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Sol Campbell

Guest Knightrider

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I'd rather go all out and spend 7m on a centre back than get someone elses cast off like De Zueew for nothing.


It's probably the most important position we have to fill.


I would settle for Ben Haim and Distin with £7m being spent on a left back.

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Guest Sniffer

That's a pretty stupid reply optimistic nut.


Nobody doubts we need to improve the back four. I doubt if the likes of  campbell, distin or haim would come to sit on the bench. On the other hand, I see Taylor as a future captain and his game will only improve with a player like Campbell next to him. But the last thing I'd want is Taylor sitting on the bench through lack of playing time. I'd sign one solid central defender who can start plus a back up....like De Zeeuw for example....and then address the situation at both fullback positions because we'll never have a solid back four without two new fullbacks who can actually defend. 



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Guest Sniffer

Plus Huntingdon in his correct position to fill in occasionally. Yes, providing we get solid replacements at fullback.

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Guest Armchair Pundit

I agree with some of the above posts, Campbell would be a great signing for our team, experience and strength, got a coupla years left in him easily.


Yeah, I reckon Sol's got some play in him still - look at Maldini for AC Milan :)

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Guest Stephen927

Sol Campbell would be a good signing, but I'm not too sure I would like to see him play every game for us. He's had a good season at Portsmouth, but he's getting older and is a shadow of his former self.


If we did bring him in, I'd like to see him as a defender who can come in, play the odd game but his main role will be behind the scenes in training, bringing on the likes of Taylor and Huntington.

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Bring Campbell and Ben Haim and some top class LB like Roberto Carlos and our back 4 will be solid next season.


No thanks to Carlos.


If his wage demands are not too high i would take him every day of the week

He is 34 and can play 2 years under Big Sam imo

Top class player and one of the best LB in the last 10 years imo

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Guest Stephen927

Roberto Carlos is too slow now, poor defensively and his attacking abilities have eluded him.

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Plus Huntingdon in his correct position to fill in occasionally. Yes, providing we get solid replacements at fullback.


And how is this going to improve him as a player? Would surely be better sending him out on loan for a season. I think we definitely need a Campbell like figure, Distin or Ben Haim on Bosmans are far too good to be sniffed at. Oh, and a random African centre-back on loan from the French League as back-up maybe. ;)

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One of the most highly (over) rated defenders of the past 10 years.


I cant agree with you.

Can you tell me some other LB who is playing at this high level for 10 years?


If you tell me some other LB with this honour i will admit that he is overrated:

UEFA Champions League Best Defender

2001-02, 2002-03


Can you?



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Guest Stephen927

Roberto Carlos is too slow now, poor defensively and his attacking abilities have eluded him.


How many times did you watch him this season?


He's barely played in the Madrid games I've seen. He's not getting any younger and wouldn't adapt to the English game for a while. Bearing in mind he won't come here without decent wages. Newcastle would be a step down for him, we need players that see this club as a step up to be honest.

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Bixi Lizarazu.


Great player but i doubt he has won the Uefa Champions league honour for best defender 2 times.



Paulo Maldini.


20 years actually.


We are talking about LB's.Maldini is mainly CB


Roberto Carlos is too slow now, poor defensively and his attacking abilities have eluded him.


How many times did you watch him this season?


He's barely played in the Madrid games I've seen. He's not getting any younger and wouldn't adapt to the English game for a while. Bearing in mind he won't come here without decent wages. Newcastle would be a step down for him, we need players that see this club as a step up to be honest.


Agree with you about the last sentence although im sure Allardyce will motivate him and will get the best of him.I still think that Carlos will be great signing on a free if we can reduce his wage demands.

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Guest Sniffer

Look at Shevchenko. Younger than carlos and struggling to adapt to the pace of the premier league and the physical nature of the game here. I doubt if there are many 34 year olds who could do it and be productive having never played in England.

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