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Who were the guilty players ?

Guest Phil K

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Owen & Viduka again for our attacking options..

Butt, Nolan, Geremi, Smith, Barton for midfield

Coloccini & Enrique although Enrique came good in the end, early on he was horrific.


Jonas did not create enough but then again who did? ay least he put in 100% everygame, on the whole though Coloccini was just terrible he really was and most of the goals we let in were down to him!!


Enrique has been one of our better players since Keegan's mini revival tbh.

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Guest WashyGeordie




Ameobi for being Ameobi








R. Taylor

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I saw most games last season and I saw defenders who couldn't defend, a midfield which was unbalanced and incapable of providing decent service, forwards who couldn't time a decent run or get on the end of what little we did create.

I saw a series of awful decisions go against us and players with little or no confidence BUT frankly I never saw this supposed lack of effort or couldn't care less attitude which they have been accused of.

By and large, with possibly one exception, I thought most were busting their guts to try and get results. They just weren't good enough.

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Sorry but how is Jonas no sweat?  He's worked his socks off every game, was usually the only one asking for the ball and one of the few not scared to try and take on his man. 


Question his end product and I won't disagree but I don't buy that he didn't sweat. 

He point blank refused a pass right in front of the Milburn Stand against Portsmouth and waved his hand saying no.


Very few not culpable.

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In terms of sweat:


Guilty: Nolan, R Taylor, Ameobi, Colo, Owen


In terms of guilty for us being relegated:


Nolan, R Taylor, Colo, Barton (not for lack of sweat but total lack of respect and intelligence), Owen (lack of sweat and end product), Duff (not for lack of sweat but lack of pace and end product), Butt (see Duff)

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Guest firetotheworks

Jonas - No Sweat?


Joke surely? Despite his lack of end product, I dont think his effort should be in doubt, he never fucking stops.

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Guest dover

I think there were alot of guilty players over the course of the season, but watching the final game on sky, they panned to Mikey Owen, changed and ready to come on, and hes stood in the dugout, nowhere near the touchline with a look of total dis-interest, he didnt want to be anywhere near the pitch. Thats what really fooked me off about him, he couldnt give a fuck if were up or down as far as he was concerned he just wanted to be off to the next club. Total disrespect for the club, the manager and the fans.


Guilty as charged hang the little fucker, or better still put one of his precious horses heads in bed with him...

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