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Motivation Is The Name Of The Game - Luke Edwards


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Guest johnson293

He's damned by his s*** results tbh. And telling it like it is? Don't make me laugh, he contradicts himself nearly every time he opens his mouth.


we're 11th, same as last year, having spent what, £15m? and had to endure another interjoko campaign due to past failures. Bigger managers than Roeder produced much worse return for much more money.


So he spent £15m and we are no better???


How much did Redknapp spend at Portsmouth in the summer, and how many new players did he manage to bring in, and how much have they improved since last season???


There are arguably lesser managers, working at arguably smaller clubs with smaller squads, with lower gates and finances, doing much better than us. And some of this still isn't down to Roeder???





this might have been relevant if Redknapp would have ever touched this job with a barge-pole

Of course its relevant - the poitn I was making is that there are managers (Redknapp to name one) who have done better than us, working with arguably lesser squads, and less money.


Its not always about how much you spend on players, its about who you bring in.


I think Glenn has a certain degree of egg on his mush for turning down Sol Campbell now - what wa sthe risk for a free player on a one or two year deal? How much would he have helped our defenders out?


But no - Glenn bought Duff for £5m when he already had a left winger who was the future of NUFC (but thats another thread!) - then he signed Martins for £10m after scouting Kuyt all summer. And Sibierksi, well that was pure desperation.


In all this, the defence has always been the problem - but how many defenders has Glenn brought in? Well, I think we know - and he's only on loan!!



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Until recently, I've felt that the players had been playing for Roeder, but since the Alkmaar defeat I've been a bit uneasy. I don't think Bramble deserves to be publicly made a scapegoat, which is what I think it will look like to the rest of the players.


All these dark mutterings about a clearout won't necessarily have a motivating effect. It looks like he's lost his composure a bit.


As much as certian people will deny it, this cannot be disputed. The bloke seems to have lost his head/bottle and is blaming everything and everyone around him instead of shouldering the majority of the blame in order to get the best out of what he has until the end of the season. While the players aren't innocent at all, there are more negatives to positives in telling all and sundry that they're letting the club down/blaming them for defeats. How hard would it have been to bottle in the frustration a bit, stay positive and to keep the players motivated before getting shot of the cunts in the summer for more money than we'll undoubtedly get now?


By making scapegoats and pointing the finger he'll be massively reducing the potential income we could garner from player sales as people like N'Zogbia are now publicly known as being "on the brink" and perhaps out of his plans, instead  of being a "hot prospect" who we will will "not sell" because he's the "future of this club". While it could save Roeder a little in the eyes of the ignorant who will probably be glad to see people "like" Charlie sold, it's going to have nothing but a detrimental effect on morale, performances and potential fundraising in the summer.


Also doesn't change the fact that Glenn continues to contradict himself in the local media... it can't have been that long ago that people like Bramble, Moore and N'Zogbia were getting praised by the Gaffer (Zog especially) - and now he's suddenly "realised" that two of them aren't good enough and one is no longer the "future of this club"? Did he not know Charlie was a "moody cunt" (apparently) a few months ago?


It's self-preservation at this stage, from what I can see. Can't exactly blame him for it, but he's doing more harm than good unfortunately.



I don't think you know what the fuck you want Roeder to do


he's damned whatever he tries, honesty, realism, motivation, press management whatever, so he's basically decided to fuck everyone, and quite right too. It's none of your cunt's jobs on the line if what you claim should be happening doen't come off


He's the only NUFC manager to tell it how it is for for once. I for one was fed up of Souness's continual defences of plain shite, and now the cunt is being held up as the model fucking manager. How fucking ludicrous can you get?


I'm sure I've said in the past that he shouldn't have criticised the players/made scapegoats in public and that he should have shouldered the blame (and attempted to keep morale high) when there was still a lot to play for and in this latest post here I've said exactly the same thing - so how is that not knowing what I, personally, want to hear from Roeder? It's exactly the same opinion as you pulled me up on after the AZ game about. Do you even read the posts on here, Vic?


All I've added there is that I fully understand that from Glenn's side of things it's nothing more than self-preservation in order to keep his job, which you've practically repeated for me in your reply. Probably missed that bit of my post though as you frantically clicked at the "reply" button in order to do your usual rant. Personally, I'm not one of the people who have slagged him off at every turn as I tend to try and see both sides of an argument, rather than hopelessly hoying myself in at either the deep or the shallow end. If you read posts on here, you'd have realised that.


