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The patchy number nine - reflecting on Oba's time at Newcastle

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Very limited and inconsistent player. Had s*** service for much of the time here but was very unreliable. Not much of a team player and frequently f***ed things up for us on the break.


Astonished we got our money back for him because he's not a very good footballer to be honest. He'll score the odd fantastic goal but his skill level is minute.

Hmm dunno, his skill and technique much like his shooting was incredibly varied, times he would dribble really well and show great close control, other times it was like he'd never kicked a ball.


Read the first sentence again.

You said his skill level was minute.


In hindsight maybe 'minute' was a little harsh. I'll change it to 'tiny'.  :thup:

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If we get promotion I think we'll struggle to score goals with the current centre forwards and buying one who will get them consistentl in the premier will not prove easy IMO. In that light it's easy to see why we bought Martins.

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