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Is it time for Parliament to force changes to the way football clubs are bought?


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Even if Mike Ashley were put up to a fit and proper persons test, he would pass with ease. I don't think you can even really accuse him of being a terrible owner in an objective sense. The results on the pitch have been much the same to the team he took over and the financial situation hasn't greatly deteriorated.


I would say that there needs to be more checks and investigation into people wanting to own football clubs, but nothing is going to stop owners who are simply hated by the club's supporters, make poor decisions, or have no desire to compete.


Then how about preventing individuals from having a controlling stake in football clubs?

It can be argued that football clubs are so ingrained in our culture that they should be owned by the people in the local community rather than held by wealthy businessmen as an investment.


That'll never happen, especially under this Govt.


Indeed. A Conservative government taking on an assortment of powerful interests -- Emirates, oligarchs, billionaires -- in the name of football fans? :lol:



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There is a problem, but getting politicians and lawyers involved won't help IMO.


I'd like to see financial fair play properly enforced, a limit to clubs' debts, and a more even distribution of TV money. That would deter the reckless and the opportunistic.

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