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The looking-on-the-bright-side thread.


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As long as Mike Ashley is owner of this club the future will always be darker than brighter. The club will never achieve anything with a net spend of zero, constant managerial changes and the selling of our better players. On top of all that we have an average manager in the dug-out.


That's the spirit :lol:

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As long as Mike Ashley is owner of this club the future will always be darker than brighter. The club will never achieve anything with a net spend of zero, constant managerial changes and the selling of our better players. On top of all that we have an average manager in the dug-out.


HTT needs a hug. :smitten:

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Seriously though Ozzie, you never seem to post about anything any more unless certain posters are involved or there's the prospect of discussing the previous board in some way. It's like a part of you is missing.


He's on Toontastic, fill yer boots.


I post less than I used to for a variety of reasons, and I'm actually well happy that Leazes is no longer around.


Meanwhle, I find the rampant negativity boring, and can't be arsed to engage very often with those who delight in making the most pessimistic predictions they can come up with. As this thread was meant to point out, things aren't actually so bad.


Glorious hypocrisy from somebody who signed up solely to whinge about Freddy Shepherd.


And I remain completely convinced that club would be in a much better state now if Shepherd had gone about three years before he did.


Meanwhile, at the beginning of last season, I remember many on here -- can't honestly recall if you were one of them, Wullie, but I'd be surprised if you weren't -- confidently predicting that we'd be in League One by now. How fucking wrong you can be?


I see no hypocrisy, therefore, in pointing out that, despite all the grandstanding miserablism from moaning ninnies such as yourself, right now, both on and off the pitch, we're in a better state than we were when Ashley bought the club.


Thanks for contributing to the bright-side thread!

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Looking on the brightside, even after a relegation and questionable owner, we're back on a par with Everton & Villa who are probably the sorts of clubs we will be competing with for league positions and players with in the next couple of seasons.


Indeed, doing marginally better than both clubs, though doing marginally worse than the mackems and Bolton.

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Looking on the brightside, even after a relegation and questionable owner, we're back on a par with Everton & Villa who are probably the sorts of clubs we will be competing with for league positions and players with in the next couple of seasons.


Indeed, doing marginally better than both clubs, though doing marginally worse than the mackems and Bolton.


We'll see come 5 o'clock!

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