I will criticise Roeder when I think it's warranted and I'll praise him when he gets things right, as I have done recently when a team selection I thought was dodgy got us 3 points. Nothing is ever different than that and I've certainly never held Souness up as a "model manager". Have you quoted the wrong post here, or what? :lol:

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Guest Invicta_Toon

Until recently, I've felt that the players had been playing for Roeder, but since the Alkmaar defeat I've been a bit uneasy. I don't think Bramble deserves to be publicly made a scapegoat, which is what I think it will look like to the rest of the players.


All these dark mutterings about a clearout won't necessarily have a motivating effect. It looks like he's lost his composure a bit.


As much as certian people will deny it, this cannot be disputed. The bloke seems to have lost his head/bottle and is blaming everything and everyone around him instead of shouldering the majority of the blame in order to get the best out of what he has until the end of the season. While the players aren't innocent at all, there are more negatives to positives in telling all and sundry that they're letting the club down/blaming them for defeats. How hard would it have been to bottle in the frustration a bit, stay positive and to keep the players motivated before getting shot of the cunts in the summer for more money than we'll undoubtedly get now?


By making scapegoats and pointing the finger he'll be massively reducing the potential income we could garner from player sales as people like N'Zogbia are now publicly known as being "on the brink" and perhaps out of his plans, instead  of being a "hot prospect" who we will will "not sell" because he's the "future of this club". While it could save Roeder a little in the eyes of the ignorant who will probably be glad to see people "like" Charlie sold, it's going to have nothing but a detrimental effect on morale, performances and potential fundraising in the summer.


Also doesn't change the fact that Glenn continues to contradict himself in the local media... it can't have been that long ago that people like Bramble, Moore and N'Zogbia were getting praised by the Gaffer (Zog especially) - and now he's suddenly "realised" that two of them aren't good enough and one is no longer the "future of this club"? Did he not know Charlie was a "moody cunt" (apparently) a few months ago?


It's self-preservation at this stage, from what I can see. Can't exactly blame him for it, but he's doing more harm than good unfortunately.



I don't think you know what the fuck you want Roeder to do


he's damned whatever he tries, honesty, realism, motivation, press management whatever, so he's basically decided to fuck everyone, and quite right too. It's none of your cunt's jobs on the line if what you claim should be happening doen't come off


He's the only NUFC manager to tell it how it is for for once. I for one was fed up of Souness's continual defences of plain shite, and now the cunt is being held up as the model fucking manager. How fucking ludicrous can you get?


I'm sure I've said in the past that he shouldn't have criticised the players/made scapegoats in public and that he should have shouldered the blame (and attempted to keep morale high) when there was still a lot to play for and in this latest post here I've said exactly the same thing - so how is that not knowing what I, personally, want to hear from Roeder? It's exactly the same opinion as you pulled me up on after the AZ game about. Do you even read the posts on here, Vic?


All I've added there is that I fully understand that from Glenn's side of things it's nothing more than self-preservation in order to keep his job, which you've practically repeated for me in your reply. Probably missed that bit of my post though as you frantically clicked at the "reply" button in order to do your usual rant. Personally, I'm not one of the people who have slagged him off at every turn as I tend to try and see both sides of an argument, rather than hopelessly hoying myself in at either the deep or the shallow end. If you read posts on here, you'd have realised that.


I will criticise Roeder when I think it's warranted and I'll praise him when he gets things right, as I have done recently when a team selection I thought was dodgy got us 3 points. Nothing is ever different than that and I've certainly never held Souness up as a "model manager". Have you quoted the wrong post here, or what? :lol:



was half a critique of your post and half a general broadside at the loonies on here today


you cant dispute that you don't want him to publicly praise players or criticise players. In the climate of NUFC that's just unrealistic. I've already said the praise was imho a half arsed attempt at geeing up players he already knew were shite, and when that hasnt done the business Alkmaar and all subsequent games, he's probably thought, fuckit, i'l say what I think instead of trying to act in the best interests of the club

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I never said he shouldn't praise people, did I? I said I found it funny how he was praising N'Zogbia to the hilt very recently, saying he would never sell him because he's the "future of the club" and now he's hauling him off at half-time and roasting him in the dressing room. It makes him look very, very silly if a lad who he's worked with for almost a year has suddenly turned into someone who he can't wait to see the back of after just. I know things can change, but surely you can't dispute that it's a fairly drastic turnaround in a short space of time and that Roeder has most definitely put his foot in it yet again in the eyes of a lot of supporters. The N'Zogbia issue could be a very bad one for Glenn if it keeps snowballing.


