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Did'nt Setanta get the FA and Carling cup games along with ITV, and Sky kept the league games?


Setanta also 'won' one of the PL packages.  That was because Uefa (or EU, can't remember who) said Sky couldn't have a monopoly on live games so Sky released one of the packages.

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Give Roeder a break he's barely had 11 players to pick from most of the season. Players need time together to perform. Tactically he isn't that good though.

Its 500 000 per place according to BBc

The sad thing is our best results have come when Gormless Glen had injuries and the team picked itself. The only break I'd give him is a ten year sabbatical away from SJP
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Would love it if we got a quote from Shepherd saying, "Roeder came to my office asking if he could have an extra month off in the summer...I privately wished he'd asked for the season off".

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Is the recieve money based on the amount of points won?


Based on position only I think.


at £500k per position that would be £2m less than last year. This is all assuming we stay above the might that is Blackburn and Man City.


2 clubs that have gone "backwards" since they last won trophies - more recently than us too !!!! Shock, horror. How can this be when nobody goes  backwards in football, except us, as we have the worst directors that ever lived  mackems.gif


Send for that willy woofter bloke who runs the post office, the ideal chairman for us  mackems.gif

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Guest JamesD

NE5, i agree with you to some extent that most people on here are way too alarmist about the way the club is run, but jesus fucking christ give it a rest.

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Send for that willy woofter bloke who runs the post office, the ideal chairman for us  mackems.gif


it's getting obsessive now. I read that you can now get gene therapy that can control late-onset homosexual infatuations.

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Send for that willy woofter bloke who runs the post office, the ideal chairman for us  mackems.gif


it's getting obsessive now. I read that you can now get gene therapy that can control late-onset homosexual infatuations.


oh dear.


So obsessed as to create a website that acts as a soapbox to an absurd agenda because the board didn't give me a free say in running the football club ?


And you said that this bloke who runs the post office would be an ideal chairman of Newcastle United, not me.



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Send for that willy woofter bloke who runs the post office, the ideal chairman for us  mackems.gif


it's getting obsessive now. I read that you can now get gene therapy that can control late-onset homosexual infatuations.


oh dear.


So obsessed as to create a website that acts as a soapbox to an absurd agenda because the board didn't give me a free say in running the football club ?


And you said that this bloke who runs the post office would be an ideal chairman of Newcastle United, not me.




so it can work. Well done, mentioned the guy without also bringing either his or your own sexuality into it.


Still not sure you got allthe treatment you need. Still a "your agenda is ...." gene that looks to need fixing.


For many people they read the Chronicle/Shepherd view of how the club finances are doing. They see....


Today's Chronicle



Toon announce profit


Mar 30 2007





By Nick Whitten, The Evening Chronicle



Newcastle United’s return to European football have boosted the clubs finances.


United’s Intertoto Cup success and reaching the last 16 of the UEFA Cup saw revenue for the first six months of the year rise by £2.3m to £45.3m compared to last season.


And the club’s interim results for the six months ended December 31, 2006 also show a profit of £3.5m compared to £2.7m last year.


Chairman Freddy Shepherd said: “Revenues are up £2.3m on last year, principally due to an increase in the number of matches played in the six month period.”



and believe it. They believe that profits are up, cos the Chronicle selectively chooses to say so. They see that revenues are up cos the Chronicle/Shepherd says so.


I just wait a little while look at the club's bigger report and put all the details out there. I'm sure you'd rather people had all the information, than just what Chronicle views as the correct view. It is easy for people to look at league tables and see the club is currently 12th best, can see that this will be the 6th time in 10 seasons we've finished in the lower half of the Premiership, these are easy to see.  More difficult is to try and work out how the great advantage we have from big crowds as been wasted. If the Chronicle took the effort to explain what is going on then no one would visit my site.


Today's magical comment from the Chronicle "This is the same Shepherd who has spent around £250m on players in the last decade, had his name chanted by the fans when he paraded Michael Owen", with its implication that Shepherd has spent his own money rather than personally bled the club dry of cash, sums up why someone needed to give an alternative to the usual sources. You take the Chronicle/Shepherd line, many of us aren't as easily led.

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Give Roeder a break he's barely had 11 players to pick from most of the season. Players need time together to perform. Tactically he isn't that good though.

Its 500 000 per place according to BBc


Yes and we did better when he only had 11 players (more like 14/15 in reality) to choose from..  The mans a menace when he has options!

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Send for that willy woofter bloke who runs the post office, the ideal chairman for us  mackems.gif


it's getting obsessive now. I read that you can now get gene therapy that can control late-onset homosexual infatuations.


oh dear.


So obsessed as to create a website that acts as a soapbox to an absurd agenda because the board didn't give me a free say in running the football club ?


And you said that this bloke who runs the post office would be an ideal chairman of Newcastle United, not me.




so it can work. Well done, mentioned the guy without also bringing either his or your own sexuality into it.


what a strange man/woman you are  :rolleyes:



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so it can work. Well done, mentioned the guy without also bringing either his or your own sexuality into it.


what a strange man/woman you are  :rolleyes:




The golden rule 30 years ago used to be that only people with a lack of confidence in their own sexuality cast aspersions at others, suppose things have moved on from thsoe days

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so it can work. Well done, mentioned the guy without also bringing either his or your own sexuality into it.


what a strange man/woman you are  :rolleyes:




The golden rule 30 years ago used to be that only people with a lack of confidence in their own sexuality cast aspersions at others, suppose things have moved on from thsoe days


As I said, what a strange person you are.



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