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What do people (other fans) think of us?


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The city of Newcastle is getting more and more popular in Holland. Thats because of the ferry between IJmuiden and Newcastle.


Supporters of clubs who recently played NUFC (NAC, Heerenveen) are lyric about the town, the people, the stadium and the club.


And in my country the Geordies are known for their resistance against cold weather.





the main shipping route from Holland is to Newcastle, always a good thing! i've been on it once and it was full of Dutch football fans when we had just played Heerenveen

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Do we have someone here who are regular member of other's club forum

a la KingDawson ( perhaps KingBramble ) ?



He is called King Dawson as that is their central defence, Ledley King and Michael Dawson



My Mistake, forgot about that King



Did'nt we like everyone's 2nd team in mid 90s,

because of our Atacking style of play in Keegan era.

and how people like to see we lift the trophy rather than Man Utd.



We never reach that status again since.


I really fell that people rate the keegan era and Bobby era highly.

Which is better for U ?



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Do we have someone here who are regular member of other's club forum

a la KingDawson ( perhaps KingBramble ) ?



He is called King Dawson as that is their central defence, Ledley King and Michael Dawson



My Mistake, forgot about that King



Did'nt we like everyone's 2nd team in mid 90s,

because of our Atacking style of play in Keegan era.

and how people like to see we lift the trophy rather than Man Utd.



We never reach that status again since.


I really fell that people rate the keegan era and Bobby era highly.

Which is better for U ?




Keegan for excitement

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Guest Wally_McFool

I live in Smogland and regularly sup with Boro season ticket holders. Their general perception of geordies in my opinion is "deluded" "arrogant" and "generally dim".

This of course basically stems from the image of the club and city that people such as Freddie Shepherd  and Alan Oliver project. 


As mentioned before, all the seemingly never ending cringeworthy comments by Fatty and Comical Oli, all of the geordie hype in the media, (especially in the Tyne Tees region) has resulted in Newcastle being very unpopular in the Teesside area.

This was never the case 25 years ago when smelly Sunderland were generally regarded as the enemy to Teessiders.





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Guest TheDutchman


The city of Newcastle is getting more and more popular in Holland. Thats because of the ferry between IJmuiden and Newcastle.


Supporters of clubs who recently played NUFC (NAC, Heerenveen) are lyric about the town, the people, the stadium and the club.


And in my country the Geordies are known for their resistance against cold weather.





the main shipping route from Holland is to Newcastle, always a good thing! i've been on it once and it was full of Dutch football fans when we had just played Heerenveen


Its a nice boat according to people I know who've been on it. Casino, good food, nice bar. You agree?

Still 0-0 on SJP unfortunately.

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The number of dickheads we have ringing in to phone-ins to tell everyone that we're the best fans in the world does us no favours tbh. I think the sensible, more open-minded of opposition fans will realise that these don't make up the majority of Newcastle fans though. At least I hope so. All that shit does my head in. As do the retards that gather outside the ground like clapping seals whenever we sign someone.


I think most fans would have "sympathy" with Newcastle fans, with the extraordinary lack of success for the money spent, and the quality of players you've had (I don't want to get into a "our net spend is actually about the same as Fulham's" style argument, but you can't argue with signings like Shearer or Owen being of the highest level).


However, the obssession with attendances / best fans in the world / we're a massive club thing is what annoys fans of other clubs. Yes, your support is pretty impressive, yes, we wish ours was that good, but it is done to death somewhat. Oh, and there is a general perception that NUFC are a Sky era club - fortunes improved as Sky started running the game, pretty much loved by Sky ever since.


I'd still say the general "like / dislike" balance is in your favour though, just not anywhere near as much as it used to be.




Maybe it's because that's all what we've got right now.


And maybe if we could get 1 or 2 trophies the fans will matured themselves and not let it show frequently (Not me obviously).


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Guest Kenton Magpie

I couldnt give two shites what any other fan of another club thinks of us, mind positive comments about NUFC are always welcome in the Kenton Magpie house!  :winking:

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Guest Deep456

I live in London basically people think the Stadium is good. The Club should be in the top 10 atleast. Are not good enough to win the UEFA cup. Newcastle fans have Scottish accents and think they are good when winning but shite when losing.

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Fickle, fat and stupid.


That's exactly what I get from people down near to Watford. As soon as people hear my Nan, Grandad and Mum speak (still have the accent), they give me grief and ask questions like "Why aren't you fat", and throw general Geordie insults into the conversation at every given opportunity.


I don't consider myself a Geordie as I have never lived in the area, but when people stereotype like that it fucks me off, even if they say they are joking, and the general perception is that the club is a total joke, with an army of fat, stupid morons following it.

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The city of Newcastle is getting more and more popular in Holland. Thats because of the ferry between IJmuiden and Newcastle.


Supporters of clubs who recently played NUFC (NAC, Heerenveen) are lyric about the town, the people, the stadium and the club.


And in my country the Geordies are known for their resistance against cold weather.





the main shipping route from Holland is to Newcastle, always a good thing! i've been on it once and it was full of Dutch football fans when we had just played Heerenveen


Its a nice boat according to people I know who've been on it. Casino, good food, nice bar. You agree?

Still 0-0 on SJP unfortunately.


the bar is alright, i felt a bit sick though, i live in london now but i would love to go on the boat to amsterdam again

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They think we are the equivalent of the England Cricket team's Barmy Army - generally loud and supportive of the team , but with falsely-high expectations of success...!!

Plenty of characters in the ranks of fans, but mainly support the team as a way of having a good day out.


Many Football fans in the UK resent the amount of coverage we used to get from SKY, as the performances in the last 3 or 4 years have not generally warranted it - we will not be accepted as a genuinely big club until we win not one, but 2 or 3 trophies. Those jealous of our support/stadium etc take great pleasure in our lack of success, and the only way to shut them up is genuine success on the field.

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Generally I think were a bit of a joke at the moment in other fans eyes. We have so many injuries im sick of people saying were cursed...


For example had a manc mate say to me give rossi back quick b4 he gets injured...


everything about the way the club is run is a joke in peoples eyes - and its probably true..

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As fans they stare in amazement at the comittment and noise generated  for a team who  have won nowt in  60 odd years - some think we're all barking of course


we have a reputation for being friendly if boisterous - certianly no Millwall


Our chants are funny and just mindless obscenity (well, not all of them anyway)


We make a match into an occasion - mayeb a throwback to a differnt era when people cared about the club they supported and not the CL - people look forward to us coming ( because they can beat us of course) but we generate that  adrenalin rush (just see the Belgians board when they drew us "NEWCASTLE!!") in a way that the Boltons and Blackburns of this world can only dream of

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Hardly Merlin. The Barmy Army laugh, cheer, shout and generally have a good time supporting a lost cause. We just sit.


You DO have a point there, Kiwi - wasn't like that in my day(remembers match-days in Leazes End)..!!!

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Hardly Merlin. The Barmy Army laugh, cheer, shout and generally have a good time supporting a lost cause. We just sit.


This is sadly the same at every ground these days (bar, curiously, Portsmouth, which is the one ground which still most resembles an old school English ground - coincidence?).


The lack of noise produced by 76,000 people at Old Trafford is probably the most stark example.

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In Bilbao (Northern Spain - Basque Country), we are held in extremely high regard (godlike status nearly!) and are EVERYBODY'S  second team. All of this due to the football, fun and high jinx that went on in the keegan era when we played them in the waffa in 94-95 season.


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