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Pure Hatred

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Everton. Miserable scouse pricks with a plethora of chips on their shoulders.


I got to agree with that. But I have no doubt barring the Mackems, I detest to my back teeth ManUre most.


I agree to some extent about the modern Liverpool fans but I don't dislike the club at all. I remember in the 80's that despite their sheer dominance of England and Europe, their players and Manager (Bob Paisley) went about things with a hell of a lot more diginity than ManUre did a decade or so later and for that reason alone they have my respect.

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Man United by a long way.


Plastic fans.


Bunch of whingers when things don't go their way too.


Plastic fans??? In what way?


In the way that all my mates and most of Ireland are ManUre fans and all bar 2 of them have never been to OT, the 2 that have been have only been twice. Now when your team plays the football and has the players like Man Utd surely you would always be there? They say they cant afford to go, when our local pub organises trips to OT for £80 a head. 80 f****** quid man. One of my friends started supporting them after they won the league last year ffs.


Also to these guys their idea of support is LITERALLY sitting in the pub cheering, they do s*** like clap off subs, chant etc. When they played us there recently, they were chanting s*** like "sad geordie bastards" and "cheerio" etc, there was only 1 nufc there and that was me and i wasnt even going anywhere.  They chant to the TV and that makes them content, they couldnt care less about going to games.


Also most of them claim to be these great fans, one of them told me he was supporting "yanited" back before they were winning things, he is f****** 20. Also that guy i mentioned who started supporting after they won the league last year, aye hes been a life long fan now like.



I'm in the exact same boat as ye man, glory hunting c*nts the lot of them. The majority of the time, they wont ever bother to turn up & watch 'Yanited' on the box in the boozer until they're 2 or 3 up. Pathetic really.

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Spurs, although sometimes wavering with the quality of football that they play... great team to watch... and the fact that Woody is there now.


Swiftly restored by arseholes of the calibre of Robbie Keane moaning to the referee every five seconds, fat Paul Robinson being hailed as "England's number one", Jermaine Jenas... and their fans.

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For me Man United by a fair distance. You can credit their style of play and their success over the years, but there is so much to hate about them...


For a start, the fans. I'd say a fair portion of their fan base comes from middle aged men who began glory supporting in the 90's and passed the torch down to their kids. They're everywhere but Manchester, they sit in bars and spout shit about their superiority in an arrogant fashion, but when it comes to the crunch they've never actually been up to watch a match pathetic.


The media's constant spotlight and praise of the team is fairly irritating. I don't want to know when Rooney got a hair cut, I don't care when Ronaldo took a shit and OH MY GOD STOP GETTING EXCITED WHEN THEY CROSS THE HALF WAY LINE!


The general arrogance of the players and manager can be felt when watching a game their playing in. Yes, I know Ferguson does a lot for charity, blah, blah, blah but he's as arrogant as they comes, as are half the playing staff, could swing for Ronaldo when he does that stupid fucking celebration, simply oozes arrogance.


The amount of decision they get away with and their general on the pitch conduct, I mean how many penalty's are given up at their ground? Not to mention the amount of generous free kick decision they get around the box. Add this to their over the top diving, constant whining and treatment of the ref and other officials and their general nigglieness makes them a pretty annoying outfit.


As for the rest of them, although not on the list Boro come a close second obviously for different reasons. Liverpool and Spurs are up their, where as Arsenal  and Chelsea have their moments.

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Guest Blackandwhitearmy

I don't get where this whole idea of Man Utd having plastic, glory hunting fans comes from? Aye they have there fair share of them but no-more than say any of the other big sides. To be fair though you can't have anything but respect for Man Utd's away support, the best in England by a mile unless those saying Man Utd have plastic fans etc believe all the media hype that were the worlds best fans.


Hate these plastic 'modern football' teams like Reading, Bolton, Wigan and can't stand MK Dons or Mansfield.

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Guest marky555

Man United by a long way.


Plastic fans.


Bunch of whingers when things don't go their way too.


Plastic fans??? In what way?


In the way that all my mates and most of Ireland are ManUre fans and all bar 2 of them have never been to OT, the 2 that have been have only been twice. Now when your team plays the football and has the players like Man Utd surely you would always be there? They say they cant afford to go, when our local pub organises trips to OT for £80 a head. 80 f****** quid man. One of my friends started supporting them after they won the league last year ffs.


Also to these guys their idea of support is LITERALLY sitting in the pub cheering, they do s*** like clap off subs, chant etc. When they played us there recently, they were chanting s*** like "sad geordie bastards" and "cheerio" etc, there was only 1 nufc there and that was me and i wasnt even going anywhere.  They chant to the TV and that makes them content, they couldnt care less about going to games.


Also most of them claim to be these great fans, one of them told me he was supporting "yanited" back before they were winning things, he is f****** 20. Also that guy i mentioned who started supporting after they won the league last year, aye hes been a life long fan now like.



Ahh, so plastic in the sense that nearly every club in the Premiership has fans like that, including Newcastle.


Man United just have more of them because they're a better team to watch. That's life I'm afraid. Newcastle attracted plenty of people like that when Keegan was manager the first time around.


Sorry mate I see what youre saying about the amount of fans, but the level of "plasticness" if you like in my opinion is definetely more evident with Man Utd "fans".I moved away from Newcastle for University and I've never seen anything like it, the attitude of these people is embarrassing.


Not in terms of numbers (as you say its life that the better teams will attract more "fans"), but in terms of the fake chanting and supporting, and the shit they will dish out to other fans who support their local clubs, who aren't doing as well, i.e. Me, and for example my housemate who is a Preston North End season ticket holder. The shit they dish out and they simply dont understand what supporting a club is actually about, one of them even said " Why do you support PNE? Theyre shit I dont get it"



The ones I've came across watch about half of the televised games, if that, they know nothing about the team at all, for example, lastnight, one of the lads I know who supports Man utd asked, "Who's that?!"


"Pique" I replied.


"Never even heard of him"


Then 5 minutes later when Tevez scored he was jumping round the room, so I give him a bit of shit and he replied with the usual, "Geordie Bastards just coz yous get excited over Keegan, this is Champions league mate"


He's from Cardiff.


Stuff like this that boils my fucki ng p iss

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