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  • 2 months later...

Now that the start of the season is getting closer and our first tv match is on in a few hours I thought I'd bump this. Shame no one reads stickies


Some small changes to the opening post:


IRC and mIRC Tutorial


For those of you who have not used the IRC server before we have a Java chat applet that can be found here:

http://www.skirge.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/irc/chat/index.html  (back-up: http://members.lycos.co.uk/newcastlechat//irc/chat/index.html )


This is a Java based web applet so you will need Java installed; you can get that here, and it’s free:



If you cannot connect it may be your firewall stopping you, so try disabling it.


Now, if you use an IRC client such as mIRC or Pirch here are the details for our channel:

Server = blueyonder.uk.quakenet.org

Room = #newcastle



Welcome :)

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