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Why sit and whinge? Do something about it...

Guest Bellers

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Guest Knightrider

Vic stop being a prick man, people are frustrated, pissed off, and venting their spleen at the club and those who in their opinion (whether you agree with it or not) are responsible for this mess, no-one has asked you to do anything much less forcing you, so stop trying to be contrary for the sake of it. It is clear you don't agree with some of the things, so why continue being an argumentative prick? Get the lego out if you're that bored, or look up some classifieds to wank over ;)


Seriously though, give it a rest man  :thup:

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Guest Bellers

Vic, why do you persist in trolling the forum and filling it with what can only be described as utter crap...


You'll never make it as a WUM. In fact I thought mods were clamping down on trolling, wonder why they've put up with you for so long...


whatever, if it makes it easier to accuse me of being a WUM rather than answering my criticisms of your posts then so be it. I just think it makes it glaringly obvious you had no point in the first place


If you care to scroll up I have, you were far too busy attemting to prove Ozzie wrong when he had a perfectly good point...


oh right yes, you seem to think we were in a much better postition with Souness under FF when you saw fit to buy a season ticket and what we have now represents such  shocking value for money compared to a mere 18 months ago causing you to go off a massive hystrionic episode


your credibility is restored tbh


Yes, I got my ticket after an old friend had to fly out with the armed forces, Robson had been sacked and we were in a fairly good run of form. With two thirds of the season left I couldn't really lose on the cheap.


Hindsight is a wonderful thing though, if I'd forseen what was to come I wouldn't of taken it off his hands cheap or not.


However you are fully aware we are playing woefully and will continue to do so, but you give Freddy your money anyway, so don't try and raise your own credibility when you are the one paying money for s****.


I could care less what you think of me giving FF money. don't sit there like a huffy bairn after a couple of seasons telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing with my money


Which brings me back to my original point, you can do what you want with your money, but with fans such as yourself around who are so unwilling to change their ways, the cracks will be there for years to come...


If you want to accept that then get on with it I'm not stopping you, but don't shoot me down because I want the club to achieve something in the coming years...

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Guest Invicta_Toon

Vic, why do you persist in trolling the forum and filling it with what can only be described as utter crap...


You'll never make it as a WUM. In fact I thought mods were clamping down on trolling, wonder why they've put up with you for so long...


whatever, if it makes it easier to accuse me of being a WUM rather than answering my criticisms of your posts then so be it. I just think it makes it glaringly obvious you had no point in the first place


If you care to scroll up I have, you were far too busy attemting to prove Ozzie wrong when he had a perfectly good point...


oh right yes, you seem to think we were in a much better postition with Souness under FF when you saw fit to buy a season ticket and what we have now represents such  shocking value for money compared to a mere 18 months ago causing you to go off a massive hystrionic episode


your credibility is restored tbh


Yes, I got my ticket after an old friend had to fly out with the armed forces, Robson had been sacked and we were in a fairly good run of form. With two thirds of the season left I couldn't really lose on the cheap.


Hindsight is a wonderful thing though, if I'd forseen what was to come I wouldn't of taken it off his hands cheap or not.


However you are fully aware we are playing woefully and will continue to do so, but you give Freddy your money anyway, so don't try and raise your own credibility when you are the one paying money for s****.


I could care less what you think of me giving FF money. don't sit there like a huffy bairn after a couple of seasons telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing with my money


Which brings me back to my original point, you can do what you want with your money, but with fans such as yourself around who are so unwilling to change their ways, the cracks will be there for years to come...


If you want to accept that then get on with it I'm not stopping you, but don't shoot me down because I want the club to achieve something in the coming years...


as if I don't want to see the club do well. The sad thing is you honestly beliieve this shite that if you're not going to protest or whatever other shite you're advocating, then you're happy with this situation


wake the fuck up, this isn't a democracy, this is a football club. christ the world is full of these blowhards who have no clue about the world. you show me one club that has gained success because they were spurred on by fan protests. it's total rubbish

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Guest puretoon

Well sorry lads but I'm gonna jump in here and say that my hubbies followed this club since 1951! I think you'd agree that's some years of backing your favourite team innit!?!?  and now he's talking of not renewing his st too-he's really pissed off-like most of us.


I personally think it's a crime when supporters have followed them for that many years(and the ones who haven't) feel that way and feel cheated by the sheer incompetence and lies of the chairman, manager and players who all talk a good talk but fail to produce the goods and do f*** all else.


Freddie seems determines to drag this club down, but who's gonna stop him?????  he tries to come over as a dedicated nufc supporter  who knows what he's doing, knows how and who to appoint as manager, when all the time he hasn't got a f****** clue!!


Yep its gotta start at the very top-again.


I heard a damn good suggestion of passing word around-very discreetly of course- that everyone should either walk out at half time or turn their backs to the pitch.  Just think if everyone did either one of these suggestions it should hit home that we're not going to stand for any more crap.


Whats your views??