As for Bramble and Moore, it's dodgy because he was quite happy to persevere with Titus until a mistake of his put Glenn himself in the firing line (he obviously knew he had an explicit history of making expensive ricks) after saying for months on end that he thought he could get him to put his error-proneness behind him and rightfully praising him when he played. That was undoubtedly bad form and that was undoubtedly making Bramble a scapegoat on a night when there was far more wrong with the gameplan and the team selection. It's another massive one-eighty to suddenly drop a player because of a bad night after you've picked him whenever he's been fit prior to that and shown full faith in him. I understand how Roeder could have "snapped", but the timing was convenient.


Craig Moore has done excellently for us when he's actually played and he was a massive part in helping Glenn and the club get to 7th at the back-end of last season and while he probably isn't good enough for us and he is undoubtedly injury prone he was another that Roeder blew his top with at Portsmouth on Saturday, possibly because he knows he's leaving regardless in the summer. But nevertheless, the timing again isn't great when our only replacements are Ramage and Onyewu.


Moore was probably a dodgy inclusion in my initial post, I admit that, and I understand what you're getting at when you say Glenn has been praising people to get them to play "above" themselves, if possible and I think you're entirely right about this. I don't believe he knew Titus was "shite", though, same with N'Zogbia. Moore, I can concede.


As usual Vic I don't have an issue with your standpoint on things as much as I have an issue with the way you go about things, especially when it concerns people who you've had a laugh with in the past. You do exactly the same as the so-called "loonies" do by going off the deep-end, although in the entirely opposite direction, and it damages your credibility because of it. You're as guilty as being as hysterical about things as much as the usual suspects on here, yet in your own mind you're the only sane one out of the lot of us. You baffle me.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

I'm certainly not going to read a post that long  :idiot2:  ;)


This last part I agreed with though:


"you're the only sane one out of the lot of us"  O0

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A player who is part of a team will be motivated to a certain point. But when things go wrong, a few passes gone astray, a head drops, a goal conceded, another head drops.. it's a good man-manager that makes the difference there, it's that boost to motivation that gets all the players focussed again and can change a game.


Roeder clearly doesn't have it, and it's all very well telling it like it is in the dressing room, but it doesn't need to be told to the media. That will achieve the opposite of what you hope for.



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A few excellent points




1. Sadly, it doesn’t look as though Roeder’s rants have much of an effect on the pampered “stars” of the Newcastle dressing room. Didn’t he do the same after the Alkmaar defeat? How about the equally meek showings at Fulham, Wigan and Charlton, I’m sure United’s manager read the riot act then as well but still we get the same old dross.


2. He has already made Titus Bramble the scapegoat for the Alkmaar defeat, but how long before he needs to single someone else out in the blame game? As for the absence of Bramble, the defence hasn’t done any better without him has it, but it still looks like it’s bye bye Titus.


3. He will not be the first players to suffer away day lethargy - there are some who say the same thing about Nolberto Solano - but Newcastle and Roeder need him to do more. After all, he’s Roeder’s star signing and if the manager can’t motivate him he’s in trouble.


4. He is right in some respects, players should be self-motivated given the money they earn and the clubs they represent, but the best managers manage to motivate every player, even the difficult ones with an attitude problem, or the lazy ones who are prone to going missing in difficult games. For me, forget tactics, it’s a manager’s inspirational qualities that really make the difference, especially when it comes to man management, because they bring out the best in every player.


5. Then compare that to the way Roeder has handled Albert Luque, a player whose approach to the game can easily be compared to Robert’s.


6. At the moment, Newcastle’s players are not playing well enough for the club, the supporters or its manager, but it is the latter who bares the burden most heavily on his shoulders.


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