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Guest Geordiesned

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Lehmann was up to his usual tricks aswell, when "accidently" threw the ball off the advertising board to waste more time, and then placed the ball on the opposite side of the sox-yard box.


that was funny as fuck. You'd all be laughing it up if it was us.


I say, come on you Arsenal, you play proper football unlike the rest of this waste of space league.

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hehe - pretty good!


that is pretty pathetic by henry though.... but he is still a great player, and generally not a cheat

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Arsenal are a great side to watch, but they will only underachieve until they get consistency. For my money, Man United are infinitely better than Arsenal this year - they might not be as entertaining to watch, but they get the results, which is what matters most.


Also, the media cringe to Arsenal is vomit inducing. Listen to Ray Stubbs when he presents 606, and he has got his tongue right up Wenger's sphincter. He actually refers to him, every single time, as Mr Wenger, in a 'we aren't worthy' style.


Agreed, the problem with their stlye of football is that it is so difficult to produce consistently - the level of difficulty is so high. The intricate passing and moving can easily collapse with one minor error.  Still like to see them playing it though...

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hehe - pretty good!


that is pretty pathetic by henry though.... but he is still a great player, and generally not a cheat


try telling Spain fans that after he shenanigans at the World Cup. Good player but a massive prick.

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