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This might seem a bit banal what with everything going on

Guest elbee909

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Guest elbee909

But I just went to youtube, found the "Peter 'The Great' Beardsley" video, posted by "JonnyThe2J", and for anyone who's getting pissed off with all this manager crap, the Redknapp 'is he, isn't he, no, he's behind you' - all that bollocks - it's a good antidote, which I recommend wholeheartedly.


I won't post the link obviously because that'd be crazy...


Anyway, Pedro.  Bit good, wasn't he?


Ok, back to your normal wringing of hands and mini-nervous breakdowns.


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Guest LucaAltieri

It's a good video... old as the hills, mind.


Anyway, he was quality... him and Zola were my favourite players.


There are some good zola clips on the dreaded youtube, too.

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Guest KieronVxu

t22hanks for that one, I followed it up by watching tne manu trashing, 5-0, a GREAT feeling!


Anyways, I'm from Sweden, havent followed the toon as long as most of you, since 1991 due to friends in the area. I know most of you haven't noticed me before but I've been here the last ten years, minimum... (usually contempt just reading others comments, gathering information that way.)


I know that Harry has yet to be announced, but I feel the need to express myself. As I've clarified before I've been around a while, most notably the "happy 90's"


But the last couple of years has been hell, souness, roeder, allardyce and now possibly redknapp, WTF!


Is this what we get for being loyal?


I know, some of you might not think it's possible to be loyal and not live in Newcastle, if thats the case, grow up....


I have not been happy with the season so far, I have questioned Sam as much as most of you all have, BUT, If we fire him we need to have a good replacement lined up!


Not just some mediocre old man managing Portsmouth! What other club in the world, with ambitions (and money), would ever appoint mr Hurry Redknapp???


I had belief in Ashley, I really hoped that he would turn out different to the Shepards and the Halls. If he chooses Mr. 'Arry, without even giving " the special one" or anyone else foreign a chance, It's a disgrace!


nyway, my two cents



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