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Guest andynufc84


Unfortunately there is no way to dislodge FS for the forseeable future, he will go on his own terms and to his own accord in my opinion

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I think all proposals of mass demonstrations and the like sound excellent in theory, but, when push has come to shove, have never actually happened. For every one who agrees to do and it then does it, there are fifty more who have agreed to do it but don't do it. The best we can hope for is someone with the dosh to buy the club--and quick--or minor the demonstrations at matches we've seen with Souness, Gullit, etc.

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Man City boycott one of their away games because of the prices at home games, aswell as poor performances, if i am tbh, i cant see many newcastle fans boycotting or anything like that. Although i had a ticket for todays game but refuse to go an watch a pile of shite.

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Guest Knightrider

For all the empty promises of fans FS and co would be absolute fools to take us totally for granted in this day and age, that protest earlier on the season is just the tip of the iceberg to the lengths irrate fans will go to to vent their spleen. If fans wanted to, we could do a lot of damage, we hold the power oddly enough, we just have a high pain threshhold but you sense we are already close to the edge. If Arsenal or Chelsea pumel us in the upcoming league games, I think there will be trouble. Next season is the acid test, if we start badly even if we buy big in the summer and on big names, all hell will be let loose. Remember the mass walk-out and booing when SBR was in charge for finishing 5th? He was a manager we loved in the main and today we'd kill for 5th so to say fans don't have it in them to kick-off would be underestimating them.


I think fans have woken up to the board and their promises, their lies, and indeed big name signings, Owen has left a sour taste in the mouth. If Roeder does indeed go the way of Souness, there will be no hiding place for FS, the only we he could turn things around would be to actually appoint a top top manager, and even then fans would still not trust him. When Roeder goes, I think fans will demand FS follows.

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For all the empty promises of fans FS and co would be absolute fools to take us totally for granted in this day and age, that protest earlier on the season is just the tip of the iceberg to the lengths irrate fans will go to to vent their spleen. If fans wanted to, we could do a lot of damage, we hold the power oddly enough, we just have a high pain threshhold but you sense we are already close to the edge. If Arsenal or Chelsea pumel us in the upcoming league games, I think there will be trouble. Next season is the acid test, if we start badly even if we buy big in the summer and on big names, all hell will be let loose. Remember the mass walk-out and booing when SBR was in charge for finishing 5th? He was a manager we loved in the main and today we'd kill for 5th so to say fans don't have it in them to kick-off would be underestimating them.


I think fans have woken up to the board and their promises, their lies, and indeed big name signings, Owen has left a sour taste in the mouth. If Roeder does indeed go the way of Souness, there will be no hiding place for FS, the only we he could turn things around would be to actually appoint a top top manager, and even then fans would still not trust him. When Roeder goes, I think fans will demand FS follows.


We know what will probably happen if Roeder goes, we'll invite Shearer to take the job on and some people will be over the moon because of what Shearer did for us a player.  I wouldn't be surprised if Shearer turned down the chance, he would if he had his head screwed on because he has a place in the hearts of some people which would be gone if he failed as a manager.

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We may not get Shepherd out, but we can make him take notice. Maybe he'll pay attention if he is made to understand that most have had enough. The turning your back on the pitch thing does sound like a very good idea.

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Tbh, I think Shearer would be one of the few potential managers who could stand shoulder to shoulder as an equal to FFS in the running of the club. The last thing we need is another puppet or clown who's simply grateful to have been given a decent job.

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Guest Knightrider

If Roeder gets the sack that would mean the club would be in turmoil in one way or another and I could never picture Shearer taking over an NUFC in crisis, indeed I think the idea with Roeder is for him to hand over the keys of a club on the up, when he's ready, as opposed to a club on its knees as it was when Souness got the chop. Only thing is, we are not exactly on the up and at this moment in time, Roeder's prospects look 50-50 to me.


On one hand Shearer could well save FS which could be bad for the club, as he needs to be made very much aware what we all think of him, but on the other he is the only man capable of standing up to FS.


Either way if FS is indeed banking on Shearer, I think it could be his downfall, Shearer is no mug and will use his own power to get what he wants out of FS like FS uses his to get what he wants, and if it ever came to a stand off between the two over things such as money for transfers or hiring an assistant manager, there will only ever be one winner, fans will always back Shearer.

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If Roeder gets the sack that would mean the club would be in turmoil in one way or another and I could never picture Shearer taking over an NUFC in crisis, indeed I think the idea with Roeder is for him to hand over the keys of a club on the up, when he's ready, as opposed to a club on its knees as it was when Souness got the chop. Only thing is, we are not exactly on the up and at this moment in time, Roeder's prospects look 50-50 to me.


On one hand Shearer could well save FS which could be bad for the club, as he needs to be made very much aware what we all think of him, but on the other he is the only man capable of standing up to FS.


Either way if FS is indeed banking on Shearer, I think it could be his downfall, Shearer is no mug and will use his own power to get what he wants out of FS like FS uses his to get what he wants, and if it ever came to a stand off between the two over things such as money for transfers or hiring an assistant manager, there will only ever be one winner, fans will always back Shearer.


