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Two Jack Walkers! There's only Two Jack Walkers!


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Nice new club crest for Blackburn...


The Anthropologist in me cannot resist. As GM said, that crest had no relation to the Rao Family (who I believe are Hindu, Indians) at all.


There is no potential for growth in Blackburn, it makes no sense.


I'd agree with you if you were looking at the size of the club as it is, but if you look at the demographics of the area, then it becomes clearer why Blackburn in particular represents an interesting portfolio to an Indian investor.


Pakistani's and Indians get on famously of course.


69.22% White British (national average for England 89.99%) with significant Indian (14.31%) and Pakistani (11.45%).


More Indians than Pakistanis in Blackburn ...

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi
One of the first acts of Blackburn's new Indian owners has been to announce plans to rip up 120 years of history by renaming Ewood Park.

Full story: Daily Express




“We need to improve the brand Blackburn Rovers,” she said. “The management thus far has done a good job but has not been proactive enough. We are looking to change that.


“Arsenal named their stadium The Emirates after their main sponsors. Ours could be called the Venky’s Stadium or could adopt the name of another sponsor.”



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Times saying he'll give Big Sam £100m to spend if he takes over :lol:


i'd hope it's bollocks like.

we all saw how he did with money to spend here  :harry:


are you mad? i cant imagine many things i'd rather watch than fat head spending a fortune on shite and gettin sacked again

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Be class. People would think twice about even giving him Chocolate Money for Christmas if he messed up again.


expectations rise, he spends 10 million on david wheater and plays him up front. imagine how funny it was for everyone else when it was us

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

I can see Wheater scoring a lot up front for Blackburn, his face is too big to miss. Pederson could just drill the ball of it, if it his Wheater's chin it be like a rocket shot.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest ObiChrisKenobi

One of the first acts of Blackburn's new Indian owners has been to announce plans to rip up 120 years of history by renaming Ewood Park.

Full story: Daily Express




“We need to improve the brand Blackburn Rovers,” she said. “The management thus far has done a good job but has not been proactive enough. We are looking to change that.


“Arsenal named their stadium The Emirates after their main sponsors. Ours could be called the Venky’s Stadium or could adopt the name of another sponsor.”




Wish I hadn't laughed at this now.  :undecided: :hmm:


Anyway... Jason Roberts has apparently said (606 last night) that he and Salgado won't be playing another game for Blackburn as it will trigger a clause in their contract that will extend their stay at Ewood Park another season. Venkys have said they can't be played as they can't afford to keep them.

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