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The Premiership - too predictable ?

Guest thenorthumbrian

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I'm someone who 'chose' his club at a very young age - I'll freely admit to having no connection to Newcastle - for whatever reason, but I have and will forever continue to support the club through thick and thin. There are people out there who won't support 'their' club if they're unsuccessful - these aren't true fans.


You're entirely missing the point.




Where is the glory in choosing to support Newcastle? or Everton? Or Villa? or lots of teams.


When i see people walking around where I live wearing Chelsea tops, I really do want to vomit out a significant part of my lower intestine. These are the people I'm talking about.


Their parents need to take a very long, hard look at themselves.


Did you see a Didier Six inspired Villa twatt Man Urinal 3-0 in 1984, on ESPN today Brummie...your Paul Birch avatar reminded me,as he was playing.


Fuck! What time was that on?


I was at that match. When we came out, we were convinced that Six was going to be a legend for us.




Paul Birch, RIP. 46 is no age.

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As soon as American owners were introduced to our game, money was always going to be the most important thing in football.


It always makes me laugh when people moan about foreign owners being in it for the dollar


As if people like Doug Ellis, Peter Swales, Ken Bates, Martin Edwards were feeble minded philanthropists.




That's a good point, but the extremity of capitalism in US societies has refined businessman who not only know how to make a significant return on their investment but how to ensure the growth and prosperity of a business, in the case the club.


That's fair enough. I'd say that Lerner is playing it quite shrewdly.


He's been the absolute ideal chairman so far in every way i can think of (and I'm a cynical type by nature), but at the end of the day he clearly saw an undervalued asset when he bought the club, and was astute enough to recognise it, and forward thinking enough to invest.


He's a fan, I believe that much (even got himself a tattoo), but he's also a very good businessman

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The difference with Chelsea is that they were a pisspot club with zero history until Harding came in and waved his money around, and subsequently RA did the same.


I'll admit, I don't like Man United, but that's more about things like Steve c***ing Bruce and seven minutes of extra time than it is the club itself. I don't mind Man United fans from the area. But what I really absolutely f***ing loathe are gloryhunters.


I don't just mean Man United gloryhunters, but the lot, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool. Once I hear someone with a west country accent talking about how they're a Chelsea fan, I just turn off, they're dead to me, they are the absolute lowest of the low.


I would rather my son became a Birmingham City supporter than supported Liverpool or Man United.


People (in Britain) who just "choose" a successful club from a city they have no connection with - they're really the lowest of the low, they are the modern day equivalents of quislings, treacherous weasels whose opinion on football matters not one f***ing jot to me, because it is a false one. What do they know about being a real football supporter?


It'd be like me suddenly latching on to Pittsburgh Steelers or whoever it is that wins that funny American sport all the time.


*rant ends*


:clap: very true, and while we still have a good local support at SJP, there creeping in here, and some of our away trips to London id say are 20% out of town support. God help us if we ever get good again.


If you're of the attitude that no one should be allowed to set foot in SJP unless their mother had them ten feet from the Gallowgate wearing a replica shirt and singing the Blaydon Races screaming "OOOOOOOOH ME LADS" at the top of her lungs then you're going to be rather severely disappointed in the coming years I'm afraid.

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Guest quklaani

I suppose you can't blame kids (depending on how old they are) but you can definitely blame the parents.


Gloryhunters are just wrong.


I've never been as regular a match goer as I'd like and I'm not as mancunian as some (although I can't say "twenty") but I like to think I'm a "legitimate" fan.  As such non-local fans are...well, its strange.  I mean the most diehard red I've ever known was a lad from Bolton (admittedly in Greater Manchester, but only at a stretch) who went to every single away.  It's like that a lot, obviously you get plenty of people who've just latched on to the club because they win, but then what about the lads who are like that but are also die hards who go to every game.  People laugh about "cumbria reds" flags in Moscow and the like, but they're a lot more dedicated than I am...probably a fair bit better off as well. It's all a bit strange, and it's hard to automatically dislike people when they share such an important thing with you, yet I'm as dismissive of JCL rentboys and Essex accented "scousers" as anyone.  I also think fans from other countries are a bit different, especially those who are fans because we've had players from there or are from countries with rubbish leagues.  I would never say I was a fan of anyone else, but there are european teams I have a soft spot for, usually because they've caught my attention for whatever reason.  Support for a football team is a very odd and complex beast, and I think its wrong to automatically dismiss people for being a fan of a club that they're not near to.


I will say though that its funny how many fans of my generation I met at University who have "parents from Manchester."  There's definitely some idiots out there, and as Brummie said, I don't see whats in it for them really.



I should also point out that people who aren't from Manchester and have never been to Manchester but spout off about how there aren't any Reds here need to fuck off and die.  It's extremely annoying to be told you don't exist.

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I'm someone who 'chose' his club at a very young age - I'll freely admit to having no connection to Newcastle - for whatever reason, but I have and will forever continue to support the club through thick and thin. There are people out there who won't support 'their' club if they're unsuccessful - these aren't true fans.


You're entirely missing the point.




Where is the glory in choosing to support Newcastle? or Everton? Or Villa? or lots of teams.


When i see people walking around where I live wearing Chelsea tops, I really do want to vomit out a significant part of my lower intestine. These are the people I'm talking about.


Their parents need to take a very long, hard look at themselves.


Did you see a Didier Six inspired Villa twatt Man Urinal 3-0 in 1984, on ESPN today Brummie...your Paul Birch avatar reminded me,as he was playing.


Fuck! What time was that on?


I was at that match. When we came out, we were convinced that Six was going to be a legend for us.




Paul Birch, RIP. 46 is no age.


It was on about 4.30....MOTD from then...the Villa game was followed by Forest and Stoke.


Edit:Steve McMahon was awesome for Villa,as was Brendan Ormsby.

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