburn - Average

Derby - Shite


And he's offered the team what exactly from an attacking point of view?


I haven't  lost the plot at all, I can spot a shit player a mile off though. :smug:

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When you're diverting a thread away from it's natural course with petty (and incorrect) digs about a comment made in a thread from over 4 months ago (do you keep some sort of list?) then I'd class that as "losing the plot" for someone who used to talk a bit of sense in his day.


When you're away for almost a month and then return with our first real disaster in the same amount of time (in terms of performance & result) posting with glee about how shite Alan Smith is, then I'd class that as "losing the plot" as well.


It's a shame.

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Showed why he should play whenever possible. He links the play up better than Smith does, and provides much more of a goal threat. Granted Smith is better in the air, and quicker, but that doesn't come close to bridging the gap. He's got good vision and excellent close control, but as someone mentioned he needs someone quick alongside/supporting him to do his running and give him a bit of space. Excellent finisher as well.

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Viduka IS undoubtedly, a class player ; his close control is excellent for a big guy and his goals record over the years has been reasonable for a player who is basically a target man.

We knew he was past his best when we signed him - he is 32 next birthday and has probably travelled further than many other players over the years for Internationals with Australia, and I can tell you from personal experience(I used to travel extensively for a Tour Company)that long flights play havoc with you if you do a lot of them because of Time-Zone changes etc.


His weaknesses are that he sometimes appears not to be totally interested(this has ALWAYS been the case wherever he has been), and does not have great mobility(as Shearer did) or pace(like Bellamy).

Strengths ; Excellent close control, can spread play by bringing others into the game, and can hold the ball IF - IF - it is played into his feet..Scores difficult goals rather than tap-ins..


Needs a mobile, intelligent co-striker to get the best out of him, but still classed as invaluable to Australia because of his holding skills up front - the Aussies have some very good young players coming through(Burns and Zullo to mention just 2 forwards)but they need a big guy with Viduka's skills & experience up front as do NUFC...UNTIL we can prise Ashton away from the Hammers..!!

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Viduka is the first name on the team-sheet for me, along with Owen if we're playing 4-4-2.


Martins and Smith shouldn't get a sniff anywhere in the team if the aforementioned are both fit.


Viduka and Owen would be the slowest front line in the Premiership, with no pace at all from midfield the opposition would just play a high line making it hard for us to get in behind.


We've already seen this when they've played together this season.


I'm not too sure this would be such a problem. As the cliche goes, the first yard is in the head, and Owen's intelligent movement and reading of the play could cause a high defensive line a number of problems if he receives decent service.

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Guest MaetihS

V Bomber is our best striker by a mile. Thought he had a good game...some of the stuff he did on the ball i.e shielding, touches are class. Think we should revert to 442 with Martins besides him. Notice how we looked more dangerous with the two men upfront in the last stages of the Derby game.  the problem is that Big Sam likes 433 with two hardmen midfield and sticking Martins on the right; he is not bringing out the best of the players methink. btw, Emre should start.

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Guest Ridzuan

Ive always said that he is a great player,hes not lazy.He is a striker,and he scores goal,what more can you ask from him? Maybe you could say the opposition was Derby but I think the two goals he scored was of the highest quality.He deserve his chance and for those of you who doubt his abilities,you are just too arrogant to admit that Viduka is a good player.

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In what was a desperately disappointing result, Viduka stood head and shoulders above anyone else on the field. Late on in the second hald, his close control to shield the ball from three defenders was incredible.


A shining light on what was otherwise a crap game.




he's a fat lazy striker. But he's also the best of the bad bunch we have.


He's not a great player, the rest of them just make him look better than he is.


And he's not "technically superb" either. Christ, as soon as we sign someone, they turn into fucking Pele.


He's a decent enough clogger, no more.

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In what was a desperately disappointing result, Viduka stood head and shoulders above anyone else on the field. Late on in the second hald, his close control to shield the ball from three defenders was incredible.


A shining light on what was otherwise a crap game.




he's a fat lazy striker. But he's also the best of the bad bunch we have.


He's not a great player, the rest of them just make him look better than he is.


And he's not "technically superb" either. Christ, as soon as we sign someone, they turn into fucking Pele.


He's a decent enough clogger, no more.


80 goals in 215 apps (including as sub) averaging a goal every 2.7 apps in the prem seems to suggest otherwise....

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