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PFA and FA call for improved behaviour in football


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Red cards and penalties are more likely to have an impact on the outcome of a match but IMO the refs get a lot more of these decisions right than they do wrong, and if the players stopped diving around like a bunch of fairies they'd get even more right. 


The players just need to grow-the-fuck-up and start accepting that human error is part-and-parcel, and rather than blaming the ref for losing them the game take a look at what they could have done better/more to help their team win



Spot on.

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The PFA and FA can say whatever they want, nothing will actually change unless we have a mental period of loads of cards for twattish referee surrounding and so on.


Mind you, I'd hate for it to get to a stage where players merely appealing "our ball!" and putting their hand up on a throw-in get booked or whatever, like in rugby.

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Guest neesy111

Everything needs to change including the way which the FA deals with disciplinary matters etc which is a farce tbh.


Refereeing is getting worse imo, though some good referee's coming through including Michael Oliver (he can't referee our matches mind).

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My Ex's Dad used to referee semi-pro 11-a-side games, so it was a pretty decent standard. He's quite straight-laced and goes to church a lot so he's not a massive fan of bad language (until he gets on the golf course).

Anyway, before each game he'd go into both dressing rooms and lay the law down - he'd regularly book players for swearing, even if they weren't swearing at him, because there were kids watching the match. If they persisted he'd just send them off.


All of the teams in the league learned that he wouldn't tolerate swearing and you'd often hear the captains reminding their team mates about it, when they saw he was their referee.



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It's just not believable or logical that refereeing is getting worse. It's basically not possible.


More training, more time spent on it, more pay, more technology, more selection - just can't possibly equal worse refereeing.


Unless we just happen to have unearthed the most inept batch of humans ever, who also happen to be just good enough to make it all the way through the normal league selection system. Doesn't seem plausible to me.

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It's just not believable or logical that refereeing is getting worse. It's basically not possible.


More training, more time spent on it, more pay, more technology, more selection - just can't possibly equal worse refereeing.


Unless we just happen to have unearthed the most inept batch of humans ever, who also happen to be just good enough to make it all the way through the normal league selection system. Doesn't seem plausible to me.


Slow-mo technology is the referee's worst enemy. Of course it's easy to see that a referee has made a mistake when you slow the action down 50x but the refs don't have that luxury - they have to make a decision on the spot based on what they saw in real-time...once!  It's a ridiculously hard job and they do it very well but when you have a studio full of retards like Andy Townsend analysing the s*** out of every decision and then criticising the wrong ones, it makes them look incompetent.


The standard of refereeing is better than it ever has been - the problem is that the play-acting is also better and more prevalent than it ever has been. The poor fuckers are on a hiding to nothing.

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While I don't agree with it in general, it's hard to control yourself when the referee is just blatantly getting things wrong. A few times last season I've been convinced the referee has decided to give as many decisions against us as he can and it's hard to just smile and carry on when it happens.


Who wouldn't have questioned the ref when Luiz only got a yellow, for example? Some awful decisions cost games, which costs points, which costs money. You can't just switch off immediate emotion.

yet they can control themselves in other sports, i wonder why ?


My take on this is that what you see on the pitch is simply a reflection of the general culture of the sport in a country. In most countries football is 'the people's sport', consequently attracting most of the society and therefore the worst elements of it. Many football fans were/are louts and hooligans, many football managers are underhanded and cutthroat, football club owners are all sorts of dodgy characters with dubious intentions and football referees are easily influenced and corruptible. With this environment players can't expected to be altar boys. You might see less of this behaviour in other sports because they are more 'elite' and selective.

Not to mention the fact that in most countries high-level football today is much more high-stakes than other sports, so people will be pushed to the edge, provoked and react.


You're not going to teach common courtesy to grown men, so the only way to cut down on bad behaviour is with resultant on-and-off-pitch penalties: cards, suspensions and fines.

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