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collins john


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Aye, on a free maybe. He's got potential.


However, i don't think we need any MORE stikers, and Roeder's already said he is staying. Next season, we'll have 5 strikers in the squad. Martins, Owen, Dyer, Ameobi, Sibierski. It would be a waste of time, effort and money going after another when we won't need one.

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Guest nufc 4 life

we've been linked with crouch and babel sibierski probably won't be here owen is a target for injuries and ameobi isn't world class i doubt we won't bring in any new strikers TBH

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I would take him on a free, Owen and Dyer are injury prone and Sibierski is going to be even older and possibly slower!


Hmm... you're probably right.


Someone on a free would be good though. Not worth going and paying £5/6/7m on a striker when we don't need someone like that. Even though it would be so typical.


But if we're talking frees, i'd rather have Viduka.


Anyhow, i'd rather we made Giles Barnes a major target in the summer, for £2/3m or so. He can play upfront... but he's also mega versatile across the midfield. Plus' he's gonna be ace.

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I think we have bigger fish to fry. By the sounds of what Roeder is saying that we will be back in for Babel and theres the possibility of Crouch, I would be very happy with Owen, Martins, Crouch, Babel and Shola. Now that is a good squad of strikers. However I think Pool would be mad to sell Peter Crouch I think he offers them something so different. My biggest fear of having at the Toon would be the temptation to lump long balls up to him!


However, if Crouch or another was not coming or Babel then Johns on a free would be a decent option. Better option than Fowler, Cole and the likes.

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