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Typical Over Reaction


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Frankly I think the only reason it might look like an over-reaction to some, is because of the complete under-reaction by many.


I still don't understand why so many people just shrug their shoulders and say, "That's Newcastle for you", when we are a club who's financial and supporter strength is as good as or better than most clubs in the world who dominate their respective leagues.


If you accept mediocrity, mediocrity is what you will receive.


but there's no way out of the situation we're in - fans can sing shepherd out and roeder out all they want and get on message boards kicking off but at the end of the day the first guy runs the club and dictates the future of the second guy....


it's no use believing that making noise will push the board members to oust shepherd 'cause that won't happen 'til they stop getting dividends, the dividends become very small, or we're headed for relegation


it's no use believing that shepherd will sack roedebot 'cause he won't for the simple fact Glenn will do what he says, never criticise shepherd, and again unless we're headed for relegation there's no catalyst for change at that level


accepting mediocrity doesn't come into it anymore, accepting the reality of where our club is does


You're wrong there - putting pressure on the Fat Man is the best way of getting shot of Roeder - Fatty will sacrifice anyone before he falls on his own sword.


that's my point, no-one will have to fall on their sword unless we are headed for relegation which we probably won't be, due to the side having a few decent players in it who show up from time to time and (presumably) decide to ignore what they've been told to do in training and go out to actually win a football match


roedebot deserves a boatload of stick for this result, no mistakes about that, but he'll be here next season and so will the fans - the continued presence of the latter ensures the continued presence of the former in my opinion...talk about your irony!!!



You said it right there.... the only way to make FFS so something about it is if he sees empty seats. Its a difficult balance I know because we want to get behind and support the team but at some point we have to try and make a difference and the way to do it is with our feet. Dont re-new the seasons tickets and he will sharp take notice.... or at best it might get something done because while we have this tag of "Great Supporters" and the press saying "52,000 loyal fans every week" FFS is just sitting there laughing all the way to the bank.

This has nothing to do with being fairweather fans. We have to use our power to make things happen



yep....not suggesting we do it mind, it'd play into the hands of the media and rival fans if we stayed away - imagine the fucken mackems if we did that?


hence my bleak outlook for the near future...


our best hope is he eats one pie too many or chokes on a strippers edible g-string


I agree with that although there is always the smallest chance that some elements of the media might like it with all the pressure being put on fans for tickets costs etc. We may get some praise for being the first one to finally say.... enough is enough...

We get enough shit from other fans anyway for never having won anything for so long... what difference does a little bit extra matter


Bleak is the best way to describe it I think....


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Guest magpies_rawk

What is there to actually look forward to?


All season, our tactics have been all over the place, and we only win when a couple of our individuals have a good day.


Michael Owen wont change things that much, for as long as we keep Roeder, we are only going to beat teams in the bottom half of the table.


now thats blind optimism i say.

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You're wrong there - putting pressure on the Fat Man is the best way of getting shot of Roeder - Fatty will sacrifice anyone before he falls on his own sword.


Agreed but that hardly helps when he's the one making the appointments, Roeder going will just start the whole cycle off again.

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