Agreed but could we afford to give Shearer the job?  We gave Souness almost £50 million, how much would Shearer demand to spend on players?  How much could the club afford to give him while we're carrying so much debt?


Appointing Shearer could go either way, it might work but it could also fail big style.

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If Roeder gets the sack that would mean the club would be in turmoil in one way or another and I could never picture Shearer taking over an NUFC in crisis, indeed I think the idea with Roeder is for him to hand over the keys of a club on the up, when he's ready, as opposed to a club on its knees as it was when Souness got the chop. Only thing is, we are not exactly on the up and at this moment in time, Roeder's prospects look 50-50 to me.


On one hand Shearer could well save FS which could be bad for the club, as he needs to be made very much aware what we all think of him, but on the other he is the only man capable of standing up to FS.


Either way if FS is indeed banking on Shearer, I think it could be his downfall, Shearer is no mug and will use his own power to get what he wants out of FS like FS uses his to get what he wants, and if it ever came to a stand off between the two over things such as money for transfers or hiring an assistant manager, there will only ever be one winner, fans will always back Shearer.


Agreed but could we afford to give Shearer the job?  We gave Souness almost £50 million, how much would Shearer demand to spend on players?  How much could the club afford to give him while we're carrying so much debt?


Appointing Shearer could go either way, it might work but it could also fail big style.


I think if were going to bring him in (which is very likely at some point) then we should do it now.


At the moment GR is struggling, the players need a lift, need some new ideas and all Shearer is doing right now is making a tit of himself on the BBC making enemies with those who are still in the game.


I'd be quite happy to see him come in for the end of the season and help GR out for him to take over in the summer, GR move upstairs and give him next season and a decent budget to have a crack with.


Waiting until the season after could be too late, we could be in the Championship as we know the teams around us will only strengthen wisely in the summer while we will either stand still or go backwards, either way, tough season ahead.

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Guest Knightrider

If Roeder gets the sack that would mean the club would be in turmoil in one way or another and I could never picture Shearer taking over an NUFC in crisis, indeed I think the idea with Roeder is for him to hand over the keys of a club on the up, when he's ready, as opposed to a club on its knees as it was when Souness got the chop. Only thing is, we are not exactly on the up and at this moment in time, Roeder's prospects look 50-50 to me.


On one hand Shearer could well save FS which could be bad for the club, as he needs to be made very much aware what we all think of him, but on the other he is the only man capable of standing up to FS.


Either way if FS is indeed banking on Shearer, I think it could be his downfall, Shearer is no mug and will use his own power to get what he wants out of FS like FS uses his to get what he wants, and if it ever came to a stand off between the two over things such as money for transfers or hiring an assistant manager, there will only ever be one winner, fans will always back Shearer.


Agreed but could we afford to give Shearer the job?  We gave Souness almost £50 million, how much would Shearer demand to spend on players?  How much could the club afford to give him while we're carrying so much debt?


Appointing Shearer could go either way, it might work but it could also fail big style.


That's why I don't think Shearer would take the job, he knows more than anyone we aren't good enough and just how much work needs done on the squad, which will require lots of funding. He won't risk his managerial career and his status at the club to take over a club in crisis, he is nobody's fool. He'll want to take over a club with lots of cash to back him, one that isn't in a crisis. He's a strong determined person with lots of ambition but I don't think he'd be deluded enough or self-sure enough to think he could do well at a crisis club with not funds or not much money to spend.


Which is why I think Roeder was appointed, someone who had nowt to lose, who would be happy to work under such conditions, ready to hand over the keys to Shearer after a period of stability and financial recovery.

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That's what was pathetic about the shepherd out protests.  What was the point if you only do it one week, after a bad defeat, then stop when we're winning.  Just looks like an idiotic kneejerk reaction.  If youre going to do it, do it after every game.  Win or lose.

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Guest micky_123

If a protest was ever going to be effective it would have to be on a mass scale and very well organised. A lot of people wouldn't be willing to boycott a game, havng paid for tickets. A better idea would be to encourage fans to stay on the concourse for the first ten minutes of the game, then watch the rest of the game from their usual seat. This would show FFS that people aren't willing to put up with him any more, and would be even more effective if the game was shown on sky.

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Guest hawayman

Definately considering not renewing my season ticket next season, seen some total crap home and away last few seasons. how many times have you gone away from the match in the last few seasons saying "what a great match that was" not many I'll bet.

I will still go to certain games (there will be plenty on general sale) but they wil not be getting my money up front, let's face it they wouldn't spend it wisely anyway if at all.

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Guest Knightrider

I haven't been to an away game for years. If I can't find anything better to do on my weekends than spend a good few quid to sit on a bus full of charvers and mongs to go to some out of town plastic stadium only to be told to sit down for standing, to watch this shower of shite that claim to represent Newcastle United, then my life must be really shitty. Thankfully I can think of 101 better ways to spend my money and time.

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Guest TampaToon

i for one refuse to attend any newcastle games for the foreseeable future.


wow, really easy to take a firm stand from across the Atlantic.

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