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F*ck the rumours, remember Tyneside's Greatest Son


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Like all of you who regularly come on here for updates and/or banter, I too am getting fed up with the rumours and stories that continue to form around the future at St James' Park, and I too continually ask myself;


"When will this shit ever end?"


I too want to see some sort of action, any action, BUT here we are just under 2 days from our first home Division 2 fixture and we're no further forward, and to a certain degree no further back than at the end of last season. However, I ask you - Just what is most important, that fat money grabbing twat in the stands (Take your pick from LambArse and Cashley) or Tynesides greatest son Sir Bobby Robson?


I would just like to ask you all, especially those attending the game to raise your Black and White scarves higher and wider than ever before in honour of the great man himself. Just for this match in particular and the first/last ten minutes especially.


Some things can be greater than the emotional rollercoaster of winning, losing or drawing. Sometimes things can matter more than 3 points or none. Some people we should never forget. Let's give our Black and White Knight the send off he deserves. THIS IS HIS HOME.


As taken from The Mag;


"What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors, or the people who are paid to represent it. It's not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It's the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city."

Sir Bobby Robson


Let's make sure he hears us when he watches over us this Saturay evening!



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Sir Bobby Robson does deserve a good send off from us btw, no doubting that.


Although I would say it's a tad too much calling him our Greatest Son, but as I know for people of your age heza (fuck me I sound old) he was a lot of people's first real hero in footballing terms for us. Although I suppose there's another time and a place for this. I'm just not sure as to where that is.  :undecided:


That doesn't make me a distant relative of Joseph Fritzel or anything, or change how much I respect everything SBR did for us, and in particular his charity work. But it's just how I personally feel.

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Sir Bobby Robson does deserve a good send off from us btw, no doubting that.


Although I would say it's a tad too much calling him our Greatest Son, but as I know for people of your age heza (fuck me I sound old) he was a lot of people's first real hero in footballing terms for us. Although I suppose there's another time and a place for this. I'm just not sure as to where that is.  :undecided:


That doesn't make me a distant relative of Joseph Fritzel or anything, or change how much I respect everything SBR did for us, and in particular his charity work. But it's just how I personally feel.



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FWIW, I think that our memory of SBR is something we should all cherish at this time. He was a great example of everything good about football in general, and everything good that Newcastle was and can be again.

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FWIW, I think that our memory of SBR is something we should all cherish at this time. He was a great example of everything good and football in general and everything good that Newcastle was and can be again.



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Sir Bobby Robson does deserve a good send off from us btw, no doubting that.


Although I would say it's a tad too much calling him our Greatest Son, but as I know for people of your age heza (f*** me I sound old) he was a lot of people's first real hero in footballing terms for us. Although I suppose there's another time and a place for this. I'm just not sure as to where that is.  :undecided:


For me he is on par with Keegan in his time here, if not above him from his achievements and that's as far as I can remember really. So both Sir Bob and Shearer are the most iconic people that come from my place of birth in my lifespan.

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Guest BooBoo

Sir Bobby Robson does deserve a good send off from us btw, no doubting that.


Although I would say it's a tad too much calling him our Greatest Son, but as I know for people of your age heza (fuck me I sound old) he was a lot of people's first real hero in footballing terms for us. Although I suppose there's another time and a place for this. I'm just not sure as to where that is. :undecided:


That doesn't make me a distant relative of Joseph Fritzel or anything, or change how much I respect everything SBR did for us, and in particular his charity work. But it's just how I personally feel.


Yes indeed and that is why I'm not overly keen on a Sir Bobby Robson stand or statue at SJP when there isn't one of Joe Harvey who captained and managed the club to silverware.


Again, that's not a pop at Bobby. Personally i think there should be a statue of him at Wembley considering everything he did for England and the English game.

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