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Seems quite a few people don't know they can change their individual account settings, so here is a brief guide on what you can do.


First off, to get to these settings, click on 'Quick Links' at the top right of the forum and select 'Account Settings' from the options. Then down the left hand side of the screen, click on 'Look and Layout Preferences'. Here you can turn various things on and off, including:


Don't show users' avatars/signatures

Guess. This is useful if you're on a limited internet connection or just can't be arsed with them.


Leave words uncensored

See sweary words in all their fucking glory.


Return to topics after posting by default

Throws you back into the thread to your post rather than the board index.


Don't warn on new replies made while posting

Gets rid of that annoying message that stops you submitting your post when it's busy (usually matchdays).


Show most recent posts at the top

Have threads displayed back to front.


Show most recent personal messages at top

Have your PMs shown in reverse order.


When you've finished, hit the 'Change Profile' button at the bottom. Have a play around and amend your settings as you wish.

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whatever happened to the new logo and theme design anarl? been wondering for some time. have i missed something?


We're waiting for the new version of the forum software to be released. New functions and shit. Dunno when it will be, unfortunately.

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whatever happened to the new logo and theme design anarl? been wondering for some time. have i missed something?


We're waiting for the new version of the forum software to be released. New functions and s***. Dunno when it will be, unfortunately.


i see. carry on :thup:

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