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Who would have Sven now?


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Sven and Tord are tactical though. Perhaps they didn't had what it takes to manage England, but I'm sure they'd do quite good if they were appointed.


He only won the title with Lazio because he spent shit loads on Crespo, Mendieta etc.


Other than that triumph, his record is nothing spectacular and thus, it'd be more worth it to take a risk with someone who isn't going to demand a lot of money from the club to work. Someone young and promising.

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Sven and Tord are tactical though. Perhaps they didn't had what it takes to manage England, but I'm sure they'd do quite good if they were appointed.


He only won the title with Lazio because he spent shit loads on Crespo, Mendieta etc.


Other than that triumph, his record is nothing spectacular and thus, it'd be more worth it to take a risk with someone who isn't going to demand a lot of money from the club to work. Someone young and promising.


Winning the UEFA-cup in 1982 with a SWEDISH team, winning the portuguese league two years in a row with Benfica and finnishing second in the UEFA-cup the year after, winning the Italian cup with Roma and Fiorentina, twice with Lazio and the Cupwinnerscup with Lazio. Decent record IMO. Don't think we can get a manager who has won more than him, tbh.

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Guest nufc16

we njeed a manager who's gonna stick around and build something though, which is why o'neil would have been ideal. svens a good manager, but he's also a career manager who'd have no problem leaving us in 2 years time if a better job came along.

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Guest nufc16

and grip doesnt really do the coaching, he's more a muse type figure to sven. has been since his very early days, think they may have even played together, or actually grip might have coached sven at one point. mcclaren and sammy lee did all the coaching for england. grip just scouted the games sven couldnt get to.

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Guest Phil K

I'd take him def, over Roeder, but would prefer Houllier.

God almighty - I wouldnt mind them trying to pry Keane away from the makems, but he'd take one look at Newcastle and boot out three quarters of the players.


why are people even discussing this?

Because we're thoroughly p*ssed off with Roeder - what did you think it was ???

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Guest Invicta_Toon

why are people even discussing this?

Because we're thoroughly p*ssed off with Roeder - what did you think it was ???


I thought it was because people like wasting their breath on pointless scenarios

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Sven and Tord are tactical though. Perhaps they didn't had what it takes to manage England, but I'm sure they'd do quite good if they were appointed.


He only won the title with Lazio because he spent shit loads on Crespo, Mendieta etc.


Other than that triumph, his record is nothing spectacular and thus, it'd be more worth it to take a risk with someone who isn't going to demand a lot of money from the club to work. Someone young and promising.


Winning the UEFA-cup in 1982 with a SWEDISH team, winning the portuguese league two years in a row with Benfica and finnishing second in the UEFA-cup the year after, winning the Italian cup with Roma and Fiorentina, twice with Lazio and the Cupwinnerscup with Lazio. Decent record IMO. Don't think we can get a manager who has won more than him, tbh.


The Italian Cup is the equivalent, maybe even worse than, the League Cup in England. Doesn't say much. And I already told you about Lazio and how he spent shit loads, why are you bringing it up again? He won't get to spend millions here. The only notable thing he's done is win the UEFA Cup with IFK Goteborg and getting Benfica somewhere in Europe, a brilliant achievement I'll admit. However, that's it really. You can make a case for quite a few managers based on a couple of titles here and there. And he'll command extremely high wages and money to spend, which is exactly why we'd be better off looking elsewhere.

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Guest Knightrider

Not me, would be a spectacular failure at Newcastle and indeed any other Premiership club other than perhaps Chelsea.

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I rate Sven but I don't think he's at all suited to us in our current situation, and I can't see him working well with Shepherd (though that's true of just about any successful and sophisticated manager).


If, if, if the club ever got bought by some forward-looking individual or institution willing to revamp the club from top to bottom and prepared to put a decent chunk into the playing staff as part of their investment, I think Sven would be the kind of manager to bring in.


But that's just daydreaming.


Otherwise, yeah, I agree with Grass. I could see him at Chelsea, and that's about it.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

cross match those who want Sven in this thread with the OMFG wez gonna get relegated people in the 7 points thread, and i'd say you have a pretty comprehensive list of all the people who should never be allowed to post again

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